>>>>>>> add display_coursenumber and display_organization fields on the CourseModule, with some property accessors. Update LMS/CMS pages to use those display strings as appropraite.
<spanclass="register disabled">${_("You are registered for this course {course.number}").format(course=course)}</span>
<spanclass="register disabled">${_("You are registered for this course {course.number}").format(course=course)}</span>
<spanclass="register disabled">You are registered for this course (${course.display_number_with_default})</span>
>>>>>>> add display_coursenumber and display_organization fields on the CourseModule, with some property accessors. Update LMS/CMS pages to use those display strings as appropraite.
%if show_courseware_link:
%if show_courseware_link:
<strong>${_("View Courseware")}</strong>
<strong>${_("View Courseware")}</strong>
<ahref="#"class="register">${_("Register for {course.number}").format(course=course)}</a>
<ahref="#"class="register">${_("Register for {course.number}").format(course=course)}</a>
<ahref="#"class="register">Register for ${course.display_number_with_default}</a>
>>>>>>> add display_coursenumber and display_organization fields on the CourseModule, with some property accessors. Update LMS/CMS pages to use those display strings as appropraite.
>>>>>>> add display_coursenumber and display_organization fields on the CourseModule, with some property accessors. Update LMS/CMS pages to use those display strings as appropraite.
## We plan to ditch end_date (which is not stored in course metadata),
## We plan to ditch end_date (which is not stored in course metadata),
## but for backwards compatibility, show about/end_date blob if it exists.
## but for backwards compatibility, show about/end_date blob if it exists.
>>>>>>> add display_coursenumber and display_organization fields on the CourseModule, with some property accessors. Update LMS/CMS pages to use those display strings as appropraite.
<pclass="message-copy"><strong>Your registration for the Pearson exam has been rejected. Please <ahref="${testcenter_register_target}"id="exam_register_link">see your registration status details</a></strong>. Otherwise <aclass="contact-link"href="mailto:exam-help@edx.org?subject=Pearson VUE Exam - ${get_course_about_section(course, 'university')} ${course.display_number_with_default}">contact edX at exam-help@edx.org</a> for further help.</p>
>>>>>>> add display_coursenumber and display_organization fields on the CourseModule, with some property accessors. Update LMS/CMS pages to use those display strings as appropraite.
% endif
% endif
% if not registration.is_accepted and not registration.is_rejected:
% if not registration.is_accepted and not registration.is_rejected:
<%blockname="title"><title>${_("{course_number} Flagged Open Ended Problems").format(course_number=course.number)}</title></%block>
<%blockname="title"><title>${_("{course_number} Flagged Open Ended Problems").format(course_number=course.display_number_with_default)}</title></%block>