Commit 9254cfa9 by Don Mitchell

Import depth first to help w/ publishing

parent 2726b437
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ can't represent that virtual state (2nd row in table)
In the table body, the tuples represent virtual modulestore result. The row headers represent the pre-import
modulestore state.
Modulestore virtual \ XML physical (draft, published)
(draft, published) \ (-, -) | (x, -) | (x, x) | (x, y) | (-, x)
Modulestore virtual | XML physical (draft, published)
(draft, published) | (-, -) | (x, -) | (x, x) | (x, y) | (-, x)
(-, -) | (-, -) | (x, -) | (x, x) | (x, y) | (-, x)
(-, a) | (-, a) | (x, a) | (x, x) | (x, y) | (-, x) : deleted from draft before import
......@@ -207,11 +207,12 @@ def import_from_xml(
with store.bulk_write_operations(dest_course_id):
source_course = xml_module_store.get_course(course_key)
# STEP 1: find and import course module
course, course_data_path = _import_course_module(
xml_module_store, store, runtime, user_id,
data_dir, course_key, dest_course_id, do_import_static,
store, runtime, user_id,
data_dir, course_key, dest_course_id, source_course,
do_import_static, verbose
......@@ -221,18 +222,39 @@ def import_from_xml(
# STEP 3: import PUBLISHED items
# now loop through all the modules
# now loop through all the modules depth first and then orphans
with store.branch_setting(ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.published_only, dest_course_id):
for module in xml_module_store.modules[course_key].itervalues():
if module.scope_ids.block_type == 'course':
# we've already saved the course module up above
all_locs = set(xml_module_store.modules[course_key].keys())
def depth_first(subtree):
Import top down just so import code can make assumptions about parents always being available
if subtree.has_children:
for child in subtree.get_children():
if verbose:
log.debug('importing module location {loc}'.format(loc=module.location))
log.debug('importing module location {loc}'.format(loc=child.location))
module, store,
child, store,
for leftover in all_locs:
if verbose:
log.debug('importing module location {loc}'.format(loc=leftover))
xml_module_store.get_item(leftover), store,
......@@ -256,7 +278,7 @@ def import_from_xml(
def _import_course_module(
xml_module_store, store, runtime, user_id, data_dir, course_key, dest_course_id, do_import_static,
store, runtime, user_id, data_dir, course_key, dest_course_id, source_course, do_import_static,
if verbose:
......@@ -265,9 +287,7 @@ def _import_course_module(
# Quick scan to get course module as we need some info from there.
# Also we need to make sure that the course module is committed
# first into the store
for module in xml_module_store.modules[course_key].itervalues():
if module.scope_ids.block_type == 'course':
course_data_path = path(data_dir) / module.data_dir
course_data_path = path(data_dir) / source_course.data_dir
log.debug(u'======> IMPORTING course {course_key}'.format(
......@@ -275,16 +295,16 @@ def _import_course_module(
if not do_import_static:
# for old-style xblock where this was actually linked to kvs
module.static_asset_path = module.data_dir
source_course.static_asset_path = source_course.data_dir
log.debug('course static_asset_path={path}'.format(
log.debug('course data_dir={0}'.format(module.data_dir))
log.debug('course data_dir={0}'.format(source_course.data_dir))
course = _import_module_and_update_references(
module, store, user_id,
source_course, store, user_id,
......@@ -327,9 +347,6 @@ def _import_course_module(
store.update_item(course, user_id)
return course, course_data_path
# raise an exception if the course wasn't found
raise Exception("Course module not found in imported modules")
def _import_static_content_wrapper(static_content_store, do_import_static, course_data_path, dest_course_id, verbose):
# then import all the static content
......@@ -524,8 +541,8 @@ def _import_course_draft(
# attributes (they are normally in the parent object,
# aka sequential), so we have to replace the
# with the XML filename that is part of the pack
fn, __ = os.path.splitext(filename)
descriptor.location = descriptor.location.replace(name=fn)
filename, __ = os.path.splitext(filename)
descriptor.location = descriptor.location.replace(name=filename)
index = int(descriptor.xml_attributes['index_in_children_list'])
if index in drafts:
......@@ -566,7 +583,7 @@ def _import_course_draft(
sequential = store.get_item(seq_location, depth=0)
non_draft_location = module.location.map_into_course(target_course_id)
if non_draft_location not in sequential.children:
if not any(child.block_id == module.location.block_id for child in sequential.children):
sequential.children.insert(index, non_draft_location)
store.update_item(sequential, user_id)
......@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ class CourseComparisonTest(unittest.TestCase):
revision = None
actual_items = actual_store.get_items(actual_course_key, revision=revision)
self._assertCoursesEqual(expected_items, actual_items, actual_course_key)
self._assertCoursesEqual(expected_items, actual_items, actual_course_key, expect_drafts=True)
def _assertCoursesEqual(self, expected_items, actual_items, actual_course_key):
def _assertCoursesEqual(self, expected_items, actual_items, actual_course_key, expect_drafts=False):
self.assertEqual(len(expected_items), len(actual_items))
actual_item_map = {
......@@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ class CourseComparisonTest(unittest.TestCase):
# compare children
self.assertEqual(expected_item.has_children, actual_item.has_children)
if expected_item.has_children:
expect_drafts = getattr(expected_item, 'is_draft', getattr(actual_item, 'is_draft', False))
expected_children = [
for course1_item_child in expected_item.get_children()
......@@ -331,34 +330,3 @@ class CourseComparisonTest(unittest.TestCase):
actual_thumbs = actual_store.get_all_content_thumbnails_for_course(actual_course_key)
self._assertAssetsEqual(expected_course_key, expected_thumbs, actual_course_key, actual_thumbs)
def compute_real_state(self, store, item):
In draft mongo, compute_published_state can return draft when the draft == published, but in split,
it'll return public in that case
supposed_state = store.compute_publish_state(item)
if supposed_state == PublishState.draft and isinstance(item.runtime.modulestore, DraftModuleStore):
# see if the draft differs from the published
published = store.get_item(item.location, revision=ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only)
if item.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope() != published.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope():
# checking content: if published differs from item, return draft
return supposed_state
if item.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope(Scope.settings) != published.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope(Scope.settings):
# checking settings: if published differs from item, return draft
return supposed_state
if item.has_children and item.children != published.children:
# checking children: if published differs from item, return draft
return supposed_state
# published == item in all respects, so return public
return PublishState.public
elif supposed_state == PublishState.public and item.location.category in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
if not all([
store.has_item(child_loc, revision=ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.draft_only)
for child_loc in item.children
return PublishState.draft
return supposed_state
return supposed_state
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