Commit 8db59825 by David Ormsbee

Bad hardcoded hack fix to password reset.

We used to use Django templates and the Sites framework. At some point we
stopped, but this was leftover. The site_name no longer gets set properly.
It's probably a config issue, but not one I want to deal with right before
release, so I'm hardcoding it to link to the prod site until we
 can sort what's what in the morning.
parent 7e8986fc
{% load i18n %}{% load url from future %}{% autoescape off %}
{% blocktrans %}You're receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at {{ site_name }}.{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}You're receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Please go to the following page and choose a new password:" %}
{% block reset_link %}
{{ protocol }}://{{ site_name }}{% url 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_confirm' uidb36=uid token=token %}{% url 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_confirm' uidb36=uid token=token %}
{% endblock %}
{% trans "Your username, in case you've forgotten:" %} {{ user.username }}
{% trans "Thanks for using our site!" %}
{% blocktrans %}The MITx team{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}The edX Team{% endblocktrans %}
{% endautoescape %}
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