Commit 8af54943 by Sarina Canelake

Merge pull request #6243 from edx/sarina/default-edx-UI

Clean up front page UI and video elements, remove cruft [OPEN-407, OPEN-358]
parents 9dd22206 4fcbcaa0
......@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Feature: LMS.Homepage for web users
| jobs | Jobs |
| faq | FAQ |
| contact | Contact|
| press | News |
| news | News |
......@@ -1576,18 +1576,16 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
EDXMKTG_COOKIE_NAME = 'edxloggedin'
'ABOUT': 'about_edx',
'ABOUT': 'about',
'CONTACT': 'contact',
'FAQ': 'help_edx',
'FAQ': 'help',
'COURSES': 'courses',
'ROOT': 'root',
'TOS': 'tos',
'HONOR': 'honor',
'PRIVACY': 'privacy_edx',
'JOBS': 'jobs',
'NEWS': 'news',
'HONOR': 'honor', # If your site does not have an honor code, simply delete this line.
'PRIVACY': 'privacy',
'PRESS': 'press',
'BLOG': 'edx-blog',
'BLOG': 'blog',
'DONATE': 'donate',
# Verified Certificates
......@@ -281,6 +281,28 @@ CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True
######################### MARKETING SITE ###############################
'ABOUT': 'about',
'CONTACT': 'contact',
'FAQ': 'help',
'COURSES': 'courses',
'ROOT': 'root',
'TOS': 'tos',
'HONOR': 'honor',
'PRIVACY': 'privacy',
'JOBS': 'jobs',
'NEWS': 'news',
'PRESS': 'press',
'BLOG': 'blog',
'DONATE': 'donate',
# Verified Certificates
'WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT': 'verified-certificate',
############################ STATIC FILES #############################
MEDIA_ROOT = TEST_ROOT / "uploads"
......@@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ $footer_margin: ($baseline/4) 0 ($baseline*1.5) 0;
// ====================
// VIEWS: homepage
$homepage__header--gradient__color--alpha: lighten($blue, 15%);
$homepage__header--gradient__color--bravo: saturate($blue, 30%);
$homepage__header--background: lighten($blue, 15%);
$homepage__header--gradient__color--alpha: lighten($gray, 15%);
$homepage__header--gradient__color--bravo: saturate($gray, 30%);
$homepage__header--background: lighten($gray, 15%);
// ====================
......@@ -118,15 +118,12 @@
display: inline-block;
font-size: em(11);
a {
display: block;
.nav-legal-01 a {
.nav-legal-02 a {
&:after {
margin-left: ($baseline/4);
&:before {
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
content: "-";
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<section class="container about">
<a href="/t/about.html">${_("Vision")}</a>
<a href="/t/faq.html">${_("Faq")}</a>
<a href="/t/press.html">${_("Press")}</a>
<a href="/t/contact.html" class="active">${_("Contact")}</a>
<section class="contact">
<div class="photo">
<img src="${static.url('images/contact-page.jpg')}">
<div class="contacts">
<h2>${_("Class Feedback")}</h2>
<p>${_("We are always seeking feedback to improve our courses. If you are an enrolled student and have any questions, feedback, suggestions, or any other issues specific to a particular class, please post on the discussion forums of that&nbsp;class.")}</p>
<h2>${_("General Inquiries and Feedback")}</h2>
${_('If you have a general question about {platform_name} please email '
'{contact_email}. To see if your question has already been answered, '
'visit our {faq_link_start}FAQ page{faq_link_end}. You can also join the '
'discussion on our {fb_link_start}facebook page{fb_link_end}. Though we may '
'not have a chance to respond to every email, we take all feedback into consideration.').format(
contact_email=u'<a href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>'.format(email=settings.CONTACT_EMAIL),
faq_link_start=u'<a href="{url}">'.format(url=reverse('faq_edx')),
fb_link_start='<a href="{url}">'.format(url=settings.PLATFORM_FACEBOOK_ACCOUNT),
<h2>${_("Technical Inquiries and Feedback")}</h2>
${_('If you have suggestions/feedback about the overall {platform_name} platform, '
'or are facing general technical issues with the platform (e.g., issues with email '
'addresses and passwords), you can reach us at {tech_email}. For technical questions, '
'please make sure you are using a current version of Firefox or Chrome, and include '
'browser and version in your e-mail, as well as screenshots or other pertinent details. '
'If you find a bug or other issues, you can reach us at the following: {bugs_email}.').format(
tech_email=u'<a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>'.format(settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL),
bug_email=u'<a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>'.format(settings.BUGS_EMAIL),
<p>${_('Please visit our {link_start}media/press page{link_end} for more information. For any media or press inquiries, please email {email}.').format(
link_start=u'<a href="{url}">'.format(url=reverse('faq_edx')),
email=u'<a href="mailto:{email}">{email}/a>'.format(email=settings.PRESS_EMAIL),
${_('If you are a university wishing to collaborate with or if you have questions about {platform_name}, please email {email}.').format(
email=u'<a href="mailto:{url}">{url}</a>'.format(url=settings.UNIVERSITY_EMAIL),
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from microsite_configuration import microsite
<%inherit file="../main.html" />
<%namespace name='static' file='../static_content.html'/>
<%block name="pagetitle">${_("Courses")}</%block>
<%! from microsite_configuration import microsite %>
<section class="find-courses">
course_index_overlay_text = microsite.get_value('course_index_overlay_text', _("Explore free courses from leading universities."))
platform_name = microsite.get_value('platform_name', settings.PLATFORM_NAME)
if self.stanford_theme_enabled():
course_index_overlay_text = _("Explore free courses from {university_name}.").format(university_name="Stanford University")
logo_file = static.url('themes/stanford/images/seal.png')
logo_alt_text = "Stanford Seal Logo"
course_index_overlay_text = microsite.get_value('course_index_overlay_text', _("Explore courses from {platform_name}.").format(platform_name=platform_name))
# not sure why this is, but if I use static.url('images/edx-logo-bw.png') then the HTML rendering
# of this template goes wonky
logo_file = microsite.get_value(
'course_index_overlay_logo_file', settings.STATIC_URL + 'images/edx-logo-bw.png'
logo_alt_text = _("{platform_name} Logo").format(platform_name=platform_name)
<section class="find-courses">
<header class="search">
<div class="inner-wrapper main-search">
<div class="logo">
% if self.stanford_theme_enabled():
<img src="${static.url('themes/stanford/images/seal.png')}" alt="Stanford Seal Logo" />
% else:
<img src='${logo_file}' alt="${microsite.get_value('platform_name', settings.PLATFORM_NAME)} Logo" />
% endif
<img src="${logo_file}" alt="${logo_alt_text}" />
% if self.stanford_theme_enabled():
<h2>${_("Explore free courses from {university_name}.").format(university_name="Stanford University")}</h2>
% else:
% endif
......@@ -49,4 +50,5 @@
## mako
<%! from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse %>
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
## WARNING: These files are specific to and are not used in installations outside of that domain. Open edX users will want to use the file "footer.html" for any changes or overrides.
<div class="wrapper wrapper-footer edx-footer">
<div class="colophon">
<nav class="nav-colophon">
<li class="nav-colophon-01">
<a id="about" href="${marketing_link('ABOUT')}">
<li class="nav-colophon-02">
<a id="jobs" href="${marketing_link('JOBS')}">
<li class="nav-colophon-03">
<a id="press" href="${marketing_link('PRESS')}">
<li class="nav-colophon-04">
<a id="faq" href="${marketing_link('FAQ')}">
<li class="nav-colophon-05">
<a id="contact" href="${marketing_link('CONTACT')}">
<div class="colophon-about">
<img src="${static.url('images/header-logo.png')}" alt="${_('edX Logo')}" />
${_("{EdX} is a non-profit created by founding partners {Harvard} and {MIT} whose mission is to "
"bring the best of higher education to students of all ages anywhere in the world, wherever there is "
"Internet access. {EdX}'s free online MOOCs are interactive and subjects include computer science, public "
"health, and artificial intelligence.").format(EdX="EdX", Harvard="Harvard", MIT="MIT")}
<div class="references">
<nav class="nav-social">
<li class="nav-social-01">
<a href="${settings.PLATFORM_MEETUP_URL}" rel="external">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/ico-social-meetup.png')}" alt="edX on Meetup" />
<li class="nav-social-02">
<a href="${settings.PLATFORM_FACEBOOK_ACCOUNT}" rel="external">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/ico-social-facebook.png')}" alt="edX on Facebook" />
<li class="nav-social-03">
<a href="${settings.PLATFORM_TWITTER_URL}" rel="external">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/ico-social-twitter.png')}" alt="edX on Twitter" />
<li class="nav-social-04">
<a href="${settings.PLATFORM_GOOGLE_PLUS_URL}" rel="external">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/ico-social-google.png')}" alt="edX on Google+" />
<li class="nav-social-05">
<a href="" rel="external">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/ico-social-youtube.png')}" alt="edX on YouTube" />
<p class="copyright">${_("&copy; 2014 edX, some rights reserved.")}</p>
<nav class="nav-legal">
<li class="nav-legal-01">
<a href="${marketing_link('TOS')}">${_("Terms of Service and Honor Code")}</a>
<li class="nav-legal-02">
<a href="${marketing_link('PRIVACY')}">${_("Privacy Policy")}</a>
......@@ -14,16 +14,20 @@
%if marketing_link('JOBS') and marketing_link('JOBS') != '#':
<li class="nav-colophon-02">
<a id="jobs" href="${marketing_link('JOBS')}">
%if marketing_link('NEWS') and marketing_link('NEWS') != '#':
<li class="nav-colophon-03">
<a id="press" href="${marketing_link('NEWS')}">
<a id="news" href="${marketing_link('NEWS')}">
<li class="nav-colophon-04">
<a id="faq" href="${marketing_link('FAQ')}">
......@@ -42,7 +46,7 @@
<a href="/">
## this is just a placeholder logo
## feel free to change this logo to your own
<img alt="organiztion logo placeholder" src="/static/images/logo-placeholder.png">
<img alt="organization logo placeholder" src="/static/images/logo-placeholder.png">
......@@ -55,9 +59,27 @@
<nav class="nav-legal">
%if marketing_link('HONOR') and marketing_link('HONOR') != '#':
<li class="nav-legal-01">
<a href="${marketing_link('TOS')}">${_("Terms of Service and Honor Code")}</a>
tos_link = u"<a href='{}'>".format(marketing_link('TOS'))
honor_link = u"<a href='{}'>".format(marketing_link('HONOR'))
_("{tos_link_start}Terms of Service{tos_link_end} and {honor_link_start}Honor Code{honor_link_end}").format(
<li class="nav-legal-01">
<a href="${marketing_link('TOS')}">${_("Terms of Service")}</a>
<li class="nav-legal-02">
<a href="${marketing_link('PRIVACY')}">${_("Privacy Policy")}</a>
......@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
homepage_overlay_html = microsite.get_value('homepage_overlay_html')
show_homepage_promo_video = microsite.get_value('show_homepage_promo_video', True)
homepage_promo_video_youtube_id = microsite.get_value('homepage_promo_video_youtube_id', "XNaiOGxWeto")
## To display a welcome video, change False to True, and add a YouTube ID (11 chars, eg "123456789xX") in the following line
show_homepage_promo_video = microsite.get_value('show_homepage_promo_video', False)
homepage_promo_video_youtube_id = microsite.get_value('homepage_promo_video_youtube_id', "your-youtube-id")
show_partners = microsite.get_value('show_partners', True)
......@@ -26,36 +27,16 @@
% else:
% if self.stanford_theme_enabled():
<h1>${_("Free courses from <strong>{university_name}</strong>").format(university_name="Stanford")}</h1>
<h2>${_("For anyone, anywhere, anytime")}</h2>
% else:
<h1>${_("The Future of Online Education")}</h1>
## Translators: 'Open edX' is a brand, please keep this untranslated. See for more information.
<h1>${_("Welcome to Open edX!")}</h1>
## Translators: 'Open edX' is a brand, please keep this untranslated. See for more information.
<h2>${_("It works! This is the default homepage for this Open edX instance.")}</h2>
% endif
<h2>${_("For anyone, anywhere, anytime")}</h2>
% endif
## Disable social buttons for non-edX sites
% if not self.theme_enabled():
<section class="actions">
<div class="main-cta">
<a href="#signup-modal" id="signup_action" class="find-courses" rel="leanModal">${_("Sign Up")}</a>
<div class="secondary-actions">
<div class="social-sharing">
<div class="sharing-message">${_("Stay up to date with all {platform_name} has to offer!").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</div>
<a href="" class="share">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/twitter-sharing.png')}">
<a href="" class="share">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/facebook-sharing.png')}">
<a href="" class="share">
<img src="${static.url('images/social/google-plus-sharing.png')}">
% endif
% if show_homepage_promo_video:
......@@ -339,6 +339,8 @@
% endif
% if settings.REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS['honor_code'] != 'hidden':
## If the stanford theme isn't enabled, check if we have an Honor Code link in our marketing map
% if not self.stanford_theme_enabled() and marketing_link('HONOR') and marketing_link('HONOR') != '#':
<div class="field ${settings.REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS['honor_code']} checkbox" id="field-honorcode">
<input id="honorcode-yes" type="checkbox" name="honor_code" value="true" />
......@@ -353,6 +355,7 @@
% endif
% endif
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%inherit file="../main.html" />
<%block name="pagetitle">${_("Vision")}</%block>
<%block name="pagetitle">${_("About")}</%block>
<section class="container about">
<p>${_("This page left intentionally blank. It is not used by but is left here for possible use by installations of Open edX.")}</p>
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