Commit 84b27e09 by Stu Young Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13741 from edx/estute/turn-off-coveralls-reporting

stop reporting to coveralls
parents 2f868e5e 540c12fc
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Note: this script is in a temporary state. In an effort to get the
# platform off of coveralls and onto codecov, we will be temporarily
# using both. In order to no longer use coveralls, a change must be
# made in, as well as removing
# the coveralls block below
# This script generates coverage and diff cover reports, and optionally
# reports this data to The following environment variables must be
# set in order to report to codecov:
# CODE_COV_TOKEN: CodeCov API token
# CI_BRANCH: The branch that the coverage report describes
# This script is used by the edx-platform-unit-coverage jenkins job.
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
echo "Incorrect number of arguments passed to this script!"
echo "Please supply the following values to this script:"
echo "1) git hash of the commit being tested"
echo "2) coveralls token"
exit 1
source scripts/
# Get the diff coverage and html reports for unit tests
paver coverage
# Send the coverage data to codecov. The 'CODE_COV_TOKEN' should be
# available as an environment variable.
pip install codecov==2.0.5
codecov --token=$CODE_COV_TOKEN
# Send the coverage data to coveralls. Setting 'TRAVIS_BRANCH' allows the
# data to be sorted by branch in the coveralls UI. The branch is passed as
# a param to the coverage job on jenkins.
pip install coveralls==1.0
# Get coverage reports for bok choy
# paver bokchoy_coverage
# Test for the CodeCov API token
if [ -z $CODE_COV_TOKEN ]; then
echo " API token not set."
echo "This must be set as an environment variable if order to report coverage"
# Send the coverage data to codecov
pip install codecov==2.0.5
codecov --token=$CODE_COV_TOKEN --branch=$CI_BRANCH
# JUnit test reporter will fail the build
# if it thinks test results are old
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