@@ -546,16 +547,17 @@ class OpenEndedModuleXmlTest(unittest.TestCase, DummySystemUser):
@@ -546,16 +547,17 @@ class OpenEndedModuleXmlTest(unittest.TestCase, DummySystemUser):
#Make a fake reply from the queue
#Make a fake reply from the queue
'feedback':json.dumps({"spelling":"Spelling: Ok.","grammar":"Grammar: Ok.","markup-text":" all of us can think of a book that we hope none of our children or any other children have taken off the shelf . but if i have the right to remove that book from the shelf that work i abhor then you also have exactly the same right and so does everyone else . and then we <bg>have no books left</bg> on the shelf for any of us . <bs>katherine</bs> <bs>paterson</bs> , author write a persuasive essay to a newspaper reflecting your vies on censorship <bg>in libraries . do</bg> you believe that certain materials , such as books , music , movies , magazines , <bg>etc . , should be</bg> removed from the shelves if they are found <bg>offensive ? support your</bg> position with convincing arguments from your own experience , observations <bg>, and or reading .</bg> "}),
"markup-text":" all of us can think of a book that we hope none of our children or any other children have taken off the shelf . but if i have the right to remove that book from the shelf that work i abhor then you also have exactly the same right and so does everyone else . and then we <bg>have no books left</bg> on the shelf for any of us . <bs>katherine</bs> <bs>paterson</bs> , author write a persuasive essay to a newspaper reflecting your vies on censorship <bg>in libraries . do</bg> you believe that certain materials , such as books , music , movies , magazines , <bg>etc . , should be</bg> removed from the shelves if they are found <bg>offensive ? support your</bg> position with convincing arguments from your own experience , observations <bg>, and or reading .</bg> "}),
'rubric_xml':"<rubric><category><description>Writing Applications</description><score>0</score><option points='0'> The essay loses focus, has little information or supporting details, and the organization makes it difficult to follow.</option><option points='1'> The essay presents a mostly unified theme, includes sufficient information to convey the theme, and is generally organized well.</option></category><category><description> Language Conventions </description><score>0</score><option points='0'> The essay demonstrates a reasonable command of proper spelling and grammar. </option><option points='1'> The essay demonstrates superior command of proper spelling and grammar.</option></category></rubric>",
'rubric_xml':"<rubric><category><description>Writing Applications</description><score>0</score><option points='0'> The essay loses focus, has little information or supporting details, and the organization makes it difficult to follow.</option><option points='1'> The essay presents a mostly unified theme, includes sufficient information to convey the theme, and is generally organized well.</option></category><category><description> Language Conventions </description><score>0</score><option points='0'> The essay demonstrates a reasonable command of proper spelling and grammar. </option><option points='1'> The essay demonstrates superior command of proper spelling and grammar.</option></category></rubric>",