Commit 7f19d489 by Calen Pennington

Merge pull request #1795 from MITx/feature/cale/use-open-source-xblock

Migrate to the open source XBlock repo
parents b7c8a697 039ccb83
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def group_from_value(groups, v):
class ABTestFields(object):
group_portions = Object(help="What proportions of students should go in each group", default={DEFAULT: 1}, scope=Scope.content)
group_assignments = Object(help="What group this user belongs to", scope=Scope.student_preferences, default={})
group_assignments = Object(help="What group this user belongs to", scope=Scope.preferences, default={})
group_content = Object(help="What content to display to each group", scope=Scope.content, default={DEFAULT: []})
experiment = String(help="Experiment that this A/B test belongs to", scope=Scope.content)
has_children = True
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
class CapaFields(object):
attempts = StringyInteger(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0, scope=Scope.student_state)
attempts = StringyInteger(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
max_attempts = StringyInteger(help="Maximum number of attempts that a student is allowed", scope=Scope.settings)
due = Date(help="Date that this problem is due by", scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = Timedelta(help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ class CapaFields(object):
force_save_button = Boolean(help="Whether to force the save button to appear on the page", scope=Scope.settings, default=False)
rerandomize = Randomization(help="When to rerandomize the problem", default="always", scope=Scope.settings)
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
correct_map = Object(help="Dictionary with the correctness of current student answers", scope=Scope.student_state, default={})
input_state = Object(help="Dictionary for maintaining the state of inputtypes", scope=Scope.student_state)
student_answers = Object(help="Dictionary with the current student responses", scope=Scope.student_state)
done = Boolean(help="Whether the student has answered the problem", scope=Scope.student_state)
correct_map = Object(help="Dictionary with the correctness of current student answers", scope=Scope.user_state, default={})
input_state = Object(help="Dictionary for maintaining the state of inputtypes", scope=Scope.user_state)
student_answers = Object(help="Dictionary with the current student responses", scope=Scope.user_state)
done = Boolean(help="Whether the student has answered the problem", scope=Scope.user_state)
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
seed = StringyInteger(help="Random seed for this student", scope=Scope.student_state)
seed = StringyInteger(help="Random seed for this student", scope=Scope.user_state)
weight = StringyFloat(help="How much to weight this problem by", scope=Scope.settings)
markdown = String(help="Markdown source of this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ class VersionInteger(Integer):
class CombinedOpenEndedFields(object):
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", default="Open Ended Grading", scope=Scope.settings)
current_task_number = Integer(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.student_state)
task_states = List(help="List of state dictionaries of each task within this module.", scope=Scope.student_state)
current_task_number = Integer(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
task_states = List(help="List of state dictionaries of each task within this module.", scope=Scope.user_state)
state = String(help="Which step within the current task that the student is on.", default="initial",
student_attempts = Integer(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0,
ready_to_reset = Boolean(help="If the problem is ready to be reset or not.", default=False,
attempts = Integer(help="Maximum number of attempts that a student is allowed.", default=1, scope=Scope.settings)
is_graded = Boolean(help="Whether or not the problem is graded.", default=False, scope=Scope.settings)
accept_file_upload = Boolean(help="Whether or not the problem accepts file uploads.", default=False,
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class PeerGradingFields(object):
max_grade = Integer(help="The maximum grade that a student can receieve for this problem.", default=MAX_SCORE,
student_data_for_location = Object(help="Student data for a given peer grading problem.", default=json.dumps({}),
weight = StringyFloat(help="How much to weight this problem by", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class PollFields(object):
# Name of poll to use in links to this poll
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
voted = Boolean(help="Whether this student has voted on the poll", scope=Scope.student_state, default=False)
poll_answer = String(help="Student answer", scope=Scope.student_state, default='')
voted = Boolean(help="Whether this student has voted on the poll", scope=Scope.user_state, default=False)
poll_answer = String(help="Student answer", scope=Scope.user_state, default='')
poll_answers = Object(help="All possible answers for the poll fro other students", scope=Scope.content)
answers = List(help="Poll answers from xml", scope=Scope.content, default=[])
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
class RandomizeFields(object):
choice = Integer(help="Which random child was chosen", scope=Scope.student_state)
choice = Integer(help="Which random child was chosen", scope=Scope.user_state)
class RandomizeModule(RandomizeFields, XModule):
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class SequenceFields(object):
# NOTE: Position is 1-indexed. This is silly, but there are now student
# positions saved on prod, so it's not easy to fix.
position = Integer(help="Last tab viewed in this sequence", scope=Scope.student_state)
position = Integer(help="Last tab viewed in this sequence", scope=Scope.user_state)
class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, XModule):
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TimeLimitFields(object):
beginning_at = Float(help="The time this timer was started", scope=Scope.student_state)
ending_at = Float(help="The time this timer will end", scope=Scope.student_state)
accomodation_code = String(help="A code indicating accommodations to be given the student", scope=Scope.student_state)
beginning_at = Float(help="The time this timer was started", scope=Scope.user_state)
ending_at = Float(help="The time this timer will end", scope=Scope.user_state)
accomodation_code = String(help="A code indicating accommodations to be given the student", scope=Scope.user_state)
time_expired_redirect_url = String(help="Url to redirect users to after the timelimit has expired", scope=Scope.settings)
duration = Float(help="The length of this timer", scope=Scope.settings)
suppress_toplevel_navigation = Boolean(help="Whether the toplevel navigation should be suppressed when viewing this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoFields(object):
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.student_state, default=0)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.user_state, default=0)
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoAlphaFields(object):
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.student_state, default=0)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.user_state, default=0)
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def grade(student, request, course, model_data_cache=None, keep_raw_scores=False
# Create a fake key to pull out a StudentModule object from the ModelDataCache
key = LmsKeyValueStore.Key(
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def get_score(course_id, user, problem_descriptor, module_creator, model_data_ca
# Create a fake KeyValueStore key to pull out the StudentModule
key = LmsKeyValueStore.Key(
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
if scope in (Scope.children, Scope.parent):
return []
elif scope == Scope.student_state:
elif scope == Scope.user_state:
return self._chunked_query(
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
field_name__in=set( for field in fields),
elif scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif scope == Scope.preferences:
return self._chunked_query(
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):,
field_name__in=set( for field in fields),
elif scope == Scope.student_info:
elif scope == Scope.user_info:
return self._query(
......@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
Return the key used in the ModelDataCache for the specified KeyValueStore key
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
return (key.scope, key.block_scope_id.url())
elif key.scope == Scope.content:
return (key.scope, key.block_scope_id.url(), key.field_name)
elif key.scope == Scope.settings:
return (key.scope, '%s-%s' % (self.course_id, key.block_scope_id.url()), key.field_name)
elif key.scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif key.scope == Scope.preferences:
return (key.scope, key.block_scope_id, key.field_name)
elif key.scope == Scope.student_info:
elif key.scope == Scope.user_info:
return (key.scope, key.field_name)
def _cache_key_from_field_object(self, scope, field_object):
......@@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
Return the key used in the ModelDataCache for the specified scope and
if scope == Scope.student_state:
if scope == Scope.user_state:
return (scope, field_object.module_state_key)
elif scope == Scope.content:
return (scope, field_object.definition_id, field_object.field_name)
elif scope == Scope.settings:
return (scope, field_object.usage_id, field_object.field_name)
elif scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif scope == Scope.preferences:
return (scope, field_object.module_type, field_object.field_name)
elif scope == Scope.student_info:
elif scope == Scope.user_info:
return (scope, field_object.field_name)
def find(self, key):
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
if field_object is not None:
return field_object
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
field_object, _ = StudentModule.objects.get_or_create(
......@@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
usage_id='%s-%s' % (self.course_id, key.block_scope_id.url()),
elif key.scope == Scope.student_preferences:
elif key.scope == Scope.preferences:
field_object, _ = XModuleStudentPrefsField.objects.get_or_create(
elif key.scope == Scope.student_info:
elif key.scope == Scope.user_info:
field_object, _ = XModuleStudentInfoField.objects.get_or_create(
......@@ -281,12 +281,12 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
If the scope to write to is not one of the 5 named scopes:
then an InvalidScopeError will be raised.
Data for Scope.student_state is stored as StudentModule objects via the django orm.
Data for Scope.user_state is stored as StudentModule objects via the django orm.
Data for the other scopes is stored in individual objects that are named for the
scope involved and have the field name as a key
......@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
_allowed_scopes = (
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if field_object is None:
raise KeyError(key.field_name)
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
return json.loads(field_object.state)[key.field_name]
return json.loads(field_object.value)
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if key.scope not in self._allowed_scopes:
raise InvalidScopeError(key.scope)
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
state = json.loads(field_object.state)
state[key.field_name] = value
field_object.state = json.dumps(state)
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if field_object is None:
raise KeyError(key.field_name)
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
state = json.loads(field_object.state)
del state[key.field_name]
field_object.state = json.dumps(state)
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
if field_object is None:
return False
if key.scope == Scope.student_state:
if key.scope == Scope.user_state:
return key.field_name in json.loads(field_object.state)
return True
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class XModuleSettingsField(models.Model):
class XModuleStudentPrefsField(models.Model):
Stores data set in the Scope.student_preferences scope by an xmodule field
Stores data set in the Scope.preferences scope by an xmodule field
class Meta:
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class XModuleStudentPrefsField(models.Model):
class XModuleStudentInfoField(models.Model):
Stores data set in the Scope.student_preferences scope by an xmodule field
Stores data set in the Scope.preferences scope by an xmodule field
class Meta:
......@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ course_id = 'edX/test_course/test'
content_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.content, None, location('def_id'))
settings_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.settings, None, location('def_id'))
student_state_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.student_state, 'user', location('def_id'))
student_prefs_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.student_preferences, 'user', 'problem')
student_info_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.student_info, 'user', None)
user_state_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.user_state, 'user', location('def_id'))
prefs_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.preferences, 'user', 'problem')
user_info_key = partial(LmsKeyValueStore.Key, Scope.user_info, 'user', None)
class UserFactory(factory.Factory):
......@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ class TestInvalidScopes(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.desc_md = {}
self.user = UserFactory.create()
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.student_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.user_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.kvs = LmsKeyValueStore(self.desc_md, self.mdc)
def test_invalid_scopes(self):
for scope in (Scope(student=True, block=BlockScope.DEFINITION),
Scope(student=False, block=BlockScope.TYPE),
Scope(student=False, block=BlockScope.ALL)):
for scope in (Scope(user=True, block=BlockScope.DEFINITION),
Scope(user=False, block=BlockScope.TYPE),
Scope(user=False, block=BlockScope.ALL)):
self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.get, LmsKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field'))
self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.set, LmsKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field'), 'value')
self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.delete, LmsKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field'))
......@@ -134,48 +134,48 @@ class TestStudentModuleStorage(TestCase):
self.desc_md = {}
student_module = StudentModuleFactory(state=json.dumps({'a_field': 'a_value'}))
self.user = student_module.student
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.student_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.user_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.kvs = LmsKeyValueStore(self.desc_md, self.mdc)
def test_get_existing_field(self):
"Test that getting an existing field in an existing StudentModule works"
self.assertEquals('a_value', self.kvs.get(student_state_key('a_field')))
self.assertEquals('a_value', self.kvs.get(user_state_key('a_field')))
def test_get_missing_field(self):
"Test that getting a missing field from an existing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, student_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
def test_set_existing_field(self):
"Test that setting an existing student_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(student_state_key('a_field'), 'new_value')
"Test that setting an existing user_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('a_field'), 'new_value')
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_set_missing_field(self):
"Test that setting a new student_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(student_state_key('not_a_field'), 'new_value')
"Test that setting a new user_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('not_a_field'), 'new_value')
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'a_value', 'not_a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_delete_existing_field(self):
"Test that deleting an existing field removes it from the StudentModule"
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, student_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
def test_delete_missing_field(self):
"Test that deleting a missing field from an existing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, student_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'a_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_has_existing_field(self):
"Test that `has` returns True for existing fields in StudentModules"
def test_has_missing_field(self):
"Test that `has` returns False for missing fields in StudentModule"
class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
......@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
def test_get_field_from_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that getting a field from a missing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, student_state_key('a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.get, user_state_key('a_field'))
def test_set_field_in_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that setting a field in a missing StudentModule creates the student module"
self.assertEquals(0, len(self.mdc.cache))
self.assertEquals(0, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.kvs.set(student_state_key('a_field'), 'a_value')
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('a_field'), 'a_value')
self.assertEquals(1, len(self.mdc.cache))
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
......@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
def test_delete_field_from_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that deleting a field from a missing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, student_state_key('a_field'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, user_state_key('a_field'))
def test_has_field_for_missing_student_module(self):
"Test that `has` returns False for missing StudentModules"
class StorageTestBase(object):
......@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ class TestContentStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
class TestStudentPrefsStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
factory = StudentPrefsFactory
scope = Scope.student_preferences
key_factory = student_prefs_key
scope = Scope.preferences
key_factory = prefs_key
storage_class = XModuleStudentPrefsField
class TestStudentInfoStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
factory = StudentInfoFactory
scope = Scope.student_info
key_factory = student_info_key
scope = Scope.user_info
key_factory = user_info_key
storage_class = XModuleStudentInfoField
......@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
# XBlock:
# Might change frequently, so put it in local-requirements.txt,
# but conceptually is an external package, so it is in a separate repo.
-e git+ssh://
-e git+
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