Commit 7cc502c8 by kimth

Refactor list of inputs in ajax

parent 110637c0
......@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ class CodeResponse(LoncapaResponse):
msg='Unable to deliver your submission to grader. (Reason: %s.) Please try again later.' % msg)
# Non-null CorrectMap['queuekey'] indicates that the problem has been queued
cmap.set(self.answer_id, queuekey=queuekey, msg='Submitted to grader')
cmap.set(self.answer_id, queuekey=queuekey, msg='Submitted to grader.')
return cmap
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class @Problem
bind: =>
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub]
@inputs = @$("[id^=input_#{@element_id.replace(/problem_/, '')}_]")
@$('section.action input:button').click @refreshAnswers
@$('section.action input.check').click @check_fd
#@$('section.action input.check').click @check
......@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ class @Problem
fd = new FormData()
@$("[id^=input_#{@element_id.replace(/problem_/, '')}_]").each (index, element) ->
@inputs.each (index, element) ->
if element.type is 'file'
if element.files[0] instanceof File
fd.append(, element.files[0])
......@@ -155,4 +156,4 @@ class @Problem
@$(".CodeMirror").each (index, element) -> if
@answers = @$("[id^=input_#{@element_id.replace(/problem_/, '')}_]").serialize()
@answers = @inputs.serialize()
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