Commit 7b3646b3 by David Baumgold

Need to install `pre-requirements.txt` first

parent 234ca0e0
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ environment), and Node has a library installer called
Once you've got your languages and virtual environments set up, install
the libraries like so:
$ pip install -r pre-requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ bundle install
$ npm install
# We use `scipy` in our project, which relies on `numpy`. `pip` apparently
# installs packages in a two-step process, where it will first try to build
# all packages, and then try to install all packages. As a result, if we simply
# added these packages to the top of `requirements.txt`, `pip` would try to
# build `scipy` before `numpy` has been installed, and it would fail. By
# separating this out into a `pre-requirements.txt` file, we can make sure
# that `numpy` is built *and* installed before we try to build `scipy`.
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