From 79b3af874983aae63e249ebcade3daf480822bc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Baumgold <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 09:16:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] tabs to spaces

 cms/static/js/views/grader-select-view.js | 164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cms/static/js/views/grader-select-view.js b/cms/static/js/views/grader-select-view.js
index a16f5fa..389ffa9 100644
--- a/cms/static/js/views/grader-select-view.js
+++ b/cms/static/js/views/grader-select-view.js
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 CMS.Models.AssignmentGrade = Backbone.Model.extend({
-	defaults : {
-		graderType : null, // the type label (string). May be "Not Graded" which implies None. I'd like to use id but that's ephemeral
-		location : null	// A location object
-	},
-	initialize : function(attrs) {
-		if (attrs['assignmentUrl']) {
-			this.set('location', new CMS.Models.Location(attrs['assignmentUrl'], {parse: true}));
-		}
-	},
-	parse : function(attrs) {
-		if (attrs && attrs['location']) {
-			attrs.location = new CMS.Models.Location(attrs['location'], {parse: true});
-		}
-	},
-	urlRoot : function() {
-		if (this.has('location')) {
-			var location = this.get('location');
-			return '/' + location.get('org') + "/" + location.get('course') + '/' + location.get('category') + '/'
-			+ location.get('name') + '/gradeas/';
-		}
-		else return "";
-	}
+    defaults : {
+        graderType : null, // the type label (string). May be "Not Graded" which implies None. I'd like to use id but that's ephemeral
+        location : null // A location object
+    },
+    initialize : function(attrs) {
+        if (attrs['assignmentUrl']) {
+            this.set('location', new CMS.Models.Location(attrs['assignmentUrl'], {parse: true}));
+        }
+    },
+    parse : function(attrs) {
+        if (attrs && attrs['location']) {
+            attrs.location = new CMS.Models.Location(attrs['location'], {parse: true});
+        }
+    },
+    urlRoot : function() {
+        if (this.has('location')) {
+            var location = this.get('location');
+            return '/' + location.get('org') + "/" + location.get('course') + '/' + location.get('category') + '/'
+            + location.get('name') + '/gradeas/';
+        }
+        else return "";
+    }
 CMS.Views.OverviewAssignmentGrader = Backbone.View.extend({
-	// instantiate w/ { graders : CourseGraderCollection, el : <the gradable-status div> }
-	events : {
-		"click .menu-toggle" : "showGradeMenu",
-		"click .menu li" : "selectGradeType"
-	},
-	initialize : function() {
-		// call template w/ {assignmentType : formatname, graders : CourseGraderCollection instance }
-		this.template = _.template(
-				// TODO move to a template file
-				'<h4 class="status-label"><%= assignmentType %></h4>' +
-				'<a data-tooltip="Mark/unmark this subsection as graded" class="menu-toggle" href="#">' +
-					'<% if (!hideSymbol) {%><i class="icon-ok"></i><%};%>' +
-				'</a>' +
-				'<ul class="menu">' +
-					'<% graders.each(function(option) { %>' +
-						'<li><a <% if (option.get("type") == assignmentType) {%>class="is-selected" <%}%> href="#"><%= option.get("type") %></a></li>' +
-					'<% }) %>' +
-					'<li><a class="gradable-status-notgraded" href="#">Not Graded</a></li>' +
-				'</ul>');
-		this.assignmentGrade = new CMS.Models.AssignmentGrade({
-			assignmentUrl : this.$el.closest('.id-holder').data('id'),
-			graderType : this.$'initial-status')});
-		// TODO throw exception if graders is null
-		this.graders = this.options['graders'];
-		var cachethis = this;
-		// defining here to get closure around this
-		this.removeMenu = function(e) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-			cachethis.$el.removeClass('is-active');
-			$(document).off('click', cachethis.removeMenu);
-		}
-		this.hideSymbol = this.options['hideSymbol'];
-		this.render();
-	},
-	render : function() {
-		this.$el.html(this.template({ assignmentType : this.assignmentGrade.get('graderType'), graders : this.graders,
-			hideSymbol : this.hideSymbol }));
-		if (this.assignmentGrade.has('graderType') && this.assignmentGrade.get('graderType') != "Not Graded") {
-			this.$el.addClass('is-set');
-		}
-		else {
-			this.$el.removeClass('is-set');
-		}
-	},
-	showGradeMenu : function(e) {
-		e.preventDefault();
-		// I sure hope this doesn't break anything but it's needed to keep the removeMenu from activating
-		e.stopPropagation();
-		// nasty global event trap :-(
-		$(document).on('click', this.removeMenu);
-		this.$el.addClass('is-active');
-	},
-	selectGradeType : function(e) {
-	      e.preventDefault();
+    // instantiate w/ { graders : CourseGraderCollection, el : <the gradable-status div> }
+    events : {
+        "click .menu-toggle" : "showGradeMenu",
+        "click .menu li" : "selectGradeType"
+    },
+    initialize : function() {
+        // call template w/ {assignmentType : formatname, graders : CourseGraderCollection instance }
+        this.template = _.template(
+                // TODO move to a template file
+                '<h4 class="status-label"><%= assignmentType %></h4>' +
+                '<a data-tooltip="Mark/unmark this subsection as graded" class="menu-toggle" href="#">' +
+                    '<% if (!hideSymbol) {%><i class="icon-ok"></i><%};%>' +
+                '</a>' +
+                '<ul class="menu">' +
+                    '<% graders.each(function(option) { %>' +
+                        '<li><a <% if (option.get("type") == assignmentType) {%>class="is-selected" <%}%> href="#"><%= option.get("type") %></a></li>' +
+                    '<% }) %>' +
+                    '<li><a class="gradable-status-notgraded" href="#">Not Graded</a></li>' +
+                '</ul>');
+        this.assignmentGrade = new CMS.Models.AssignmentGrade({
+            assignmentUrl : this.$el.closest('.id-holder').data('id'),
+            graderType : this.$'initial-status')});
+        // TODO throw exception if graders is null
+        this.graders = this.options['graders'];
+        var cachethis = this;
+        // defining here to get closure around this
+        this.removeMenu = function(e) {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            cachethis.$el.removeClass('is-active');
+            $(document).off('click', cachethis.removeMenu);
+        }
+        this.hideSymbol = this.options['hideSymbol'];
+        this.render();
+    },
+    render : function() {
+        this.$el.html(this.template({ assignmentType : this.assignmentGrade.get('graderType'), graders : this.graders,
+            hideSymbol : this.hideSymbol }));
+        if (this.assignmentGrade.has('graderType') && this.assignmentGrade.get('graderType') != "Not Graded") {
+            this.$el.addClass('is-set');
+        }
+        else {
+            this.$el.removeClass('is-set');
+        }
+    },
+    showGradeMenu : function(e) {
+        e.preventDefault();
+        // I sure hope this doesn't break anything but it's needed to keep the removeMenu from activating
+        e.stopPropagation();
+        // nasty global event trap :-(
+        $(document).on('click', this.removeMenu);
+        this.$el.addClass('is-active');
+    },
+    selectGradeType : function(e) {
+          e.preventDefault();
-	      this.removeMenu(e);
+          this.removeMenu(e);
               var saving = new CMS.Views.Notification.Mini({
                   title: gettext('Saving') + '&hellip;'
-	      // TODO I'm not happy with this string fetch via the html for what should be an id. I'd rather use the id attr
-	      // of the CourseGradingPolicy model or null for Not Graded (NOTE, change template's if check for is-selected accordingly)
+          // TODO I'm not happy with this string fetch via the html for what should be an id. I'd rather use the id attr
+          // of the CourseGradingPolicy model or null for Not Graded (NOTE, change template's if check for is-selected accordingly)
                   {success: function () { saving.hide(); }}
-	      this.render();
-	}
+          this.render();
+    }
libgit2 0.26.0