<aclass="action action-course"href="${reverse('course_root', kwargs={'course_id': item.course_id})}">${_("Go to Course")}</a>
% endfor
<aclass="action action-dashboard"href="${reverse('dashboard')}">${_("Go to your Dashboard")}</a>
<liclass="info-item verification-info">
<h4class="title">${_("Verified Status")}</h4>
<p>${_("We have received your identification details to verify your identity. If there is a problem with any of the items, we will contact you to resubmit. You can now register for any of the verified certificate courses this semester without having to re-verify.")}</p>
<p>${_("The professor will ask you to periodically submit a new photo to verify your work during the course (usually at exam times).")}</p>
<h3class="title">${_("Congratulations! You are now verified on ")} ${_(settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}.</h3>
<liclass="info-item payment-info">
<h4class="title">${_("Payment Details")}</h4>
<p>${_("You are now registered as a verified student! Your registration details are below.")}</p>
<p>${_("Please print this page for your records; it serves as your receipt. You will also receive an email with the same information.")}</p>
<liclass="info-item course-info">
<h4class="title">${_("You are registered for:")}</h4>
<captionclass="sr">${_("A list of courses you have just registered for as a verified student")}</caption>
<liclass="action action-course"><ahref="${reverse('course_root', kwargs={'course_id': item.course_id})}">${_("Go to Course")}</a></li>
% endfor
<liclass="action action-dashboard"><ahref="${reverse('dashboard')}">${_("Go to your Dashboard")}</a></li>
<liclass="info-item verification-info">
<h4class="title">${_("Verified Status")}</h4>
<p>${_("We have received your identification details to verify your identity. If there is a problem with any of the items, we will contact you to resubmit. You can now register for any of the verified certificate courses this semester without having to re-verify.")}</p>
<p>${_("The professor will ask you to periodically submit a new photo to verify your work during the course (usually at exam times).")}</p>
<liclass="info-item payment-info">
<h4class="title">${_("Payment Details")}</h4>
<p>${_("Please print this page for your records; it serves as your receipt. You will also receive an email with the same information.")}</p>