Commit 77343df0 by Toby Lawrence

[PERF-224] Support to serve static assets from a CDN.

A base URL can now be configured which is, potentially, prepended to an
asset URL.  This allows a CDN, or caching server, to front static asset
requests, taking load off of the contentstore and speeding up page load

Asset URL generation respects locked vs unlocked assets, and will not
generate links to locked assets that would traverse a CDN (even though
the authorization component of the contentserver middleware wouldn't
allow those links to work anyways).
parent e30761b8
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from import staticfiles_storage
from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from django.conf import settings
from static_replace.models import AssetBaseUrlConfig
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
......@@ -180,7 +181,8 @@ def replace_static_urls(text, data_directory=None, course_id=None, static_asset_
# if not, then assume it's courseware specific content and then look in the
# Mongo-backed database
url = StaticContent.convert_legacy_static_url_with_course_id(rest, course_id)
base_url = AssetBaseUrlConfig.get_base_url()
url = StaticContent.get_canonicalized_asset_path(course_id, rest, base_url)
if AssetLocator.CANONICAL_NAMESPACE in url:
url = url.replace('block@', 'block/', 1)
Django admin page for AssetBaseUrlConfig, which allows you to set the base URL
that gets prepended to asset URLs in order to serve them from, say, a CDN.
from django.contrib import admin
from config_models.admin import ConfigurationModelAdmin
from .models import AssetBaseUrlConfig
class AssetBaseUrlConfigAdmin(ConfigurationModelAdmin):
Basic configuration for asset base URL.
list_display = [
def get_list_display(self, request):
Restore default list_display behavior.
ConfigurationModelAdmin overrides this, but in a way that doesn't
respect the ordering. This lets us customize it the usual Django admin
return self.list_display, AssetBaseUrlConfigAdmin)
Models for static_replace
from django.db.models.fields import TextField
from config_models.models import ConfigurationModel
class AssetBaseUrlConfig(ConfigurationModel):
"""Configuration for the base URL used for static assets."""
class Meta(object):
app_label = 'static_replace'
base_url = TextField(
help_text="The alternative hostname to serve static assets from. Should be in the form of hostname[:port]."
def get_base_url(cls):
"""Gets the base URL to use for serving static assets, if present"""
return cls.current().base_url
def __repr__(self):
return '<AssetBaseUrlConfig(base_url={})>'.format(self.get_base_url())
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(repr(self))
import re
import uuid
from xmodule.assetstore.assetmgr import AssetManager
......@@ -16,6 +19,8 @@ from urllib import urlencode
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import AssetLocator
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey, AssetKey
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.exceptions import NotFoundError
from PIL import Image
......@@ -137,32 +142,79 @@ class StaticContent(object):
return AssetKey.from_string(path[1:])
def convert_legacy_static_url_with_course_id(path, course_id):
def get_asset_key_from_path(course_key, path):
Returns a path to a piece of static content when we are provided with a filepath and
a course_id
Parses a path, extracting an asset key or creating one.
course_key: key to the course which owns this asset
path: the path to said content
AssetKey: the asset key that represents the path
# Generate url of urlparse.path component
scheme, netloc, orig_path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(path)
loc = StaticContent.compute_location(course_id, orig_path)
loc_url = StaticContent.serialize_asset_key_with_slash(loc)
# parse the query params for "^/static/" and replace with the location url
orig_query = parse_qsl(query)
new_query_list = []
for query_name, query_value in orig_query:
# Clean up the path, removing any static prefix and any leading slash.
if path.startswith('/static/'):
path = path[len('/static/'):]
path = path.lstrip('/')
return AssetKey.from_string(path)
except InvalidKeyError:
# If we couldn't parse the path, just let compute_location figure it out.
# It's most likely a path like /image.png or something.
return StaticContent.compute_location(course_key, path)
def get_canonicalized_asset_path(course_key, path, base_url):
Returns a fully-qualified path to a piece of static content.
If a static asset CDN is configured, this path will include it.
Otherwise, the path will simply be relative.
course_key: key to the course which owns this asset
path: the path to said content
string: fully-qualified path to asset
# Break down the input path.
_, _, relative_path, params, query_string, fragment = urlparse(path)
# Convert our path to an asset key if it isn't one already.
asset_key = StaticContent.get_asset_key_from_path(course_key, relative_path)
# Check the status of the asset to see if this can be served via CDN aka publicly.
serve_from_cdn = False
content = AssetManager.find(asset_key, as_stream=True)
is_locked = getattr(content, "locked", True)
serve_from_cdn = not is_locked
except (ItemNotFoundError, NotFoundError):
# If we can't find the item, just treat it as if it's locked.
serve_from_cdn = False
# Update any query parameter values that have asset paths in them. This is for assets that
# require their own after-the-fact values, like a Flash file that needs the path of a config
# file passed to it e.g. /static/visualization.swf?configFile=/static/visualization.xml
query_params = parse_qsl(query_string)
updated_query_params = []
for query_name, query_value in query_params:
if query_value.startswith("/static/"):
new_query = StaticContent.compute_location(
new_query_url = StaticContent.serialize_asset_key_with_slash(new_query)
new_query_list.append((query_name, new_query_url))
new_query_value = StaticContent.get_canonicalized_asset_path(course_key, query_value, base_url)
updated_query_params.append((query_name, new_query_value))
new_query_list.append((query_name, query_value))
updated_query_params.append((query_name, query_value))
serialized_asset_key = StaticContent.serialize_asset_key_with_slash(asset_key)
base_url = base_url if serve_from_cdn else ''
# Reconstruct with new path
return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, loc_url, params, urlencode(new_query_list), fragment))
return urlunparse((None, base_url, serialized_asset_key, params, urlencode(updated_query_params), fragment))
def stream_data(self):
yield self._data
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
import unittest
import ddt
from path import Path as path
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent, StaticContentStream
from xmodule.contentstore.content import ContentStore
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey, AssetLocation
......@@ -94,11 +95,6 @@ class ContentTest(unittest.TestCase):
content = StaticContent('loc', 'name', 'content_type', 'data')
def test_static_url_generation_from_courseid(self):
course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey('foo', 'bar', 'bz')
url = StaticContent.convert_legacy_static_url_with_course_id('images_course_image.jpg', course_key)
self.assertEqual(url, '/c4x/foo/bar/asset/images_course_image.jpg')
(u"monsters__.jpg", u"monsters__.jpg"),
(u"monsters__.png", u"monsters__-png.jpg"),
......@@ -122,9 +118,9 @@ class ContentTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(AssetLocation(u'mitX', u'400', u'ignore', u'asset', u'', None), asset_location)
def test_get_location_from_path(self):
asset_location = StaticContent.get_location_from_path(u'/c4x/foo/bar/asset/images_course_image.jpg')
asset_location = StaticContent.get_location_from_path(u'/c4x/a/b/asset/images_course_image.jpg')
AssetLocation(u'foo', u'bar', None, u'asset', u'images_course_image.jpg', None),
AssetLocation(u'a', u'b', None, u'asset', u'images_course_image.jpg', None),
......@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ class TestHtmlModifiers(ModuleStoreTestCase):
result_fragment = module.render(STUDENT_VIEW)
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