Commit 76074442 by ichuang

fix bug: course staff group based on dir_name, not course number

parent 553f7046
......@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ def course_staff_group_name(course):
if type(course)==str:
coursename = course
coursename = course.metadata.get('course','')
if not coursename: # Fall 2012: not all course.xml have metadata correct yet
coursename = course.metadata.get('data_dir','UnknownCourseName')
if not coursename: # Fall 2012: not all course.xml have metadata correct yet
coursename = course.metadata.get('course','')
return 'staff_%s' % coursename
def has_staff_access_to_course(user,course):
......@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ def has_staff_access_to_course(user,course):
if user.is_staff:
return True
user_groups = [x[1] for x in user.groups.values_list()] # note this is the Auth group, not UserTestGroup
log.debug('user is in groups %s' % user_groups)
staff_group = course_staff_group_name(course)
log.debug('course %s user %s groups %s' % (staff_group, user, user_groups))
if staff_group in user_groups:
return True
return False
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