Commit 75b56126 by Peter Baratta

Script feature fix

parent 49f85211
......@@ -20,7 +20,21 @@ This is a partial list of features, to be revised as we go along:
An example of a problem::
<symbolicresponse expect="a_b^c + b_x__d" size="30">
<textline math="1" preprocessorClassName="SymbolicMathjaxPreprocessor" preprocessorSrc="/static/js/capa/symbolic_mathjax_preprocessor.js"/>
<textline math="1"
It's a bit of a pain to enter that.
* The script-style math variant. What would be outputted in latex if you
entered ``\mathcal{N}``. This is used in some variables.
An example::
<symbolicresponse expect="scriptN_B + x" size="30">
<textline math="1"/>
There is no fancy preprocessing needed, but if you had superscripts or
something, you would need to include that part.
......@@ -74,6 +74,15 @@ def to_latex(x):
# LatexPrinter._print_dot = _print_dot
xs = latex(x)
xs = xs.replace(r'\XI', 'XI') # workaround for strange greek
# substitute back into latex form for scripts
# literally something of the form
# 'scriptN' becomes '\\mathcal{N}'
# note: can't use something akin to the _print_hat method above because we sometimes get 'script(N)__B' or more complicated terms
xs = re.sub(r'script([a-zA-Z0-9]+)',
#return '<math>%s{}{}</math>' % (xs[1:-1])
if xs[0] == '$':
return '[mathjax]%s[/mathjax]<br>' % (xs[1:-1]) # for sympy v6
......@@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ def my_sympify(expr, normphase=False, matrix=False, abcsym=False, do_qubit=False
'i': sympy.I, # lowercase i is also sqrt(-1)
'Q': sympy.Symbol('Q'), # otherwise it is a sympy "ask key"
'I': sympy.Symbol('I'), # otherwise it is sqrt(-1)
'N': sympy.Symbol('N'), # or it is some kind of sympy function
......@@ -266,6 +276,21 @@ class formula(object):
elif tag == 'mrow': return ''.join([flatten_pmathml(y) for y in xml])
raise Exception, '[flatten_pmathml] unknown tag %s' % tag
def fix_mathvariant(parent):
'''Fix certain kinds of math variants
Literally replace <mstyle mathvariant="script"><mi>N</mi></mstyle>
with 'scriptN'. There have been problems using script_N or script(N)
for child in parent:
if (gettag(child) == 'mstyle' and child.get('mathvariant') == 'script'):
newchild = etree.Element('mi')
newchild.text = 'script%s' % flatten_pmathml(child[0])
parent.replace(child, newchild)
# find "tagged" superscripts
# they have the character \u200b in the superscript
# replace them with a__b so snuggle doesn't get confused
Tests of symbolic math
import unittest
import formula
import re
from lxml import etree
def stripXML(xml):
xml = xml.replace('\n', '')
xml = re.sub(r'\> +\<', '><', xml)
return xml
class FormulaTest(unittest.TestCase):
# for readability later
mathml_start = '<math xmlns=""><mstyle displaystyle="true">'
mathml_end = '</mstyle></math>'
def setUp(self):
self.formulaInstance = formula.formula('')
def test_replace_mathvariants(self):
expr = '''
<mstyle mathvariant="script">
expected = '<mi>scriptN</mi>'
# wrap
expr = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expr + self.mathml_end)
expected = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expected + self.mathml_end)
# process the expression
xml = etree.fromstring(expr)
xml = self.formulaInstance.preprocess_pmathml(xml)
test = etree.tostring(xml)
# success?
self.assertEqual(test, expected)
def test_fix_simple_superscripts(self):
expr = '''
expected = '<mi>a__b</mi>'
# wrap
expr = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expr + self.mathml_end)
expected = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expected + self.mathml_end)
# process the expression
xml = etree.fromstring(expr)
xml = self.formulaInstance.preprocess_pmathml(xml)
test = etree.tostring(xml)
# success?
self.assertEqual(test, expected)
def test_fix_complex_superscripts(self):
expr = '''
expected = '<mi>a_b__c</mi>'
# wrap
expr = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expr + self.mathml_end)
expected = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expected + self.mathml_end)
# process the expression
xml = etree.fromstring(expr)
xml = self.formulaInstance.preprocess_pmathml(xml)
test = etree.tostring(xml)
# success?
self.assertEqual(test, expected)
def test_fix_msubsup(self):
expr = '''
expected = '<msup><mi>a_b</mi><mi>c</mi></msup>' # which is (a_b)^c
# wrap
expr = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expr + self.mathml_end)
expected = stripXML(self.mathml_start + expected + self.mathml_end)
# process the expression
xml = etree.fromstring(expr)
xml = self.formulaInstance.preprocess_pmathml(xml)
test = etree.tostring(xml)
# success?
self.assertEqual(test, expected)
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