Commit 7475e415 by Prem Sichanugrist

Fix test failure after progress introduction

parent 6c95bfc1
......@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ jasmine.stubRequests = ->
settings.success data: jasmine.stubbedMetadata[match[1]]
else if match = settings.url.match /static\/subs\/(.+)\.srt\.sjson/
settings.success jasmine.stubbedCaption
else if settings.url.match /modx\/problem\/.+\/problem_get$/
settings.success html: readFixtures('problem_content.html')
else if settings.url == '/calculate' ||
settings.url == '/6002x/modx/sequence/1/goto_position' ||
settings.url.match(/event$/) ||
# do nothing
throw "External request attempted for #{settings.url}, which is not defined."
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
spyOn($.fn, 'load').andCallFake (url, callback) ->
$(@).html readFixtures('problem_content.html')
describe 'constructor', ->
beforeEach ->
......@@ -21,12 +22,6 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
it 'set the element', ->
expect(@problem.element).toBe '#problem_1'
it 'set the content url', ->
expect(@problem.content_url).toEqual '/problem/url/problem_get?id=1'
it 'render the content', ->
expect($.fn.load).toHaveBeenCalledWith @problem.content_url, @problem.bind
describe 'bind', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn window, 'update_schematics'
......@@ -77,12 +72,19 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
describe 'with no content given', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) ->
callback html: "Hello World"
it 'load the content via ajax', ->
expect($.fn.load).toHaveBeenCalledWith @problem.content_url, @bind
expect(@problem.element.html()).toEqual 'Hello World'
it 're-bind the content', ->
describe 'check', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem 1, '/problem/url/'
@problem.answers = 'foo=1&bar=2'
......@@ -116,7 +118,6 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
describe 'reset', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem 1, '/problem/url/'
it 'log the problem_reset event', ->
......@@ -130,13 +131,13 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
expect($.postWithPrefix).toHaveBeenCalledWith '/modx/problem/1/problem_reset', { id: 1 }, jasmine.any(Function)
it 'render the returned content', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) -> callback("Reset!")
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, answers, callback) ->
callback html: "Reset!"
expect(@problem.element.html()).toEqual 'Reset!'
describe 'show', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem 1, '/problem/url/'
@problem.element.prepend '<div id="answer_1_1" /><div id="answer_1_2" />'
......@@ -154,18 +155,19 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
expect($.postWithPrefix).toHaveBeenCalledWith '/modx/problem/1/problem_show', jasmine.any(Function)
it 'show the answers', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback('1_1': 'One', '1_2': 'Two')
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) ->
callback answers: '1_1': 'One', '1_2': 'Two'
expect($('#answer_1_1')).toHaveHtml 'One'
expect($('#answer_1_2')).toHaveHtml 'Two'
it 'toggle the show answer button', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback({})
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback(answers: {})
expect($('.show')).toHaveValue 'Hide Answer'
it 'add the showed class to element', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback({})
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback(answers: {})
expect(@problem.element).toHaveClass 'showed'
......@@ -179,7 +181,8 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
it 'set the correct_answer attribute on the choice', ->
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback('1_1': [2, 3])
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) ->
callback answers: '1_1': [2, 3]
expect($('label[for="input_1_1_1"]')).not.toHaveAttr 'correct_answer', 'true'
expect($('label[for="input_1_1_2"]')).toHaveAttr 'correct_answer', 'true'
......@@ -214,7 +217,6 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
describe 'save', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem 1, '/problem/url/'
@problem.answers = 'foo=1&bar=2'
class @Problem
constructor: (@id, url) ->
@element = $("#problem_#{id}")
@content_url = "#{url}problem_get?id=#{@id}"
$: (selector) ->
......@@ -27,11 +26,10 @@ class @Problem
$.postWithPrefix "/modx/problem/#{@id}/problem_get", '', (response) =>
$.postWithPrefix "/modx/problem/#{@id}/problem_get", (response) =>
check: =>
Logger.log 'problem_check', @answers
$.postWithPrefix "/modx/problem/#{@id}/problem_check", @answers, (response) =>
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