Commit 73cc15fc by Will Daly

Merge pull request #2389 from edx/will/stabilize-ora-ai-test

Increase timeout for ORA get feedback promise in bok-choy test.
parents 437a389d a8a96d3a
......@@ -115,9 +115,13 @@ class OpenResponseTest(UniqueCourseTest):
(e.g. from AI, instructor, or peer grading)
`assessment_type` is either "ai" or "peer".
# Because the check function involves fairly complicated actions
# (navigating through several screens), we give it more time to complete
# than the default.
feedback_promise = Promise(
'Got feedback for {0} problem'.format(assessment_type)
'Got feedback for {0} problem'.format(assessment_type),
timeout=600, try_interval=5
return fulfill(feedback_promise)
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