Commit 73966d1a by Robert Raposa

Add output of violation counts by rule

parent dced13a8
......@@ -15,11 +15,17 @@ show_help() {
echo "Runs the Safe Template Linter against all files in a git commit."
echo ""
echo "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too."
echo " -h, --help Output this help."
echo " -m, --main-branch=COMMIT Run against files changed between the"
echo " current branch and this commit."
echo " Defaults to origin/master."
echo ""
echo "For additional help:"
echo "This scripts does not give a grand total. Be sure to check for"
echo "0 violations on each file."
echo ""
echo "For more help using the safe template linter, including details on how"
echo "to understand and fix any violations, read the docs here:"
echo ""
echo ""
......@@ -189,118 +189,38 @@ class Rules(Enum):
An Enum of each rule which the linter will check.
mako_missing_default = (
'Missing default <%page expression_filter="h"/>.'
mako_multiple_page_tags = (
'A Mako template can only have one <%page> tag.'
mako_unparseable_expression = (
'The expression could not be properly parsed.'
mako_unwanted_html_filter = (
'Remove explicit h filters when it is provided by the page directive.'
mako_invalid_html_filter = (
'The expression is using an invalid filter in an HTML context.'
mako_invalid_js_filter = (
'The expression is using an invalid filter in a JavaScript context.'
mako_js_missing_quotes = (
'An expression using js_escaped_string must be wrapped in quotes.'
mako_js_html_string = (
'A JavaScript string containing HTML should not have an embedded Mako expression.'
mako_html_entities = (
"HTML entities should be plain text or wrapped with HTML()."
mako_unknown_context = (
"The context could not be determined."
underscore_not_escaped = (
'Expressions should be escaped using <%- expression %>.'
javascript_jquery_append = (
'Use HtmlUtils.append() or .append('
javascript_jquery_prepend = (
'Use HtmlUtils.prepend() or .prepend('
javascript_jquery_insertion = (
'JQuery DOM insertion calls that take content must use HtmlUtils (e.g. $el.after('
javascript_jquery_insert_into_target = (
'JQuery DOM insertion calls that take a target can only be called from elements (e.g. .$el.appendTo()).'
javascript_jquery_html = (
"Use HtmlUtils.setHtml(), .html(, or JQuery's text() function."
javascript_concat_html = (
'Use HtmlUtils functions rather than concatenating strings with HTML.'
javascript_escape = (
"Avoid calls to escape(), especially in Backbone. Use templates, HtmlUtils, or JQuery's text() function."
javascript_interpolate = (
'Use StringUtils.interpolate() or HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml() as appropriate.'
python_concat_html = (
'Use HTML() and Text() functions rather than concatenating strings with HTML.'
python_custom_escape = (
"Use markupsafe.escape() rather than custom escaping for '<'."
python_deprecated_display_name = (
'Replace deprecated display_name_with_default_escaped with display_name_with_default.'
python_requires_html_or_text = (
'You must start with Text() or HTML() if you use HTML() or Text() during interpolation.'
python_close_before_format = (
'You must close any call to Text() or HTML() before calling format().'
python_wrap_html = (
"String containing HTML should be wrapped with call to HTML()."
python_interpolate_html = (
"Use HTML(), Text(), and format() functions for interpolating strings with HTML."
python_parse_error = (
'Error parsing Python function or string.'
def __init__(self, rule_id, rule_summary):
# IMPORTANT: Do not edit without also updating the docs:
# -
mako_missing_default = 'mako-missing-default'
mako_multiple_page_tags = 'mako-multiple-page-tags'
mako_unparseable_expression = 'mako-unparseable-expression'
mako_unwanted_html_filter = 'mako-unwanted-html-filter'
mako_invalid_html_filter = 'mako-invalid-html-filter'
mako_invalid_js_filter = 'mako-invalid-js-filter'
mako_js_missing_quotes = 'mako-js-missing-quotes'
mako_js_html_string = 'mako-js-html-string'
mako_html_entities = 'mako-html-entities'
mako_unknown_context = 'mako-unknown-context'
underscore_not_escaped = 'underscore-not-escaped'
javascript_jquery_append = 'javascript-jquery-append'
javascript_jquery_prepend = 'javascript-jquery-prepend'
javascript_jquery_insertion = 'javascript-jquery-insertion'
javascript_jquery_insert_into_target = 'javascript-jquery-insert-into-target'
javascript_jquery_html = 'javascript-jquery-html'
javascript_concat_html = 'javascript-concat-html'
javascript_escape = 'javascript-escape'
javascript_interpolate = 'javascript-interpolate'
python_concat_html = 'python-concat-html'
python_custom_escape = 'python-custom-escape'
python_deprecated_display_name = 'python-deprecated-display-name'
python_requires_html_or_text = 'python-requires-html-or-text'
python_close_before_format = 'python-close-before-format'
python_wrap_html = 'python-wrap-html'
python_interpolate_html = 'python-interpolate-html'
python_parse_error = 'python-parse-error'
def __init__(self, rule_id):
self.rule_id = rule_id
self.rule_summary = rule_summary
class Expression(object):
......@@ -577,6 +497,57 @@ class ExpressionRuleViolation(RuleViolation):
), file=out)
class SummaryResults(object):
Contains the summary results for all violations.
def __init__(self):
Init method.
self.total_violations = 0
self.totals_by_rule = dict.fromkeys(
[rule.rule_id for rule in Rules.__members__.values()], 0
def add_violation(self, violation):
Adds a violation to the summary details.
violation: The violation to add to the summary.
self.total_violations += 1
self.totals_by_rule[violation.rule.rule_id] += 1
def print_results(self, options, out):
Prints the results (i.e. violations) in this file.
options: A list of the following options:
list_files: True to print only file names, and False to print
all violations.
rule_totals: If True include totals by rule.
out: output file
if options['list_files'] is False:
if options['rule_totals']:
max_rule_id_len = max(len(rule_id) for rule_id in self.totals_by_rule)
print("", file=out)
for rule_id in sorted(self.totals_by_rule.keys()):
padding = " " * (max_rule_id_len - len(rule_id))
print("{}: {}{} violations".format(rule_id, padding, self.totals_by_rule[rule_id]), file=out)
print("", file=out)
# matches output of jshint for simplicity
print("", file=out)
print("{} violations total".format(self.total_violations), file=out)
class FileResults(object):
Contains the results, or violations, for a file.
......@@ -611,7 +582,7 @@ class FileResults(object):
if line_comment_delim is not None:
def print_results(self, options, out):
def print_results(self, options, summary_results, out):
Prints the results (i.e. violations) in this file.
......@@ -619,26 +590,23 @@ class FileResults(object):
options: A list of the following options:
list_files: True to print only file names, and False to print
all violations.
summary_results: A SummaryResults with a summary of the violations.
verbose: True for multiple lines of context, False single line.
out: output file
The number of violations. When using --quiet, returns number of
files with violations.
Side effect:
Updates the passed SummaryResults.
num_violations = 0
if options['list_files']:
if self.violations is not None and 0 < len(self.violations):
num_violations += 1
print(self.full_path, file=out)
self.violations.sort(key=lambda violation: violation.sort_key())
for violation in self.violations:
if not violation.is_disabled:
num_violations += 1
violation.print_results(options, out)
return num_violations
def _filter_commented_code(self, line_comment_delim):
......@@ -789,15 +757,16 @@ class BaseLinter(object):
Init method.
self._skip_dirs = (
def _is_skip_dir(self, skip_dirs, directory):
......@@ -1554,7 +1523,7 @@ class HtmlStringVisitor(BaseVisitor):
node: An AST node.
# Skips '<' (and '>') in regex named groups. For example, "(?P<group>)".
if'[(][?]P<', node.s) is None and'[<>]', node.s) is not None:
if'[(][?]P<', node.s) is None and'<', node.s) is not None:
if"&[#]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;", node.s):
......@@ -2505,7 +2474,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(BaseLinter):
return expressions
def _process_file(full_path, template_linters, options, out):
def _process_file(full_path, template_linters, options, summary_results, out):
For each linter, lints the provided file. This means finding and printing
......@@ -2514,22 +2483,19 @@ def _process_file(full_path, template_linters, options, out):
full_path: The full path of the file to lint.
template_linters: A list of linting objects.
options: A list of the options.
summary_results: A SummaryResults with a summary of the violations.
out: output file
The number of violations.
num_violations = 0
directory = os.path.dirname(full_path)
file_name = os.path.basename(full_path)
for template_linter in template_linters:
results = template_linter.process_file(directory, file_name)
num_violations += results.print_results(options, out)
return num_violations
results.print_results(options, summary_results, out)
def _process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters, options, out):
def _process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters, options, summary_results, out):
For each linter, lints all the files in the current os walk. This means
finding and printing violations.
......@@ -2538,22 +2504,19 @@ def _process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters, options, out):
current_walk: A walk returned by os.walk().
template_linters: A list of linting objects.
options: A list of the options.
summary_results: A SummaryResults with a summary of the violations.
out: output file
The number of violations.
num_violations = 0
walk_directory = os.path.normpath(current_walk[0])
walk_files = current_walk[2]
for walk_file in walk_files:
full_path = os.path.join(walk_directory, walk_file)
num_violations += _process_file(full_path, template_linters, options, out)
return num_violations
_process_file(full_path, template_linters, options, summary_results, out)
def _process_os_walk(starting_dir, template_linters, options, out):
def _process_os_walk(starting_dir, template_linters, options, summary_results, out):
For each linter, lints all the directories in the starting directory.
......@@ -2561,16 +2524,40 @@ def _process_os_walk(starting_dir, template_linters, options, out):
starting_dir: The initial directory to begin the walk.
template_linters: A list of linting objects.
options: A list of the options.
summary_results: A SummaryResults with a summary of the violations.
out: output file
The number of violations.
num_violations = 0
for current_walk in os.walk(starting_dir):
num_violations += _process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters, options, out)
return num_violations
_process_current_walk(current_walk, template_linters, options, summary_results, out)
def _lint(file_or_dir, template_linters, options, summary_results, out):
For each linter, lints the provided file or directory.
file_or_dir: The file or initial directory to lint.
template_linters: A list of linting objects.
options: A list of the options.
summary_results: A SummaryResults with a summary of the violations.
out: output file
if file_or_dir is not None and os.path.isfile(file_or_dir):
_process_file(file_or_dir, template_linters, options, summary_results, out)
directory = "."
if file_or_dir is not None:
if os.path.exists(file_or_dir):
directory = file_or_dir
raise ValueError("Path [{}] is not a valid file or directory.".format(file_or_dir))
_process_os_walk(directory, template_linters, options, summary_results, out)
summary_results.print_results(options, out)
def main():
......@@ -2579,11 +2566,9 @@ def main():
Prints all violations.
epilog = 'rules:\n'
for rule in Rules.__members__.values():
epilog += " {0[0]}: {0[1]}\n".format(rule.value)
epilog = "For more help using the safe template linter, including details on how\n"
epilog += "to understand and fix any violations, read the docs here:\n"
epilog += "\n"
epilog += "additional help:\n"
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
epilog += "\n"
......@@ -2597,6 +2582,10 @@ def main():
help='Only display the filenames that contain violations.'
'--rule-totals', dest='rule_totals', action='store_true',
help='Display the totals for each rule.'
'--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help='Print multiple lines where possible for additional context of violations.'
......@@ -2606,25 +2595,13 @@ def main():
options = {
'list_files': args.list_files,
'verbose': args.verbose
'rule_totals': args.rule_totals,
'verbose': args.verbose,
template_linters = [MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), PythonLinter()]
summary_results = SummaryResults()
if args.path is not None and os.path.isfile(args.path):
num_violations = _process_file(args.path, template_linters, options, out=sys.stdout)
directory = "."
if args.path is not None:
if os.path.exists(args.path):
directory = args.path
raise ValueError("Path [{}] is not a valid file or directory.".format(args.path))
num_violations = _process_os_walk(directory, template_linters, options, out=sys.stdout)
if options['list_files'] is False:
# matches output of jshint for simplicity
print("{} violations found".format(num_violations))
_lint(args.path, template_linters, options, summary_results, out=sys.stdout)
if __name__ == "__main__":
<%= invalid %>
'multi-line invalid'
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import textwrap
from unittest import TestCase
from ..safe_template_linter import (
_process_os_walk, FileResults, JavaScriptLinter, MakoTemplateLinter, ParseString,
StringLines, PythonLinter, UnderscoreTemplateLinter, Rules
_lint, FileResults, JavaScriptLinter, MakoTemplateLinter, ParseString,
StringLines, PythonLinter, SummaryResults, UnderscoreTemplateLinter, Rules
......@@ -83,6 +83,15 @@ class TestSafeTemplateLinter(TestCase):
Test some top-level linter functions
def setUp(self):
Setup patches on linters for testing.
def patch_is_valid_directory(self, linter_class):
Creates a mock patch for _is_valid_directory on a Linter to always
......@@ -96,37 +105,137 @@ class TestSafeTemplateLinter(TestCase):
return patch_start
def test_process_os_walk(self):
def test_lint_defaults(self):
Tests the top-level processing of template files, including Mako
Tests the top-level linting with default options.
out = StringIO()
options = {
'list_files': False,
'verbose': False,
template_linters = [MakoTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), PythonLinter()]
num_violations = _process_os_walk('scripts/tests/templates', template_linters, options, out)
summary_results = SummaryResults()
template_linters=[MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), PythonLinter()],
'list_files': False,
'verbose': False,
'rule_totals': False,
output = out.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(num_violations, 7)
# Assert violation details are displayed.
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.html.*{}'.format(Rules.mako_missing_default.rule_id), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.coffee.*{}'.format(Rules.javascript_concat_html.rule_id), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.coffee.*{}'.format(Rules.underscore_not_escaped.rule_id), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.js.*{}'.format(Rules.javascript_concat_html.rule_id), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.js.*{}'.format(Rules.underscore_not_escaped.rule_id), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.underscore.*{}'.format(Rules.underscore_not_escaped.rule_id), output))
lines_with_rule = 0
lines_without_rule = 0 # Output with verbose setting only.
for underscore_match in re.finditer('test\.underscore:.*\n', output):
if, is not None:
lines_with_rule += 1
lines_without_rule += 1
self.assertGreaterEqual(lines_with_rule, 1)
self.assertEquals(lines_without_rule, 0)
self.assertIsNone('test\.py.*{}'.format(Rules.python_parse_error.rule_id), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.py.*{}'.format(Rules.python_wrap_html.rule_id), output))
# Assert no rule totals.
self.assertIsNone('{}:\s*{} violations'.format(Rules.python_parse_error.rule_id, 0), output))
# Assert final total
self.assertIsNotNone('{} violations total'.format(7), output))
def test_lint_with_verbose(self):
Tests the top-level linting with verbose option.
out = StringIO()
summary_results = SummaryResults()
template_linters=[MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), PythonLinter()],
'list_files': False,
'verbose': True,
'rule_totals': False,
output = out.getvalue()
lines_with_rule = 0
lines_without_rule = 0 # Output with verbose setting only.
for underscore_match in re.finditer('test\.underscore:.*\n', output):
if, is not None:
lines_with_rule += 1
lines_without_rule += 1
self.assertGreaterEqual(lines_with_rule, 1)
self.assertGreaterEqual(lines_without_rule, 1)
# Assert no rule totals.
self.assertIsNone('{}:\s*{} violations'.format(Rules.python_parse_error.rule_id, 0), output))
# Assert final total
self.assertIsNotNone('{} violations total'.format(7), output))
def test_lint_with_rule_totals(self):
Tests the top-level linting with rule totals option.
out = StringIO()
summary_results = SummaryResults()
template_linters=[MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), PythonLinter()],
'list_files': False,
'verbose': False,
'rule_totals': True,
output = out.getvalue()
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.py.*{}'.format(Rules.python_wrap_html.rule_id), output))
# Assert totals output.
self.assertIsNotNone('{}:\s*{} violations'.format(Rules.python_parse_error.rule_id, 0), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('{}:\s*{} violations'.format(Rules.python_wrap_html.rule_id, 1), output))
self.assertIsNotNone('{} violations total'.format(7), output))
def test_lint_with_list_files(self):
Tests the top-level linting with list files option.
out = StringIO()
summary_results = SummaryResults()
template_linters=[MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), PythonLinter()],
'list_files': True,
'verbose': False,
'rule_totals': False,
output = out.getvalue()
# Assert file with rule is not output.
self.assertIsNone('test\.py.*{}'.format(Rules.python_wrap_html.rule_id), output))
# Assert file is output.
self.assertIsNotNone('test\.py', output))
# Assert no totals.
self.assertIsNone('{}:\s*{} violations'.format(Rules.python_parse_error.rule_id, 0), output))
self.assertIsNone('{} violations total'.format(7), output))
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