Commit 73281a43 by Will Daly

Added tests for get_problem_html, including error conditions

parent 40d7e8ad
......@@ -393,8 +393,19 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
html = self.lcp.get_html()
# If we cannot construct the problem HTML,
# then generate an error message instead.
except Exception, err:
return self.handle_problem_html_error(err)
html = self.handle_problem_html_error(err)
# The convention is to pass the name of the check button
# if we want to show a check button, and False otherwise
# This works because non-empty strings evaluate to True
if self.should_show_check_button():
check_button = self.check_button_name()
check_button = False
content = {'name': self.display_name,
'html': html,
......@@ -403,10 +414,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
context = {'problem': content,
# Pass in the name of the check button or False
# if we do not need a check button
'check_button': self.check_button_name() if self.should_show_check_button() else False,
'check_button': check_button,
'reset_button': self.should_show_reset_button(),
'save_button': self.should_show_save_button(),
'answer_available': self.answer_available(),
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ test_system = ModuleSystem(
# "render" to just the context...
render_template=lambda template, context: str(context),
replace_urls=lambda html: str(html),
......@@ -780,3 +780,95 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
module.lcp.done = True
def test_get_problem_html(self):
module = CapaFactory.create()
# We've tested the show/hide button logic in other tests,
# so here we hard-wire the values
show_check_button = bool(random.randint(0,1) % 2)
show_reset_button = bool(random.randint(0,1) % 2)
show_save_button = bool(random.randint(0,1) % 2)
module.should_show_check_button = Mock(return_value=show_check_button)
module.should_show_reset_button = Mock(return_value=show_reset_button)
module.should_show_save_button = Mock(return_value=show_save_button)
# Mock the system rendering function (reset when we're done)
old_render_func = test_system.render_template
test_system.render_template = Mock(return_value="<div>Test Template HTML</div>")
def cleanup_func():
test_system.render_template = old_render_func
# Patch the capa problem's HTML rendering
with patch('capa.capa_problem.LoncapaProblem.get_html') as mock_html:
mock_html.return_value = "<div>Test Problem HTML</div>"
# Render the problem HTML
html = module.get_problem_html(encapsulate=False)
# Also render the problem encapsulated in a <div>
html_encapsulated = module.get_problem_html(encapsulate=True)
# Expect that we get the rendered template back
self.assertEqual(html, "<div>Test Template HTML</div>")
# Check the rendering context
render_args,_ = test_system.render_template.call_args
self.assertEqual(len(render_args), 2)
template_name = render_args[0]
self.assertEqual(template_name, "problem.html")
context = render_args[1]
self.assertEqual(context['problem']['html'], "<div>Test Problem HTML</div>")
self.assertEqual(bool(context['check_button']), show_check_button)
self.assertEqual(bool(context['reset_button']), show_reset_button)
self.assertEqual(bool(context['save_button']), show_save_button)
# Assert that the encapsulated html contains the original html
self.assertTrue(html in html_encapsulated)
def test_get_problem_html_error(self):
In production, when an error occurs with the problem HTML
rendering, a "dummy" problem is created with an error
message to display to the user.
module = CapaFactory.create()
# Save the original problem so we can compare it later
original_problem = module.lcp
# Simulate throwing an exception when the capa problem
# is asked to render itself as HTML
module.lcp.get_html = Mock(side_effect=Exception("Test"))
# Stub out the test_system rendering function temporarily
old_render_func = test_system.render_template
test_system.render_template = Mock(return_value="<div>Test Template HTML</div>")
# Turn off DEBUG temporarily
old_debug = test_system.DEBUG
test_system.DEBUG = False
def cleanup_func():
test_system.render_template = old_render_func
test_system.DEBUG = old_debug
# Try to render the module with DEBUG turned off
html = module.get_problem_html()
# Check the rendering context
render_args,_ = test_system.render_template.call_args
context = render_args[1]
self.assertTrue("error" in context['problem']['html'])
# Expect that the module has created a new dummy problem with the error
self.assertNotEqual(original_problem, module.lcp)
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