Commit 6f5b3fa1 by Jay Zoldak

Create factory for Xmodule items

parent 58fef4a3
......@@ -54,4 +54,51 @@ class CourseFactory(XModuleCourseFactory):
template = 'i4x://edx/templates/course/Empty'
org = 'MITx'
number = '999'
display_name = 'Robot Super Course'
\ No newline at end of file
display_name = 'Robot Super Course'
class XModuleItemFactory(Factory):
Factory for XModule items.
def _create(cls, target_class, *args, **kwargs):
DETACHED_CATEGORIES = ['about', 'static_tab', 'course_info']
parent_location = Location(kwargs.get('parent_location'))
template = Location(kwargs.get('template'))
display_name = kwargs.get('display_name')
store = modulestore('direct')
parent = store.get_item(parent_location)
dest_location = parent_location._replace(category=template.category, name=uuid4().hex)
new_item = store.clone_item(template, dest_location)
# TODO: This needs to be deleted when we have proper storage for static content
new_item.metadata['data_dir'] = parent.metadata['data_dir']
# replace the display name with an optional parameter passed in from the caller
if display_name is not None:
new_item.metadata['display_name'] = display_name
store.update_metadata(new_item.location.url(), new_item.own_metadata)
if new_item.location.category not in DETACHED_CATEGORIES:
store.update_children(parent_location, parent.definition.get('children', []) + [new_item.location.url()])
return new_item
class Item:
class ItemFactory(XModuleItemFactory):
parent_location = 'i4x://MITx/999/course/Robot_Super_Course'
template = 'i4x://edx/templates/chapter/Empty'
display_name = 'Section One'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -323,3 +323,16 @@ class ContentStoreTest(TestCase):
def test_edit_unit_full(self):
def test_factory(self):
from factories import *
course = CourseFactory.create()
print '\n'
print course
print '\n'
section = ItemFactory.create()
print '\n'
print section
print '\n'
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