Unverified Commit 6b146db1 by Uzair Rasheed Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #16690 from edx/LEARNER-3337/validate-username-field

Verify 'Full Name' field does not allow HTML.
parents d2963a66 333e3315
......@@ -275,16 +275,9 @@ class AccountSettingsPageTest(AccountSettingsTestMixin, AcceptanceTest):
u'Full Name',
[u'another name', self.full_name],
actual_events = self.wait_for_events(event_filter=self.settings_changed_event_filter, number_of_matches=2)
self.expected_settings_changed_event('name', self.full_name, 'another name'),
self.expected_settings_changed_event('name', 'another name', self.full_name),
[u'<h1>another name<h1>', self.full_name],
u'Full Name cannot contain the following characters: < >',
def test_email_field(self):
......@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
Programmatic integration point for User API Accounts sub-application
from django.utils.translation import override as override_language, ugettext as _
from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
import re
import datetime
from pytz import UTC
from django.utils.translation import override as override_language, ugettext as _
from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.validators import validate_email, ValidationError
......@@ -133,8 +135,10 @@ def update_account_settings(requesting_user, update, username=None):
# If user has requested to change name, store old name because we must update associated metadata
# after the save process is complete.
changing_full_name = False
old_name = None
if "name" in update:
changing_full_name = True
old_name = existing_user_profile.name
# Check for fields that are not editable. Marking them read-only causes them to be ignored, but we wish to 400.
......@@ -169,6 +173,12 @@ def update_account_settings(requesting_user, update, username=None):
"user_message": err.message
if changing_full_name and contains_html(update['name']):
field_errors["name"] = {
"developer_message": u"Error thrown from validate_full_name: '{}'".format('Full Name is in-valid'),
"user_message": _(u"Full Name cannot contain the following characters: < >")
# If we have encountered any validation errors, return them to the user.
if field_errors:
raise errors.AccountValidationError(field_errors)
......@@ -514,6 +524,14 @@ def _get_user_and_profile(username):
return existing_user, existing_user_profile
def contains_html(value):
Validator method to check whether name contains html tags
regex = re.compile('(<|>)', re.UNICODE)
return bool(regex.search(value))
def _validate(validation_func, err, *args):
"""Generic validation function that returns default on
no errors, but the message associated with the err class
......@@ -179,22 +179,25 @@ class TestAccountApi(UserSettingsEventTestMixin, TestCase):
def test_update_multiple_validation_errors(self):
"""Test that all validation errors are built up and returned at once"""
# Send a read-only error, serializer error, and email validation error.
naughty_update = {
"username": "not_allowed",
"gender": "undecided",
"email": "not an email address"
"email": "not an email address",
"name": "<p style=\"font-size:300px; color:green;\"></br>Name<input type=\"text\"></br>Content spoof"
with self.assertRaises(AccountValidationError) as context_manager:
update_account_settings(self.user, naughty_update)
field_errors = context_manager.exception.field_errors
self.assertEqual(3, len(field_errors))
self.assertEqual(4, len(field_errors))
self.assertEqual("This field is not editable via this API", field_errors["username"]["developer_message"])
"Value \'undecided\' is not valid for field \'gender\'",
self.assertIn("Valid e-mail address required.", field_errors["email"]["developer_message"])
self.assertIn("Full Name cannot contain the following characters: < >", field_errors["name"]["user_message"])
@patch('student.views.render_to_string', Mock(side_effect=mock_render_to_string, autospec=True))
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