Commit 66e598b7 by Ned Batchelder

Add strftime_localized function, not called yet.

parent 229f3522
Convenience methods for working with datetime objects
from datetime import timedelta
import re
from pytz import timezone, UTC, UnknownTimeZoneError
from django.utils.translation import pgettext, ugettext
def get_default_time_display(dtime):
......@@ -62,3 +67,299 @@ def almost_same_datetime(dt1, dt2, allowed_delta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
:param dt2:
return abs(dt1 - dt2) < allowed_delta
def strftime_localized(dtime, format): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
Format a datetime, just like the built-in strftime, but with localized words.
The format string can also be one of:
* "SHORT_DATE" for a date in brief form, localized.
* "LONG_DATE" for a longer form of date, localized.
* "DATE_TIME" for a date and time together, localized.
* "TIME" for just the time, localized.
The localization is based on the current language Django is using for the
request. The exact format strings used for each of the names above is
determined by the translator for each language.
dtime (datetime): The datetime value to format.
format (str): The format string to use, as specified by
A unicode string with the formatted datetime.
if format == "SHORT_DATE":
format = "%x"
elif format == "LONG_DATE":
# Translators: the translation for "LONG_DATE_FORMAT" must be a format
# string for formatting dates in a long form. For example, the
# American English form is "%A, %B %d %Y".
# See for details.
format = ugettext("LONG_DATE_FORMAT")
if format == "LONG_DATE_FORMAT":
elif format == "DATE_TIME":
# Translators: the translation for "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" must be a format
# string for formatting dates with times. For example, the American
# English form is "%b %d, %Y at %H:%M".
# See for details.
format = ugettext("DATE_TIME_FORMAT")
if format == "DATE_TIME_FORMAT":
elif format == "TIME":
format = "%X"
def process_percent_code(match):
Convert one percent-prefixed code in the format string.
Called by re.sub just below.
code =
if code == "%":
# This only happens if the string ends with a %, which is not legal.
raise ValueError("strftime format ends with raw %")
if code == "%a":
part = pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', WEEKDAYS_ABBREVIATED[dtime.weekday()])
elif code == "%A":
part = pgettext('weekday name', WEEKDAYS[dtime.weekday()])
elif code == "%b":
part = pgettext('abbreviated month name', MONTHS_ABBREVIATED[dtime.month])
elif code == "%B":
part = pgettext('month name', MONTHS[dtime.month])
elif code == "%p":
part = pgettext('am/pm indicator', AM_PM[dtime.hour // 12])
elif code == "%x":
# Get the localized short date format, and recurse.
# Translators: the translation for "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" must be a
# format string for formatting dates in a brief form. For example,
# the American English form is "%b %d %Y".
# See for details.
actual_format = ugettext("SHORT_DATE_FORMAT")
if actual_format == "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT":
if "%x" in actual_format:
# Prevent infinite accidental recursion.
part = strftime_localized(dtime, actual_format)
elif code == "%X":
# Get the localized time format, and recurse.
# Translators: the translation for "TIME_FORMAT" must be a format
# string for formatting times. For example, the American English
# form is "%H:%M:%S". See for details.
actual_format = ugettext("TIME_FORMAT")
if actual_format == "TIME_FORMAT":
actual_format = DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT
if "%X" in actual_format:
# Prevent infinite accidental recursion.
actual_format = DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT
part = strftime_localized(dtime, actual_format)
# All the other format codes: just let built-in strftime take
# care of them.
part = dtime.strftime(code)
return part
formatted_date = re.sub(r"%.|%", process_percent_code, format)
return formatted_date
# In order to extract the strings below, we have to mark them with pgettext.
# But we'll do the actual pgettext later, so use a no-op for now, and save the
# real pgettext so we can assign it back to the global name later.
real_pgettext = pgettext
pgettext = lambda context, text: text # pylint: disable=invalid-name
AM_PM = {
# Translators: This is an AM/PM indicator for displaying times. It is
# used for the %p directive in date-time formats. See
# for details.
0: pgettext('am/pm indicator', 'AM'),
# Translators: This is an AM/PM indicator for displaying times. It is
# used for the %p directive in date-time formats. See
# for details.
1: pgettext('am/pm indicator', 'PM'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Monday Februrary 10, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
0: pgettext('weekday name', 'Monday'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Tuesday Februrary 11, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
1: pgettext('weekday name', 'Tuesday'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Wednesday Februrary 12, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
2: pgettext('weekday name', 'Wednesday'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Thursday Februrary 13, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
3: pgettext('weekday name', 'Thursday'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Friday Februrary 14, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
4: pgettext('weekday name', 'Friday'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Saturday Februrary 15, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
5: pgettext('weekday name', 'Saturday'),
# Translators: this is a weekday name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "Sunday Februrary 16, 2014". It is used for the %A
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
6: pgettext('weekday name', 'Sunday'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Mon Feb 10, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
0: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Mon'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Tue Feb 11, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
1: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Tue'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Wed Feb 12, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
2: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Wed'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Thu Feb 13, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
3: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Thu'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Fri Feb 14, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
4: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Fri'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Sat Feb 15, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
5: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Sat'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated weekday name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Sun Feb 16, 2014". It is used for the %a
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
6: pgettext('abbreviated weekday name', 'Sun'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Jan 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
1: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Jan'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Feb 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
2: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Feb'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Mar 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
3: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Mar'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Apr 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
4: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Apr'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "May 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
5: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'May'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Jun 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
6: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Jun'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Jul 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
7: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Jul'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Aug 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
8: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Aug'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Sep 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
9: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Sep'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Oct 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
10: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Oct'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Nov 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
11: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Nov'),
# Translators: this is an abbreviated month name that will be used when
# displaying dates, as in "Dec 10, 2014". It is used for the %b
# directive in date-time formats. See for details.
12: pgettext('abbreviated month name', 'Dec'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "January 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
1: pgettext('month name', 'January'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "February 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
2: pgettext('month name', 'February'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "March 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
3: pgettext('month name', 'March'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "April 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
4: pgettext('month name', 'April'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "May 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
5: pgettext('month name', 'May'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "June 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
6: pgettext('month name', 'June'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "July 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
7: pgettext('month name', 'July'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "August 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
8: pgettext('month name', 'August'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "September 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
9: pgettext('month name', 'September'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "October 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
10: pgettext('month name', 'October'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "November 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
11: pgettext('month name', 'November'),
# Translators: this is a month name that will be used when displaying
# dates, as in "December 10, 2014". It is used for the %B directive in
# date-time formats. See for details.
12: pgettext('month name', 'December'),
"""Tests for util.date_utils"""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for util.date_utils
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
from functools import partial
import unittest
import ddt
from mock import patch
from import assert_equals, assert_false # pylint: disable=E0611
from pytz import UTC, timezone
from pytz import UTC
from util.date_utils import get_default_time_display, get_time_display, almost_same_datetime
from util.date_utils import (
get_default_time_display, get_time_display, almost_same_datetime,
def test_get_default_time_display():
......@@ -106,3 +116,106 @@ def test_almost_same_datetime():
def fake_ugettext(text, translations):
A fake implementation of ugettext, for testing.
return translations.get(text, text)
def fake_pgettext(context, text, translations):
A fake implementation of pgettext, for testing.
return translations.get((context, text), text)
class StrftimeLocalizedTest(unittest.TestCase):
Tests for strftime_localized.
("%Y", "2013"),
("%m/%d/%y", "02/14/13"),
("hello", "hello"),
(u'%Y년 %m월 %d일', u"2013년 02월 14일"),
("%a, %b %d, %Y", "Thu, Feb 14, 2013"),
("%I:%M:%S %p", "04:41:17 PM"),
def test_usual_strftime_behavior(self, (fmt, expected)):
dtime = datetime(2013, 02, 14, 16, 41, 17)
self.assertEqual(expected, strftime_localized(dtime, fmt))
# strftime doesn't like Unicode, so do the work in UTF8.
self.assertEqual(expected, dtime.strftime(fmt.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8'))
("SHORT_DATE", "Feb 14, 2013"),
("LONG_DATE", "Thursday, February 14, 2013"),
("TIME", "04:41:17 PM"),
("%x %X!", "Feb 14, 2013 04:41:17 PM!"),
def test_shortcuts(self, (fmt, expected)):
dtime = datetime(2013, 02, 14, 16, 41, 17)
self.assertEqual(expected, strftime_localized(dtime, fmt))
@patch('util.date_utils.pgettext', partial(fake_pgettext, translations={
("abbreviated month name", "Feb"): "XXfebXX",
("month name", "February"): "XXfebruaryXX",
("abbreviated weekday name", "Thu"): "XXthuXX",
("weekday name", "Thursday"): "XXthursdayXX",
("am/pm indicator", "PM"): "XXpmXX",
("SHORT_DATE", "XXfebXX 14, 2013"),
("LONG_DATE", "XXthursdayXX, XXfebruaryXX 14, 2013"),
("DATE_TIME", "XXfebXX 14, 2013 at 16:41"),
("TIME", "04:41:17 XXpmXX"),
("%x %X!", "XXfebXX 14, 2013 04:41:17 XXpmXX!"),
def test_translated_words(self, (fmt, expected)):
dtime = datetime(2013, 02, 14, 16, 41, 17)
self.assertEqual(expected, strftime_localized(dtime, fmt))
@patch('util.date_utils.ugettext', partial(fake_ugettext, translations={
"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT": "date(%Y.%m.%d)",
"LONG_DATE_FORMAT": "date(%A.%Y.%B.%d)",
"DATE_TIME_FORMAT": "date(%Y.%m.%d@%H.%M)",
"TIME_FORMAT": "%Hh.%Mm.%Ss",
("SHORT_DATE", "date(2013.02.14)"),
("Look: %x", "Look: date(2013.02.14)"),
("LONG_DATE", "date(Thursday.2013.February.14)"),
("DATE_TIME", "date(2013.02.14@16.41)"),
("TIME", "16h.41m.17s"),
("The time is: %X", "The time is: 16h.41m.17s"),
("%x %X", "date(2013.02.14) 16h.41m.17s"),
def test_translated_formats(self, (fmt, expected)):
dtime = datetime(2013, 02, 14, 16, 41, 17)
self.assertEqual(expected, strftime_localized(dtime, fmt))
@patch('util.date_utils.ugettext', partial(fake_ugettext, translations={
"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT": "oops date(%Y.%x.%d)",
"TIME_FORMAT": "oops %Hh.%Xm.%Ss",
("SHORT_DATE", "Feb 14, 2013"),
("TIME", "04:41:17 PM"),
def test_recursion_protection(self, (fmt, expected)):
dtime = datetime(2013, 02, 14, 16, 41, 17)
self.assertEqual(expected, strftime_localized(dtime, fmt))
def test_invalid_format_strings(self, fmt):
dtime = datetime(2013, 02, 14, 16, 41, 17)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
strftime_localized(dtime, fmt)
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