Commit 66657db0 by Peter Baratta

Added support for superscripts in variables and fixed bug with normal…

Added support for superscripts in variables and fixed bug with normal subscripted variables raised to powers
parent 999ed17e
......@@ -247,6 +247,65 @@ class formula(object):
def flatten_pmathml(xml):
Give the text version of PMathML elements
tag = gettag(xml)
if tag == 'mn': return xml.text
elif tag == 'mi': return xml.text
# elif tag == 'msub': return '_'.join([flatten_pmathml(y) for y in xml])
# elif tag == 'msup': return '^'.join([flatten_pmathml(y) for y in xml])
elif tag == 'mrow': return ''.join([flatten_pmathml(y) for y in xml])
raise Exception, '[flatten_pmathml] unknown tag %s' % tag
# find "tagged" superscripts
# they have the character \u200b in the superscript
# replace them with a__b so snuggle doesn't get confused
def fix_superscripts(xml):
for k in xml:
tag = gettag(k)
# match node to a superscript
if (tag == 'msup' and
len(k) == 2 and gettag(k[1]) == 'mrow' and
gettag(k[1][0]) == 'mo' and k[1][0].text == u'\u200b'): # whew
newk = etree.Element('mi')
newk.text = '%s__%s' % (flatten_pmathml(k[0]), flatten_pmathml(k[1]))
xml.replace(k, newk)
if (tag == 'msubsup' and
len(k) == 3 and gettag(k[2]) == 'mrow' and
gettag(k[2][0]) == 'mo' and k[2][0].text == u'\u200b'): # whew
newk = etree.Element('mi')
newk.text = '%s_%s__%s' % (flatten_pmathml(k[0]), flatten_pmathml(k[1]), flatten_pmathml(k[2]))
xml.replace(k, newk)
# Snuggle returns an error when it sees an <msubsup>
# replace such elements with an <msup>, except the first element is of
# the form a_b. I.e. map a_b^c => (a_b)^c
def fix_msubsup(parent):
for child in parent:
# fix msubsup
if (gettag(child) == 'msubsup' and len(child) == 3):
newchild = etree.Element('msup')
newbase = etree.Element('mi')
newbase.text = '%s_%s' % (flatten_pmathml(child[0]), flatten_pmathml(child[1]))
newexp = child[2]
parent.replace(child, newchild)
self.xml = xml
return self.xml
......@@ -257,6 +316,7 @@ class formula(object):
xml = self.preprocess_pmathml(self.expr)
except Exception, err:
# print 'Err %s while preprocessing; expr=%s' % (err, self.expr)
return "<html>Error! Cannot process pmathml</html>"
pmathml = etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True)
self.the_pmathml = pmathml
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