Commit 6542fb79 by Mark Hoeber

Added Example edX-Insider Course

parent a57bddb4
......@@ -13,16 +13,17 @@ October, 2014
* - Date
- Change
* - 10/28/14
- Added the section :ref:`Example of an OLX Course`.
* - 10/23/14
- Fixed the code sample in :ref:`Script Tag Format` in the :ref:`Write
Your Own Grader` chapter.
* -
- Fixed a bug in the :ref:`Text Input Problem XML`.
* - 10/17/14
- Provided more explanation to the introduction to :ref:`Problems and
- Provided more explanation to the introduction to :ref:`Problems`.
* -
- Reorganized the :ref:`Problems and Tools` and :ref:`Course Components`
- Reorganized the :ref:`Problems` and :ref:`Course Components`
sections to properly categorize these types of objects.
* -
- Updated the :ref:`ODL Directory Structure` chapter to accurately reflect
......@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ October, 2014
in container objects.
* - 10/07/14
- Added pages for the :ref:`Graphical Slider Tool` and
:ref:`Symbolic Response` to the :ref:`Problems and Tools` section.
:ref:`Symbolic Response` to the :ref:`Problems` section.
September, 2014
Tour of the DemoX OLX
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
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......@@ -4,13 +4,16 @@
OLX Course Structure
This chapter describes the structure of a generic OLX course. See:
* `OLX and Directory File Structures`_
* `Top-level Directory`_
* `XBlock directories`_
* `edX Platform Directories`_
See :ref:`The Structure of edX-Insider` for information on how a specific OLX course is structured.
OLX and Directory File Structures
......@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ content.
additional directories that store the XML for XBlocks of that type.
XBlock directories
XBlock Directories
edX course components can be broken out of the main ``course.xml`` file
......@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ files that specify course policies and non-courseare content.
The ``about`` directory contains:
* ``overview.html``, which contains the content for the course overview page
students see the the Learning Management System (LMS).
that students see in the the Learning Management System (LMS).
* ``short_description.html``, which contains the content for the course in the
course list.
......@@ -98,8 +101,8 @@ See :ref:`The Course About Pages` for more information.
The ``info`` directory contains:
* ``handouts.html``, which contains the contain for the Course Handouts page in
the course.
* ``handouts.html``, which contains the content for the **Course Handouts**
page in the course.
* ``updates.html``, which contains the course updates students see when opening
a course.
.. _Example of an OLX Course:
Example of an OLX Course
OLX is a flexible system that you can use to create edX courses in many ways.
While there is no best way to structure courses in all situations, there are
best practices that help make an OLX course easier to create and maintain.
In this section, we use a course, `edX-Insider`_, as an example of how to
create an OLX course. We examine the overall structure of edX-Insider, as well
as how the courseware is defined.
The files for `edX-Insider`_ are stored in GitHub, so you can explore how the
course is made for yourself.
See the following chapters for more information.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. include:: ../links.rst
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.. _The edX-Insider course.xml File:
The edX-Insider ``course.xml`` File
The courseware for `edX-Insider`_ is defined in the `course.xml`_ file and
follows the organization described in :ref:`The Courseware Structure`.
* `edX-Insider Course Hierarchy`_
* `Sequentials that Contain XBlocks`_
edX-Insider Course Hierarchy
The edX-Insider courseware is organized into chapters, sequentials, and
For example, the following XML defines the first chapter, sequential, and
vertical in the course:
.. code-block:: xml
<chapter display_name="Pedagogical Foundations: Constructive Learning"
<sequential format="Learning Sequence" graded="true"
display_name="Overview (go here first)"
<vertical display_name="Week's overview" url_name="Week_s_overview">
<html display_name="Week overview" filename="Week_overview"
<done display_name="Read week overview"
url_name="Read_week_overview" align="right"/>
The vertical ``Week's Overview`` contains an HTML component that references the
file ``Week_overview`` in the ``HTML`` directory.
Students see this content in the Learning Management System as:
.. Image:: ../Images/Insider-first-image.png
:alt: The HTML component as a student views it
Sequentials that Contain XBlocks
One advantage of OLX is the flexibility it allows in how you organize your
course. For example, edX-Insider demonstrates that you can nest XBlocks and
problems directly in a sequential, without the need for a vertical. This
streamlines the course creation process while maintaining consistency in how
students interact with courseware.
The following XML defines a sequential that has as children an HTML XBlock, a
reference to a vertical that is defined in another file, and a reference to a
problem defined in another file:
.. code-block:: xml
<sequential display_name="In-class exercise" url_name="in_class">
<html display_name="Overview" url_name="overview">
<p>In the on-line portion, . . . </p>
<table border="0">
<td align="right">3pm-3:10pm</td><td>Welcome!</td>
. . .
<vertical url_name="in_class_ora"></vertical>
<problem url_name="res_survey" filename="res_survey"
display_name="Survey: What next?">
The student sees this sequential as:
.. Image:: ../Images/Insider-first-sequential.png
:alt: The squential as a student views it
.. include:: ../links.rst
\ No newline at end of file
.. _The Structure of edX-Insider:
The Structure of edX-Insider
This chapter describes the structure of the `edX-Insider`_ course. See:
* `edX-Insider and Directory File Structures`_
* `Top-level Directory`_
* `The HTML XBlock Directory`_
* `Platform Directories`_
For information on how a generic OLX course is structured, see :ref:`ODL
Directory Structure`.
.. note::
The structure and content of edX-Insider may change before this documentation
is updated.
edX-Insider and Directory File Structures
All files and sub-directores that comprise edX-Insider are stored in the
`Ongoing`_ directory in the edX-Insider Git repository.
.. Image:: ../Images/edx-insider-github.png
:alt: The edX-Insider course in GitHub
Top-level Directory
The `Ongoing`_ directory in the edX-Insider Git repository contains the
``course.xml`` file as well as XBlock and Platform directories.
The `course.xml`_ file contains the XML for the courseware. All chapters and
sequentials are defined in ``course.xml``.
Most verticals are defined in ``course.xml``; two verticals are referenced
in other files.
The content of some HTML XBlocks is embedded within ``course.xml``; other HTML
XBlocks are referenced in other files.
Problems are referenced in other files.
See :ref:`The edX-Insider course.xml File` for more information.
The HTML XBlock Directory
While some HTML content is embedded in ``course.xml``, many HTML XBlocks are
stored as separate files in the ``HTML`` directory.
Example of a Referenced XBlock
You can reference an XBlock from the ``course.xml`` file.
For example, in ``course.xml``, the first vertical in the courseware contains a
single HTML XBlock with the display name ``Week overview``, which references
``Week_overview`` in the ``url_name`` attribute:
.. code-block:: html
<chapter display_name="Pedagogical Foundations: Constructive Learning"
<sequential format="Learning Sequence" graded="true"
display_name="Overview (go here first)"
<vertical display_name="Week's overview" url_name="Week_s_overview">
<html display_name="Week overview" filename="Week_overview"
There is a file called ``Week_overview.html`` in the ``html`` directory that
contains the content for that HTML component. For detailed information, see the
`Week_overview.html`_ file in GitHub.
For a student, that HTML component appears as the first unit of the course:
.. Image:: ../Images/Insider-first-image.png
:alt: The HTML component as a student views it
Example of an Inline XBlock
You can include an XBlock content within the ``course.xml`` file. You may do
this for ease of reading and maintenance when you do not need to reuse the
For example, in ``course.xml``, the sequential with the display name ``In-class
exercise`` contains embedded HTML content:
.. code-block:: html
<sequential display_name="In-class exercise" url_name="in_class">
<html display_name="Overview" url_name="overview">
<p>In the on-line portion,
we examined a way we used technology to allow efficient
implementation of one theory from learning science – constructive
learning – in edX. In designing the edX platform, we applied many
such techniques. We took aspects of mastery learning, project-
based learning, gamification and others. Other platforms have
sophisticated techniques for targeting specific student
misconceptions, enabling a range of student social experiences,
assessing teacher performance, and hundreds of other research-
based techniques. We would like to give you a chance to practice
with designing software to enable good pedagogy.
. . .
For a student, that HTML component appears as unit of the course in the same
way as a referenced HTML component does:
.. Image:: ../Images/Insider-first-exercise.png
:alt: The HTML component as a student views it
Platform Directories
The edX-Insider course contains information in the course sub-directories as
described below.
``about`` Directory
The ``about`` directory contains:
* ``overview.html``, which contains the content for the course overview page that students see in the the Learning Management System (LMS).
* ``short_description.html``, which contains the content for the course in the
course list.
See :ref:`The Course About Pages` for more information.
``info`` Directory
The ``info`` directory contains:
* ``handouts.html``, which contains the content for the **Course Handouts**
page in the course.
* ``updates.html``, which contains the course updates students see when opening
a course.
``policies`` Directory
The ``policies`` directory contains:
* ``assets.json``, which defines all files used in the course, such as images.
* A course directory named ``Ongoing``, which contains:
* ``grading_policy.json``, which defines how student work is graded in the
* ``policy.json``, which defines various settings in the course.
See :ref:`Course Policies` for more information.
``static`` Directory
The ``static`` directory contains the files used in the course, such as images
or PDFs.
See :ref:`Course Assets` for more information.
``vertical`` Directory
The ``vertical`` directory contains the XML for two verticals used in the
* ``constructive_ora_exercise.xml``
* ``in_class_ora.xml``
You can embed verticals in the ``course.xml`` file, and this is usually the
most straightforward option. However, with OLX, you can also store XML for
verticals in separate files in the ``vertical`` directory.
In this case, verticals for open response assessments are stored in their own
files. See `Creating a Peer Assessment`_ for more information.
The vertical files are referenced in ``course.xml`` as follows:
.. code-block:: html
<vertical url_name="constructive_ora_exercise"></vertical>
.. code-block:: html
<vertical url_name="in_class_ora"></vertical>
.. include:: ../links.rst
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ To develop your course in OLX, you complete the following steps:
#. :ref:`Define course policies<Policies>`.
#. :ref:`Add course assets<Course Assets>`.
#. :ref:`Create the course About page<The Course About Pages>`.
#. :ref:`Create pages in your course<Course Pages>`.
#. :ref:`Create tabs, or pages, in your course<Course Tabs>`.
#. :ref:`Organize Courseware<Organizing Courseware>`.
#. :ref:`Create course components<Course Components>`.
#. :ref:`Create problems and tools<Problems and Tools>`.
#. :ref:`Create advanced components<Advanced Components>`.
\ No newline at end of file
#. :ref:`Create problems and tools<Problems>`.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ This document is intended for those developing edX courses through Open Learning
......@@ -6,3 +6,13 @@
.. _manual-testing-complete:
.. _LONCAPA XML format:
.. _edX-Insider:
.. _Ongoing:
.. _Week_overview.html:
.. _Creating a Peer Assessment:
.. _course.xml:
\ No newline at end of file
.. _OLX Course Building Blocks:
OLX Course Building Blocks
Before you begin building OLX, you should understand the
building blocks of an edX course. See:
Before you begin building OLX, you should understand the building blocks of an
edX course. See:
* `Courseware`_
* `Supplemental Course Content`_
......@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ OLX:
* Course chapters are at the top level of your course and typically
represent a time period. In Studio, chapters are called *sections*.
* A section contains one or more children which correspond to
* A chapter contains one or more children which correspond to
top-level pages in the course. In Studio, these are called 'subsections' and
are currently restricted to ``sequential`` elements at this
level. OLX supports any XBlock at this level.
......@@ -32,8 +34,7 @@ OLX:
and children of ``vertical`` elements are leaf elements (called modules).
* :ref:`Course Components`
* :ref:`Problems and Tools`
* :ref:`Advanced Components`
* :ref:`Problems`
For more information, see :ref:`The Courseware Structure`.
......@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ following list describes the types of supported content:
more information, see :ref:`Course Assets`.
* Course pages are custom pages that you can have appear in the top navigation
menu of your course. For more information, see :ref:`Course Pages`.
menu of your course. For more information, see :ref:`Course Tabs`.
Course Policies
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ See:
* `Course Sequentials`_
* `Course Verticals`_
For an example of an ``course.xml`` file, see :ref:`The edX-Insider course.xml File`.
The ``course.xml`` File
.. _Problems and Tools:
.. _Problems:
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