Commit 647d1514 by Александр Committed by Alexander Kryklia

support both regions and rectangles

parent b4fb0cc4
......@@ -1724,14 +1724,15 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
Each <imageinput> should specify a rectangle(s) or region(s), given as an
attribute, defining the correct answer.
Rectangle(s) are more prioritized over regions due to simplicity and
backward compatibility. In this example regions will be ignored:
<imageinput src="/static/images/Lecture2/S2_p04.png" width="811" height="610"
regions='[[[10,10], [20,30], [40, 10]], [[100,100], [120,130], [110,150]]]'/>
Regions is list of lists [region1, region2, region3, ...] where regionN
is ordered list of points: [[1,1], [100,100], [50,50], [20, 70]].
True, if click is inside any region or rectangle. Otherwise False.
snippets = [{'snippet': '''<imageresponse>
<imageinput src="image1.jpg" width="200" height="100"
......@@ -1792,7 +1793,6 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
if (llx <= gx <= urx) and (lly <= gy <= ury):
correct_map.set(aid, 'correct')
else: # rectangles are more prioretized for same id
if regions[aid]:
parsed_region = json.loads(regions[aid])
for region in parsed_region:
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