Commit 5dfd4d4d by jsa

clarify and internationalize the search spell correction message.

parent b5cd3e1b
......@@ -460,7 +460,12 @@ if Backbone?
@collection.current_page =
@collection.pages = response.num_pages
if !_.isNull response.corrected_text
@addSearchAlert('Showing results for "' + response.corrected_text + '"');
message = interpolate(
_.escape(gettext('No results found for %(original_query)s. Showing results for %(suggested_query)s.')),
{"original_query": "<em>" + _.escape(text) + "</em>", "suggested_query": "<em>" + response.corrected_text + "</em>"},
# TODO: Perhaps reload user info so that votes can be updated.
# In the future we might not load all of a user's votes at once
# so this would probably be necessary anyway
......@@ -45,8 +45,12 @@ body.discussion {
// alert copy
.message {
@include font-size(12);
@extend %t-weight5;
color: $white;
em {
@extend %t-weight5;
font-style: italic;
// links to jump to users/content in alerts
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
<script aria-hidden="true" type="text/template" id="search-alert-template">
<div class="search-alert" id="search-alert-${'<%- cid %>'}">
<div class="search-alert-content">
<p class="message">${'<%- message %>'}</p>
<p class="message">${'<%= message %>'}</p>
<div class="search-alert-controls">
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