Commit 5b461129 by Bridger Maxwell

Small refactor on the grades. Also made the gradebook render a graph for each student

branch : bridger-grades
parent 12c3c4cc
import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
import courseware.modules
import logging
import random
import urllib
from lxml import etree
import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
from models import StudentModule
from django.conf import settings
import courseware.modules
from lxml import etree
from models import StudentModule
from student.models import UserProfile
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
......@@ -44,6 +44,17 @@ def get_grade(user, problem, cache):
return (correct, total)
def grade_sheet(student):
This pulls a summary of all problems in the course. It returns a dictionary with two datastructures:
- courseware_summary is a summary of all sections with problems in the course. It is organized as an array of chapters,
each containing an array of sections, each containing an array of scores. This contains information for graded and ungraded
problems, and is good for displaying a course summary with due dates, etc.
- grade_summary is a summary of how the final grade breaks down. It is an array of "sections". Each section can either be
a conglomerate of scores (like labs or homeworks) which has subscores and a totalscore, or a section can be all from one assignment
(such as a midterm or final) and only has a totalscore. Each section has a weight that shows how it contributes to the total grade.
course = dom.xpath('//course/@name')[0]
xmlChapters = dom.xpath('//course[@name=$course]/chapter', course=course)
......@@ -54,7 +65,7 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
response_by_id[response.module_id] = response
total_scores = {}
totaled_scores = {}
for c in xmlChapters:
sections = []
......@@ -93,13 +104,13 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
graded_total = (sum([score[0] for score in scores if score[2]]),
sum([score[1] for score in scores if score[2]]))
#Add the graded total to total_scores
#Add the graded total to totaled_scores
format = s.get('format') if s.get('format') else ""
subtitle = s.get('subtitle') if s.get('subtitle') else format
if format and graded_total[1] > 0:
format_scores = total_scores[ format ] if format in total_scores else []
format_scores = totaled_scores[ format ] if format in totaled_scores else []
format_scores.append( graded_total + (s.get("name"),) )
total_scores[ format ] = format_scores
totaled_scores[ format ] = format_scores
......@@ -116,6 +127,19 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
'sections' : sections,})
grade_summary = grade_summary_6002x(totaled_scores)
return {'courseware_summary' : chapters,
'grade_summary' : grade_summary}
def grade_summary_6002x(totaled_scores):
This function takes the a dictionary of (graded) section scores, and applies the course grading rules to create
the grade_summary. For 6.002x this means homeworks and labs all have equal weight, with the lowest 2 of each
being dropped. There is one midterm and one final.
def totalWithDrops(scores, drop_count):
#Note that this key will sort the list descending
sorted_scores = sorted( enumerate(scores), key=lambda x: -x[1]['percentage'] )
......@@ -131,7 +155,7 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
return aggregate_score, dropped_indices
#Figure the homework scores
homework_scores = total_scores['Homework'] if 'Homework' in total_scores else []
homework_scores = totaled_scores['Homework'] if 'Homework' in totaled_scores else []
homework_percentages = []
for i in range(12):
if i < len(homework_scores):
......@@ -153,7 +177,7 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
homework_total, homework_dropped_indices = totalWithDrops(homework_percentages, 2)
#Figure the lab scores
lab_scores = total_scores['Lab'] if 'Lab' in total_scores else []
lab_scores = totaled_scores['Lab'] if 'Lab' in totaled_scores else []
lab_percentages = []
log.debug("lab_scores: {0}".format(lab_scores))
for i in range(12):
......@@ -196,7 +220,8 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
'category': 'Homework',
'subscores' : homework_percentages,
'dropped_indices' : homework_dropped_indices,
'totalscore' : {'score' : homework_total, 'summary' : "Homework Average - {0:.0%}".format(homework_total)},
'totalscore' : homework_total,
'totalscore_summary' : "Homework Average - {0:.0%}".format(homework_total),
'totallabel' : 'HW Avg',
'weight' : 0.15,
......@@ -204,25 +229,25 @@ def grade_sheet(student):
'category': 'Labs',
'subscores' : lab_percentages,
'dropped_indices' : lab_dropped_indices,
'totalscore' : {'score' : lab_total, 'summary' : "Lab Average - {0:.0%}".format(lab_total)},
'totalscore' : lab_total,
'totalscore_summary' : "Lab Average - {0:.0%}".format(lab_total),
'totallabel' : 'Lab Avg',
'weight' : 0.15,
'category': 'Midterm',
'totalscore' : {'score' : midterm_percentage, 'summary' : "Midterm - {0:.0%} ({1}/{2})".format(midterm_percentage, midterm_score[0], midterm_score[1])},
'totalscore' : midterm_percentage,
'totalscore_summary' : "Midterm - {0:.0%} ({1}/{2})".format(midterm_percentage, midterm_score[0], midterm_score[1]),
'totallabel' : 'Midterm',
'weight' : 0.30,
'category': 'Final',
'totalscore' : {'score' : final_percentage, 'summary' : "Final - {0:.0%} ({1}/{2})".format(final_percentage, final_score[0], final_score[1])},
'totalscore' : final_percentage,
'totalscore_summary' : "Final - {0:.0%} ({1}/{2})".format(final_percentage, final_score[0], final_score[1]),
'totallabel' : 'Final',
'weight' : 0.40,
return {'grade_summary' : grade_summary,
return grade_summary
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