In this case user_input["atoms"] contains special 3 symbol keys: e10, e12, e20, and e21.
Correct answer for this geometry can be of 3 types:
1) c0 and peripheral
2) c0 and axial and equatorial
3) c0 and axial and equatorial-subset-1 (e1X) and equatorial-subset-2 (e2X)
If correct answer is type 1 or 2, then user_input is converted from type 3 to type 2 (or to type 1 if convert_to_peripheral is True)
If correct_answer is type 3, then we done special case comparison. We have 3 sets of atoms positions both in user_input and correct_answer: axial, eq-1 and eq-2.
Answer will be correct if these sets are equals for one of permutations. For example, if :