Commit 56244783 by Vasyl Nakvasiuk

Merge pull request #591 from edx/vaxxxa/word_cloud_acceptance_tests

Add "Word Cloud" acceptance tests
parents 57f8d218 ae8b2c88
Feature: World Cloud component
As a student, I want to view Word Cloud component in LMS.
Scenario: Word Cloud component in LMS is rendered with empty result
Given the course has a Word Cloud component
Then I view the word cloud and it has rendered
When I press the Save button
Then I see the empty result
Scenario: Word Cloud component in LMS is rendered with result
Given the course has a Word Cloud component
Then I view the word cloud and it has rendered
When I fill inputs
And I press the Save button
Then I see the result with words count
\ No newline at end of file
#pylint: disable=C0111
from time import sleep
from lettuce import world, step
from lettuce.django import django_url
from common import i_am_registered_for_the_course, section_location
@step('I view the word cloud and it has rendered')
def word_cloud_is_rendered(_step):
assert world.is_css_present('.word_cloud')
@step('the course has a Word Cloud component')
def view_word_cloud(_step):
coursenum = 'test_course'
i_am_registered_for_the_course(_step, coursenum)
chapter_name = world.scenario_dict['SECTION'].display_name.replace(
" ", "_")
section_name = chapter_name
url = django_url('/courses/%s/%s/%s/courseware/%s/%s' % (
world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].display_name.replace(' ', '_'),
chapter_name, section_name,)
@step('I press the Save button')
def press_the_save_button(_step):
button_css = '.input_cloud_section'
elem = world.css_find(button_css).first
world.css_has_text(button_css, elem)
@step('I see the empty result')
def see_empty_result(_step):
assert (world.css_text('.your_words', 0) == '')
@step('I fill inputs')
def fill_inputs(_step):
input_css = '.input_cloud_section .input-cloud'
world.css_fill(input_css, 'text1', 0)
for index in range(1, 4):
world.css_fill('.input_cloud_section .input-cloud', 'text2', index)
@step('I see the result with words count')
def see_result(_step):
strong_css = '.your_words strong'
target_text = set([world.css_text(strong_css, i) for i in range(2)])
assert set(['text1', 'text2']) == target_text
def add_word_cloud_to_course(course):
category = 'word_cloud'
display_name='Word Cloud')
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