<p>In Studio, alerts are 1) general warnings/notes (e.g. drafts, published content, next steps) about the current view a user is interacting with or 2) notes about the status (e.g. saved confirmations, errors, next system steps) of any previous state that need to communicated to the user when arriving at the current view.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Draft Your Course's Grading Policy</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Regardless of whether you have all your course assignments written, you can immediately get started setting up assignment types and a grade computation scheme.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Explore the other Studio Checklists</h4>
<pclass="task-description">They'll help you learn the other course authoring tools available to you, and will also help you find help when you need it.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Designate a Subsection as Graded</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Assignment types are defined in your grading settings but can be quickly associated with sections using your course outline.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Reordering Course Content</h4>
<pclass="task-description">From the Course Outline, you can easily reorder your course content based on the progression you'd like students to walk through.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Deleting Course Content</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Try out deleting on a section, subsection, or unit you don't need anymore. Be careful though, anything inside the course content you delete is also removed.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add an Instructor-Only Section to Your Outline</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Some course authors find creating a section for unsorted, in-progress work useful. To do this, create a section and set the release date to the distant future.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit in Course Outline</a>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Explore the Studio Help Forum</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Access the Studio Help forum from the menu that appears when you click your user name in the top right corner of Studio.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Visit edX Studio Help</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Download the Studio Documentation</h4>
<pclass="task-description">View the searchable Studio documentation to find answers to your questions or information about how to do specific tasks. Once you download the PDF, you can view it offline.</p>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Explore the other Studio Checklists</h4>
<pclass="task-description">They'll help you learn the other course authoring tools available to you, and will also help you find help when you need it.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Drafting a Course Description/h4>
<pclass="task-description">Courses on edX each have their own introduction page, including a course video, description, and more. Draft the introduction students will read before deciding to enroll in your course.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Adding Staff Bios</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Showing prospective students who will be their instructor is helpful, so we recommend including staff bios in the Course introduction page.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course FAQs</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Students often have questions about courses, and including a short list of frequently asked questions up front often reduces the number of students who are confused.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Prerequisites</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Before a student jumps into a course without the necessary preparation, we'd like them to understand the prerequisites that will make them more likely to succeed.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary link-pdf">Edit Course Schedule & Details </a>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h4class="task-name title title-3">Add Course Team Members</h4>
<pclass="task-description">Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together. Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together. Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together. Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together.</p>
<ulclass="list-actions task-actions">
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary">Edit Team Members</a>
<ulclass="list-actions course-checklist-actions">
<h5class="sr">Edit This Checklist</h5>
<ahref="#"class="action action-primary"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-standard icon-add">+</i> Add a Task <spanclass="sr">to This Checklist</span></a>
<ahref="#"class="action action-secondary action-delete"><iclass="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon-delete"></i> Delete This Checklist</a>
<h3class="title title-3">What are Checklists?</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.</p>
<h3class="title title-3">Current Checklists</h3>
<navclass="nav-page checklists-current">
<ahref="#course-checklist1">Getting Started with Studio</a>
<ahref="#course-checklist2">Draft a Rough Course Outline</a>
<ahref="#course-checklist3">Explore edX's Support Tools</a>
<ahref="#course-checklist4">Draft your Course Introduction</a>
<h2class="title title-3">Your policy changes have been saved.</h2>
<p>Please note that validation of your policy key and value pairs is not currently in place yet. If you are having difficulties, please review your policy pairs.</p>