Commit 5194dc31 by David Ormsbee

Add support for discussion_link attribute in course policy files as a kludge to…

Add support for discussion_link attribute in course policy files as a kludge to support CS50's external forums
parent 1a1c5eda
......@@ -233,6 +233,15 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
return self.metadata.get('info_sidebar_name', 'Course Handouts')
def discussion_link(self):
"""FIXME: This is a quick kludge to allow CS50 (and other courses) to
specify their own discussion forums as external links by specifying a
"discussion_link" in their policy JSON file. This should later get
folded in with Syllabus, Course Info, and additional Custom tabs in a
more sensible framework later."""
return self.metadata.get('discussion_link', None)
def title(self):
return self.display_name
......@@ -28,11 +28,18 @@ def url_class(url):
<li class="book"><a href="${reverse('book', args=[, index])}" class="${url_class('book')}">${textbook.title}</a></li>
% endfor
% endif
## If they have a discussion link specified, use that even if we feature
## flag discussions off. Disabling that is mostly a server safety feature
## at this point, and we don't need to worry about external sites.
% if course.discussion_link:
<li class="discussion"><a href="${course.discussion_link}">Discussion</a></li>
<li class="discussion"><a href="${reverse('', args=[])}" class="${url_class('discussion')}">Discussion</a></li>
## <li class="news"><a href="${reverse('news', args=[])}" class="${url_class('news')}">News</a></li>
% endif
## This is Askbot, which we should be retiring soon...
<li class="discussion"><a href="${reverse('questions')}">Discussion</a></li>
% endif
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