<p>${_("In addition to the files you upload on this page, any files that you add to the course appear in this list. These files include your course image, textbook chapters, and files that appear on your Course Handouts sidebar.")}</p>
<p>${_("In addition to the files you upload on this page, any files that you add to the course appear in this list. These files include your course image, textbook chapters, and files that appear on your Course Handouts sidebar.")}</p>
<h3class="title-3">${_("File URLs")}</h3>
<liclass="item-detail">${_("You use the Embed URL value to link to the file or image from a component, a course update, or a course handout.")}</li>
<liclass="item-detail">${_("You use the External URL value to reference the file or image from outside of your course. Do not use the External URL as a link value within your course.")}</li>
<h3class="title-3">${_("What can I do on this page?")}</h3>
<h3class="title-3">${_("What can I do on this page?")}</h3>
<liclass="item-detail">${_("You can upload new files or view, download, or delete existing files. You can lock a file so that people who are not enrolled in your course cannot access that file.")}</li>
<liclass="item-detail">${_("You can upload new files or view, download, or delete existing files. You can lock a file so that people who are not enrolled in your course cannot access that file.")}</li>
<liclass="item-detail">${_("Use the URL listed for a file to create a link to that file in the Course Handouts sidebar or in the body of the course.")}</li>