Commit 5041335a by Greg Price

Merge pull request #5488 from edx/gprice/cohort-events-doc

Add documentation for cohort events
parents 5ab2a90d 690a6c0d
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,6 +42,16 @@ Alphabetical Event List
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``dump-grades-raw``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``edx.cohort.created``
- :ref:`student_cohort_events`
* - ``edx.cohort.creation_requested``
- :ref:`instructor_cohort_events`
* - ``edx.cohort.user_add_requested``
- :ref:`instructor_cohort_events`
* - ``edx.cohort.user_added``
- :ref:`student_cohort_events`
* - ``edx.cohort.user_removed``
- :ref:`student_cohort_events`
* - ``edx.course.enrollment.activated``
- :ref:`enrollment` and :ref:`instructor_enrollment`
* - ``edx.course.enrollment.deactivated``
......@@ -301,6 +301,8 @@ outside the Instructor Dashboard.
* :ref:`AB_Event_Types`
* :ref:`student_cohort_events`
* :ref:`ora`
The descriptions that follow include what each event represents, the system
......@@ -1747,7 +1749,7 @@ After a user executes a text search in the navigation sidebar of the course
**Event Source**: Server
**History**: Added 16 May 2014. The ``corrected_text`` field was added 5
Jun 2014.
Jun 2014. The ``group_id`` field was added 7 October 2014.
``event`` **Fields**:
......@@ -1761,6 +1763,15 @@ Jun 2014.
* - ``query``
- string
- The text entered into the search box by the user.
* - ``group_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group to which the user's search is
restricted, or ``null`` if the search is not restricted in this way. In a
course with cohorts enabled, a student's searches will always be
restricted to the student's cohort group. Discussion Admins, Moderators, and
Community TAs in such a course can search all discussions
without specifying a cohort group, which leaves this field
``null`, or they can specify a single cohort group to search.
* - ``page``
- integer
- Results are returned in sets of 20 per page. Identifies the page of
......@@ -2159,6 +2170,106 @@ the child module that was shown to the student.
- string
- ID of the module that displays to the student.
.. _student_cohort_events:
Student Cohort Events
When a cohort group is created, the server emits an ``edx.cohort.created``
event. A member of the course staff can create a cohort group manually via the
Instructor Dashboard (see :ref:`instructor_cohort_events`). The system
automatically creates the default cohort group and cohort groups included in the
course's ``auto_cohort_groups`` setting as they are needed (e.g. when a student
is assigned to one).
**Event Source**: Server
**History** Added 7 Oct 2014.
``event`` **Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``cohort_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group.
* - ``cohort_name``
- string
- The display name of the cohort group.
When a user is added to a cohort group, the server emits an
``edx.cohort.user_added`` event. A member of the course staff can add a user to
a cohort group manually via the Instructor Dashboard (see
:ref:`instructor_cohort_events`). The system automatically adds a user to the default
cohort group or a cohort group included in the course's ``auto_cohort_groups``
setting if the user accesses a discussion but has not yet been assigned to a
cohort group.
**Event Source**: Server
**History** Added 7 Oct 2014.
``event`` **Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``user_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID (from of the added user.
* - ``cohort_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group.
* - ``cohort_name``
- string
- The display name of the cohort group.
When a user is removed from a cohort group (by being assigned to a different
cohort group via the Instructor Dashboard), the server emits an
``edx.cohort.user_removed`` event.
**Event Source**: Server
**History** Added 7 Oct 2014.
``event`` **Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``user_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID (from of the removed user.
* - ``cohort_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group.
* - ``cohort_name``
- string
- The display name of the cohort group.
.. _ora:
......@@ -2593,5 +2704,82 @@ members also generate enrollment events.
For details about the enrollment events, see :ref:`enrollment`.
.. _instructor_cohort_events:
Instructor Cohort Events
In addition to the cohort events that are generated when students are assigned
to cohort groups (which can happen automatically or manually via the Instructor
Dashboard; see :ref:`student_cohort_events`), actions by instructors and course
staff members generate additional events.
When an instructor or course staff member manually creates a cohort group via
the Instructor Dashboard, the server emits an ``edx.cohort.creation_requested``
**Event Source**: Server
**History** Added 7 Oct 2014.
``event`` **Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``cohort_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group.
* - ``cohort_name``
- string
- The display name of the cohort group.
When an instructor or course staff member adds a student to a cohort group via
the Instructor Dashboard, the server emits an ``edx.cohort.user_add_requested``
**Event Source**: Server
**History** Added 7 Oct 2014.
``event`` **Fields**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``user_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID (from of the added user.
* - ``cohort_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group.
* - ``cohort_name``
- string
- The display name of the cohort group.
* - ``previous_cohort_id``
- integer
- The numeric ID of the cohort group that the user was previously assigned
to (or null if the user was not previously assigned to a cohort group).
* - ``previous_cohort_name``
- string
- The display name of the cohort group that the user was previously
assigned to (or null if the user was not previously assigned to a cohort
.. _Creating a Peer Assessment:
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