Commit 4f54c4b2 by cjt

new .js files

parent 74e9fc7a
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
// create a circuit for simulation using "new cktsim.Circuit()"
// for modified nodal analysis (MNA) stamps see
......@@ -30,9 +31,11 @@ cktsim = (function() {
max_dc_iters = 200; // max iterations before giving pu
max_tran_iters = 10; // max iterations before giving up
increase_limit = 4; // if we converge in this many iterations, increase time step
time_step_increase_factor = 2.0;
time_step_decrease_factor = 0.3;
reltol = 0.001; // convergence criterion relative to max observed value
time_step_increase_factor = 2.0; // How much can lte let timestep grow.
lte_step_decrease_factor = 8; // How much will lte shrink timestep in one iter.
nr_step_decrease_factor = 4; // How much Newton will shink timeste in one iter.
reltol = 0.0001; // convergence criterion relative to max observed value
lterel = 4; // The ratio between lte error and Newton error.
function Circuit() {
this.node_map = new Array();
......@@ -141,16 +144,15 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// if converges: updates this.solution, this.soln_max, returns iter count
// otherwise: return undefined and set this.problem_node
// The argument should be a function that sets up the linear system.
// Load should compute -f and df/dx (note the sign pattern!)
Circuit.prototype.find_solution = function(load,maxiters) {
var soln = this.solution;
var rhs = this.rhs;
var d_sol,temp,converged;
var d_sol,converged;
// iteratively solve until values convere or iteration limit exceeded
for (var iter = 0; iter < maxiters; iter++) {
// set up equations
// no longer needed this.initialize_linear_system();
// Compute the Newton delta
......@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
this.problem_node = i;
// alert(numeric.prettyPrint(this.solution));
if (converged == true) return iter+1;
// too many iterations
......@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// Define f and df/dx for Newton solver
// Define -f and df/dx for Newton solver
function load_dc(ckt,soln,rhs) {
// rhs is initialized to -Gl * soln
ckt.matv_mult(ckt.Gl, soln, rhs, -1.0);
......@@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// Now load up the nonlinear parts of rhs and G
for (var i = ckt.devices.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
// G matrix is initialized with linear Gl
// G matrix is copied in to the system matrix
......@@ -221,9 +223,80 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// Transient analysis (needs work!)
Circuit.prototype.tran = function(ntpts, tstart, tstop, no_dc) {
Circuit.prototype.tran = function(ntpts, tstart, tstop, probenames, no_dc) {
// Define -f and df/dx for Newton solver
function load_tran(ckt,soln,rhs) {
// Crnt is initialized to -Gl * soln
ckt.matv_mult(ckt.Gl, soln, ckt.c,-1.0);
// G matrix is initialized with linear Gl
// Now load up the nonlinear parts of crnt and G
for (var i = ckt.devices.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
// Exploit the fact that storage elements are linear
ckt.matv_mult(ckt.C, soln, ckt.q, 1.0);
// -rhs = c - dqdt
for (var i = ckt.N-1; i >= 0; --i) {
var dqdt = ckt.alpha0*ckt.q[i] + ckt.alpha1*ckt.oldq[i] +
rhs[i] = ckt.beta0[i]*ckt.c[i] + ckt.beta1[i]*ckt.oldc[i] - dqdt;
// matrix = beta0*G + alpha0*C.
var p = new Array(3);
function interp_coeffs(t, t0, t1, t2) {
// Poly coefficients
var dtt0 = (t - t0);
var dtt1 = (t - t1);
var dtt2 = (t - t2);
var dt0dt1 = (t0 - t1);
var dt0dt2 = (t0 - t2);
var dt1dt2 = (t1 - t2);
p[0] = (dtt1*dtt2)/(dt0dt1 * dt0dt2);
p[1] = (dtt0*dtt2)/(-dt0dt1 * dt1dt2);
p[2] = (dtt0*dtt1)/(dt0dt2 * dt1dt2);
return p;
function pick_step(ckt, step_index) {
var min_shrink_factor = 1.0/lte_step_decrease_factor;
var max_growth_factor = time_step_increase_factor;
var N = ckt.N;
var p = interp_coeffs(ckt.time, ckt.oldt, ckt.old2t, ckt.old3t);
var trapcoeff = 0.5*(ckt.time - ckt.oldt)/(ckt.time - ckt.old3t);
var maxlteratio = 0.0;
for (var i = ckt.N-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (ckt.ltecheck[i]) { // Check lte on variable
var pred = p[0]*ckt.oldsol[i] + p[1]*ckt.old2sol[i] + p[2]*ckt.old3sol[i];
var lte = Math.abs((ckt.solution[i] - pred))*trapcoeff;
var lteratio = lte/(lterel*(ckt.abstol[i] + reltol*ckt.soln_max[i]));
maxlteratio = Math.max(maxlteratio, lteratio);
var new_step;
var lte_step_ratio = 1.0/Math.pow(maxlteratio,1/3); // Cube root because trap
if (lte_step_ratio < 1.0) { // Shrink the timestep to make lte
lte_step_ratio = Math.max(lte_step_ratio,min_shrink_factor);
new_step = (ckt.time - ckt.oldt)*0.75*lte_step_ratio;
new_step = Math.max(new_step, ckt.min_step);
} else {
lte_step_ratio = Math.min(lte_step_ratio, max_growth_factor);
if (lte_step_ratio > 1.2) /* Increase timestep due to lte. */
new_step = (ckt.time - ckt.oldt) * lte_step_ratio / 1.2;
new_step = (ckt.time - ckt.oldt);
new_step = Math.min(new_step, ckt.max_step);
return new_step;
// Standard to do a dc analysis before transient
// Otherwise, do the setup also done in dc.
//no_dc = true;
if ((this.diddc == false) && (no_dc == false)) this.dc();
else {
// Allocate matrices and vectors.
......@@ -242,70 +315,140 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var response = new Array(N + 1);
for (var i = N; i >= 0; --i) response[i] = new Array();
// Allocate space to put previous charge and current
this.oldc = new Array(this.N);
// Allocate back vectors for up to a second order method
this.old3sol = new Array(this.N);
this.old3q = new Array(this.N);
this.old2sol = new Array(this.N);
this.old2q = new Array(this.N);
this.oldsol = new Array(this.N);
this.oldq = new Array(this.N);
this.c = new Array(this.N);
this.q = new Array(this.N);
this.oldc = new Array(this.N);
this.c = new Array(this.N);
this.alpha0 = 1.0;
this.alpha1 = 0.0;
this.alpha2 = 0.0;
this.beta0 = new Array(this.N);
this.beta1 = new Array(this.N);
// Define f and df/dx for Newton solver
function load_tran(ckt,soln,rhs) {
// rhs is initialized to -Gl * soln
ckt.matv_mult(ckt.Gl, soln, ckt.c,-1.0);
// G matrix is initialized with linear Gl
// Now load up the nonlinear parts of rhs and G
for (var i = ckt.devices.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
// Mark the algebraic rows (useful for trap) = this.zero_row(this.C);
// Exploit the fact that storage elements are linear
ckt.matv_mult(ckt.C, soln, ckt.q, 1.0);
for (var i = ckt.N-1; i >= 0; --i)
rhs[i] = ckt.alpha0 *(ckt.oldq[i] - ckt.q[i]) + ckt.c[i]
// rhs is initialized to -Gl * soln
ckt.matv_mult(ckt.Gl, soln, ckt.c,-1.0);
// system matrix is G - alpha0 C.
// Non-algebraic variables and probe variables get lte
this.ltecheck = new Array(this.N);
for (var i = N; i >= 0; --i)
this.ltecheck[i] = ([i] == 0);
for (var name in this.node_map) {
var index = this.node_map[name];
for (var i = probenames.length; i >= 0; --i) {
if (name == probenames[i]) {
this.ltecheck[index] = true;
this.time = tstart;
var dt = (tstop - tstart)/ntpts;
this.max_step = (tstop - tstart)/ntpts;
this.min_step = this.max_step/1e8;
var new_step = this.max_step/1e6;
this.oldt = this.time - new_step;
// Initialize this.c and this.q
// Initialize old crnts, charges, and solutions.
for (var i = N-1; i >= 0; --i) {
this.old3sol[i] = this.solution[i];
this.old2sol[i] = this.solution[i];
this.oldsol[i] = this.solution[i];
this.old3q[i] = this.q[i];
this.old2q[i] = this.q[i];
this.oldq[i] = this.q[i];
this.oldc[i] = this.c[i];
for(var tindex = 0; tindex < ntpts; tindex++) {
var step_index = -2; // Start with two pseudo-Euler steps
var beta0,beta1;
while (this.time <= tstop) {
// Save the just computed solution, and move back q and c.
for (var i = this.N - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (step_index >= 0)
this.oldc[i] = this.c[i];
this.old3sol[i] = this.old2sol[i];
this.old2sol[i] = this.oldsol[i];
this.oldsol[i] = this.solution[i];
this.old3q[i] = this.oldq[i];
this.old2q[i] = this.oldq[i];
this.oldq[i] = this.q[i];
this.oldtime = this.time;
if (this.time >= tstop) break;
// Pick a timestep and an integration method
if (this.time + 1.1*dt > tstop)
if (step_index < 0) { // Take a prestep using BE
this.old3t = this.old2t - (this.oldt-this.old2t)
this.old2t = this.oldt - (tstart-this.oldt)
this.oldt = tstart - (this.time - this.oldt);
this.time = tstart;
beta0 = 1.0;
beta1 = 0.0;
} else { // Take a regular step
// Save the time, and rotate time wheel
this.old3t = this.old2t;
this.old2t = this.oldt;
this.oldt = this.time;
// Make sure we come smoothly in to the interval end.
if (this.time >= tstop) break; // We're done.
else if(this.time + new_step > tstop)
this.time = tstop;
else if(this.time + 1.5*new_step > tstop)
this.time += (2/3)*(tstop - this.time);
this.time += dt;
this.time += new_step;
// Trapezoidal rule betas
beta0 = 0.5;
beta1 = 0.5;
// Set the timestep
this.alpha0 = 1.0/(this.time - this.oldtime);
// Keep track of step index.
step_index += 1;
// For trap rule, turn off current avging for algebraic eqns
for (var i = this.N - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this.beta0[i] = beta0 +[i]*beta1;
this.beta1[i] = (1.0 -[i])*beta1;
// Predict the solution, nah maybe later.
// Loop to find NR converging timestep with okay LTE
while (true) {
// Set the timestep coefficients (alpha2 is for bdf2).
this.alpha0 = 1.0/(this.time - this.oldt);
this.alpha1 = -this.alpha0;
this.alpha2 = 0;
// Use Newton to compute the solution.
var iterations = this.find_solution(load_tran,max_tran_iters);
if (iterations == undefined)
alert('timestep nonconvergence, try more time points');
// If NR succeeds and stepsize is at min, accept and newstep=maxgrowth*minstep.
// Else if Newton Fails, shrink step by a factor and try again
// Else LTE picks new step, if bigger accept current step and go on.
if ((iterations != undefined) &&
(step_index <= 0 || (this.time-this.oldt) < (1+reltol)*this.min_step)) {
if (step_index > 0) new_step = time_step_increase_factor*this.min_step;
} else if (iterations == undefined) { // NR nonconvergence, shrink by factor
//alert('timestep nonconvergence');
this.time = this.oldt +
(this.time - this.oldt)/nr_step_decrease_factor;
} else { // Check the LTE and shrink step if needed.
new_step = pick_step(this, step_index);
if (new_step < (1.0 - reltol)*(this.time - this.oldt)) {
this.time = this.oldt + new_step; // Try again
break; // LTE okay, new_step for next step
// create solution dictionary
......@@ -355,14 +498,12 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// Find complex x+jy that sats Gx-omega*Cy=rhs; omega*Cx+Gy=0
// Note: solac[0:N-1]=x, solac[N:2N-1]=y
for (var i = N-1; i >= 0; --i)
for (var i = N-1; i >= 0; --i) {
// First the rhs, replicated for real and imaginary
matrixac[i][2*N] = this.rhs[i];
matrixac[i+N][2*N] = 0;
for (var j = N-1; j >= 0; --j)
for (var j = N-1; j >= 0; --j) {
matrixac[i][j] = G[i][j];
matrixac[i+N][j+N] = G[i][j];
matrixac[i][j+N] = -omega*C[i][j];
......@@ -486,7 +627,6 @@ cktsim = (function() {
return this.add_device(d, name);
// Support for creating and solving a system of linear equations
......@@ -501,15 +641,6 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// Knowns (A and b) are stored in an augmented matrix M = [A | b]
// Matrix is stored as an array of arrays: M[row][col].
// set augmented matrix to zero
Circuit.prototype.initialize_linear_system = function() {
for (var i = this.N - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var row = this.matrix[i];
for (var j = this.N; j >= 0; --j) // N+1 entries
row[j] = 0;
// Allocate an NxM matrix
Circuit.prototype.make_mat = function(N,M) {
var mat = new Array(N);
......@@ -528,56 +659,63 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var m = M[0].length;
if (n != b.length || m != x.length)
{ throw 'Rows of M mismatched to b or cols mismatch to x.';
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
throw 'Rows of M mismatched to b or cols mismatch to x.';
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var temp = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++)
temp += M[i][j]*x[j];
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) temp += M[i][j]*x[j];
b[i] = scale*temp; // Recall the neg in the name
// Form C = A + scale*B
Circuit.prototype.mat_scale_add = function(A, B, scale, C) {
// C = scalea*A + scaleb*B, scalea, scaleb eithers numbers or arrays (row scaling)
Circuit.prototype.mat_scale_add = function(A, B, scalea, scaleb, C) {
var n = A.length;
var m = A[0].length;
if (n > B.length || m > B[0].length)
{ throw 'Row or columns of A to large for B';
throw 'Row or columns of A to large for B';
if (n > C.length || m > C[0].length)
{ throw 'Row or columns of A to large for C';
throw 'Row or columns of A to large for C';
if ((typeof scalea == 'number') && (typeof scaleb == 'number'))
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++)
C[i][j] = A[i][j] + scale * B[i][j];
C[i][j] = scalea*A[i][j] + scaleb*B[i][j];
else if ((typeof scaleb == 'number') && (scalea instanceof Array))
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++)
C[i][j] = scalea[i]*A[i][j] + scaleb*B[i][j];
else if ((typeof scaleb instanceof Array) && (scalea instanceof Array))
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++)
C[i][j] = scalea[i]*A[i][j] + scaleb[i]*B[i][j];
throw 'scalea and scaleb must be scalars or Arrays';
// Returns a vector of ones and zeros, ones denote zero rows in M
Circuit.prototype.zero_row = function(M) {
var N = M.length
var one_if_zero = new Array(N);
for (var i = N-1; i >= 0; i--)
if ((Math.max.apply(Math, M[i]) == 0)
&& (Math.min.apply(Math, M[i]) == 0))
one_if_zero[i] = 1.0;
else one_if_zero[i] = 0.0;
return one_if_zero;
// Copy A -> using the bounds of A
Circuit.prototype.copy_mat = function(src,dest) {
var n = src.length;
var m = src[0].length;
if (n > dest.length || m > dest[0].length)
{ throw 'Rows or cols > rows or cols of dest';
throw 'Rows or cols > rows or cols of dest';
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++)
dest[i][j] = src[i][j];
// add val component between two nodes to matrix M
// Index of -1 refers to ground node
......@@ -645,10 +783,9 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// Copy the rhs in to the last column of M if one is given.
if (rhs != null) {
for (var row = 0; row < N ; row++) {
for (var row = 0; row < N ; row++)
M[row][N] = rhs[row];
// gaussian elimination
for (var col = 0; col < N ; col++) {
......@@ -891,11 +1028,8 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// argument is a string describing the source's value:
// <value> or dc(<value>) -- constant value
// pulse(<vinit>,<vpulse>,<tdelay>,<trise>,<tfall>,<t_width>,<t_period>)
// sin(<voffset>,<vamplitude>,<hz>,<tdelay>,<phase_offset_degrees>)
// pwl(<time>,<value>,...) -- piecewise linear: time,value pairs
// argument is a string describing the source's value (see comments for details)
// source types: dc,step,square,triangle,sin,pulse,pwl,pwlr
// returns an object with the following attributes:
// value(t) -- compute source value at time t
......@@ -935,17 +1069,59 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// post-processing for constant sources
// dc(v)
if ( == 'dc') {
var value = src.args[0];
if (value === undefined) value = 0;
src.value = function(t) { return value; } // closure
// post-processing for step sources
// step(v_init,v_plateau,t_delay,t_rise,t_fall)
else if ( == 'step') {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var td = Math.max(0,arg_value(src.args,2,0)); // time step starts
var tr = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,3,1e-9)); // default rise time: 1ns
// post-processing for square wave
// square(v_init,v_plateau,t_period)
else if ( == 'square') {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1s
var per = freq == 0 ? Infinity : 1/freq;
var t_change = 0.01 * per; // rise and fall time
var t_pw = 0.49 * per; // half the cycle minus rise and fall time
// post-processing for triangle
// triangle(v_init,v_plateua,t_period)
else if ( == 'triangle') {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1s
var per = freq == 0 ? Infinity : 1/freq;
// post-processing for pwl and pwlr sources
// pwl[r](t1,v1,t2,v2,...)
else if ( == 'pwl' || == 'pwlr') {
pwl_source(src,src.args, == 'pwlr');
// post-processing for pulsed sources
// pulse(v_init,v_plateau,t_delay,t_rise,t_fall,t_width,t_period)
else if ( == 'pulse') {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var td = Math.min(0,arg_value(src.args,2,0)); // time pulse starts
var td = Math.max(0,arg_value(src.args,2,0)); // time pulse starts
var tr = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,3,1e-9)); // default rise time: 1ns
var tf = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,4,1e-9)); // default rise time: 1ns
......@@ -957,35 +1133,16 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var t3 = t2 + pw; // time when v2 -> v1 transition starts
var t4 = t3 + tf; // time when v2 -> v1 transition ends
// return value of source at time t
src.value = function(t) { // closure
var tmod = Math.fmod(t,per);
if (tmod < t1) return v1;
else if (tmod < t2) return v1 + (v2-v1)*(tmod-t1)/(t2-t1);
else if (tmod < t3) return v2;
else if (tmod < t4) return v2 + (v1-v2)*(tmod-t3)/(t4-t3);
else return v1;
// return time of next inflection point after time t
src.inflection_point = function(t) { // closure
var tstart = per * Math.floor(t/per);
var tmod = t - tstart;
if (tmod < t1) return tstart + t1;
else if (t < t2) return tstart + t2;
else if (t < t3) return tstart + t3;
else if (t < t4) return tstart + t4;
else return tstart + per + t1;
// post-processing for sinusoidal sources
// sin(v_offset,v_amplitude,freq_hz,t_delay,phase_offset_degrees)
else if ( == 'sin') {
var degrees_to_radians = 2*Math.PI/360.0;
var voffset = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default offset voltage: 0V
var va = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default amplitude: -1V to 1V
var freq = arg_value(src.args,2,1); // default frequency: 1Hz
var td = Math.min(0,arg_value(src.args,3,0)); // default time delay: 0sec
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1Hz
var td = Math.max(0,arg_value(src.args,3,0)); // default time delay: 0sec
var phase = arg_value(src.args,4,0); // default phase offset: 0 degrees
phase /= 360.0;
......@@ -994,8 +1151,8 @@ cktsim = (function() {
src.value = function(t) { // closure
if (t < td) return voffset + va*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*phase);
else {
t -= td;
return voffset + va*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*(freq*(t - td) + phase));
var val = voffset + va*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*(freq*(t - td) + phase));
return val;
......@@ -1014,6 +1171,48 @@ cktsim = (function() {
return src;
function pwl_source(src,tv_pairs,repeat) {
var nvals = tv_pairs.length;
if (nvals % 2 == 1) npts -= 1; // make sure it's even!
if (nvals <= 2) {
// handle degenerate case
src.value = function(t) { return nvals == 2 ? tv_pairs[1] : 0; }
src.inflection_point = function(t) { return undefined; }
} else {
src.value = function(t) { // closure
if (repeat)
// make time periodic if values are to be repeated
t = Math.fmod(t,tv_pairs[nvals-2]);
var last_t = tv_pairs[0];
var last_v = tv_pairs[1];
if (t > last_t) {
var next_t,next_v;
for (var i = 2; i < nvals; i += 2) {
next_t = tv_pairs[i];
next_v = tv_pairs[i+1];
if (next_t > last_t) // defend against bogus tv pairs
if (t < next_t)
return last_v + (next_v - last_v)*(t - last_t)/(next_t - last_t);
last_t = next_t;
last_v = next_v;
return last_v;
src.inflection_point = function(t) { // closure
if (repeat)
// make time periodic if values are to be repeated
t = Math.fmod(t,tv_pairs[nvals-2]);
for (var i = 0; i < nvals; i += 2) {
var next_t = tv_pairs[i];
if (t < next_t) return next_t;
return undefined;
// helper function: return args[index] if present, else default_v
function arg_value(args,index,default_v) {
if (index < args.length) {
......@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ schematic = (function() {
's': [Probe, 'Scope Probe'],
// global clipboard
if (typeof sch_clipboard == 'undefined')
sch_clipboard = [];
// Schematic = diagram + parts bin + status area
......@@ -104,7 +108,6 @@ schematic = (function() {
if (this.origin_x == undefined) this.origin_x = 0;
this.origin_y = input.getAttribute("origin_y");
if (this.origin_y == undefined) this.origin_y = 0;
this.clipboard = undefined;
// use user-supplied list of parts if supplied
// else just populate parts bin with all the parts
......@@ -257,6 +260,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
tr = document.createElement('tr');
td = document.createElement('td'); = 'top';
td.colSpan = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < this.toolbar.length; ++i) {
......@@ -267,12 +271,12 @@ schematic = (function() {
// add canvas and parts bin to DOM
tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.vAlign = 'top';
td = document.createElement('td');
td = document.createElement('td'); = 'top';
var parts_table = document.createElement('table');
......@@ -306,7 +310,8 @@ schematic = (function() {
// process initial contents of diagram
part_w = 42; // size of a parts bin compartment
......@@ -421,14 +426,14 @@ schematic = (function() {
Schematic.prototype.cut = function() {
// clear previous contents
this.clipboard = [];
sch_clipboard = [];
// look for selected components, move them to clipboard.
for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) {
var c = this.components[i];
if (c.selected) {
......@@ -438,13 +443,13 @@ schematic = (function() {
Schematic.prototype.copy = function() {
// clear previous contents
this.clipboard = [];
sch_clipboard = [];
// look for selected components, copy them to clipboard.
for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) {
var c = this.components[i];
if (c.selected)
......@@ -453,8 +458,8 @@ schematic = (function() {
// components in the clipboard
var left = undefined;
var top = undefined;
for (var i = this.clipboard.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var c = this.clipboard[i];
for (var i = sch_clipboard.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var c = sch_clipboard[i];
left = left ? Math.min(left,c.x) : c.x;
top = top ? Math.min(top,c.y) : c.y;
......@@ -467,8 +472,8 @@ schematic = (function() {
// make clones of components on the clipboard, positioning
// them relative to the cursor
for (var i = this.clipboard.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var c = this.clipboard[i];
for (var i = sch_clipboard.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var c = sch_clipboard[i];
var new_c = c.clone(this.cursor_x + (c.x - left),this.cursor_y + (c.y - top));
......@@ -485,8 +490,12 @@ schematic = (function() {
// load diagram from JSON representation
Schematic.prototype.load_schematic = function(value) {
if (value) {
Schematic.prototype.load_schematic = function(value,initial_value) {
// use default value if no schematic info in value
if (value == undefined || value.indexOf('[') == -1)
value = initial_value;
if (value && value.indexOf('[') != -1) {
// convert string value into data structure
var json = JSON.parse(value);
......@@ -507,7 +516,9 @@ schematic = (function() {
} else if (c[0] == 'w') {
// wire
} else if (c[0] == 'dc' || c[0] == 'ac' || c[0] == 'transient') {
} else if (c[0] == 'dc') {
this.dc_results = c[1];
} else if (c[0] == 'ac' || c[0] == 'transient') {
// ignore analysis results
} else {
// ordinary component
......@@ -767,9 +778,17 @@ schematic = (function() {
sch.tran_npts = content.fields[npts_lbl].value;
sch.tran_tstop = content.fields[tstop_lbl].value;
// gather a list of nodes that are being probed. These
// will be added to the list of nodes checked during the
// LTE calculations in transient analysis
var probe_list = sch.find_probes();
var probe_names = new Array(probe_list.length);
for (var i = probe_list.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
probe_names[i] = probe_list[i][1];
// run the analysis
var results = ckt.tran(ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_npts), 0,
ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_tstop), false);
ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_tstop), probe_names, false);
// save a copy of the results for submission
this.transient_results = {};
......@@ -871,7 +890,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
this.enable_tool('paste',sch_clipboard.length > 0);
// connection points: draw one at each location
for (var location in this.connection_points) {
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