"data":"<b>Lab 2A: Superposition Experiment</b>\n\n<<<<<<< Updated upstream\n<p>Isn't the toy course great?</p>\n\n<p>Let's add some markup that uses non-ascii characters.\nFor example, we should be able to write words like encyclopædia, or foreign words like français.\nLooking beyond latin-1, we should handle math symbols: πr² ≤ ∞.\nAnd it shouldn't matter if we use entities or numeric codes — Ω ≠ π ≡ Ω ≠ π.\n</p>\n=======\n<p>Isn't the toy course great? — ≤</p>\n>>>>>>> Stashed changes\n",
"data":"<b>Lab 2A: Superposition Experiment</b>\n\n<<<<<<< Updated upstream\n<p>Isn't the toy course great?</p>\n\n<p>Let's add some markup that uses non-ascii characters.\nFor example, we should be able to write words like encyclopædia, or foreign words like français.\nLooking beyond latin-1, we should handle math symbols: πr² ≤ ∞.\nAnd it shouldn't matter if we use entities or numeric codes — Ω ≠ π ≡ Ω ≠ π.\n</p>\n=======\n<p>Isn't the toy course great? — ≤</p>\n>>>>>>> Stashed changes\n",