Commit 4d266fa3 by Carlos Andrés Rocha

Merge pull request #1718 from MITx/victor/fewer-phds-more-associates

In sign up form, merge PhD-science and PhD-other, add Associate's degree
parents 0de9e6a6 3f18e5c3
......@@ -75,10 +75,15 @@ class UserProfile(models.Model):
GENDER_CHOICES = (('m', 'Male'), ('f', 'Female'), ('o', 'Other'))
gender = models.CharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=6, db_index=True,
LEVEL_OF_EDUCATION_CHOICES = (('p_se', 'Doctorate in science or engineering'),
('p_oth', 'Doctorate in another field'),
# [03/21/2013] removed these, but leaving comment since there'll still be
# p_se and p_oth in the existing data in db.
# ('p_se', 'Doctorate in science or engineering'),
# ('p_oth', 'Doctorate in another field'),
LEVEL_OF_EDUCATION_CHOICES = (('p', 'Doctorate'),
('m', "Master's or professional degree"),
('b', "Bachelor's degree"),
('a', "Associate's degree"),
('hs', "Secondary/high school"),
('jhs', "Junior secondary/junior high/middle school"),
('el', "Elementary/primary school"),
......@@ -313,14 +313,18 @@ There is an important split in demographic data gathered for the students who si
- This student signed up before this information was collected
* - `''` (blank)
- User did not specify level of education.
* - `'p'`
- Doctorate
* - `'p_se'`
- Doctorate in science or engineering
- Doctorate in science or engineering (no longer used)
* - `'p_oth'`
- Doctorate in another field
- Doctorate in another field (no longer used)
* - `'m'`
- Master's or professional degree
* - `'b'`
- Bachelor's degree
* - `'a'`
- Associate's degree
* - `'hs'`
- Secondary/high school
* - `'jhs'`
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