Commit 4c269c10 by Peter Baratta

Merge pull request #203 from edx/pbaratta/fix/capa-unicode

Fix unicode for errors on capa problems
parents 08b994b8 3a8f591f
......@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ setting now run entirely outside the Python sandbox.
Blades: Added tests for Video Alpha player.
Common: Have the capa module handle unicode better (especially errors)
Blades: Video Alpha bug fix for speed changing to 1.0 in Firefox.
Blades: Additional event tracking added to Video Alpha: fullscreen switch, show/hide
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def check_variables(string, variables):
Pyparsing uses a left-to-right parser, which makes a more
elegant approach pretty hopeless.
general_whitespace = re.compile('[^\\w]+')
general_whitespace = re.compile('[^\\w]+') # TODO consider non-ascii
# List of all alnums in string
possible_variables = re.split(general_whitespace, string)
bad_variables = []
"""Tests of the Capa XModule"""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests of the Capa XModule
#pylint: disable=C0111
#pylint: disable=R0904
#pylint: disable=C0103
......@@ -8,11 +11,12 @@ import datetime
from mock import Mock, patch
import unittest
import random
import json
import xmodule
from capa.responsetypes import StudentInputError, \
LoncapaProblemError, ResponseError
from xmodule.capa_module import CapaModule
from capa.responsetypes import (StudentInputError, LoncapaProblemError,
from xmodule.capa_module import CapaModule, ComplexEncoder
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from django.http import QueryDict
......@@ -47,12 +51,16 @@ class CapaFactory(object):
def input_key():
""" Return the input key to use when passing GET parameters """
Return the input key to use when passing GET parameters
return ("input_" + CapaFactory.answer_key())
def answer_key():
""" Return the key stored in the capa problem answer dict """
Return the key stored in the capa problem answer dict
return ("-".join(['i4x', 'edX', 'capa_test', 'problem',
'SampleProblem%d' % CapaFactory.num]) +
......@@ -361,7 +369,9 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
result = CapaModule.make_dict_of_responses(invalid_get_dict)
def _querydict_from_dict(self, param_dict):
""" Create a Django QueryDict from a Python dictionary """
Create a Django QueryDict from a Python dictionary
# QueryDict objects are immutable by default, so we make
# a copy that we can update.
......@@ -496,9 +506,10 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_check_problem_error(self):
# Try each exception that capa_module should handle
for exception_class in [StudentInputError,
exception_classes = [StudentInputError,
for exception_class in exception_classes:
# Create the module
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=1)
......@@ -520,6 +531,60 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the number of attempts is NOT incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_check_problem_other_errors(self):
Test that errors other than the expected kinds give an appropriate message.
See also `test_check_problem_error` for the "expected kinds" or errors.
# Create the module
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=1)
# Ensure that the user is NOT staff
module.system.user_is_staff = False
# Ensure that DEBUG is on
module.system.DEBUG = True
# Simulate answering a problem that raises the exception
with patch('capa.capa_problem.LoncapaProblem.grade_answers') as mock_grade:
error_msg = u"Superterrible error happened: ☠"
mock_grade.side_effect = Exception(error_msg)
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): '3.14'}
result = module.check_problem(get_request_dict)
# Expect an AJAX alert message in 'success'
self.assertTrue(error_msg in result['success'])
def test_check_problem_error_nonascii(self):
# Try each exception that capa_module should handle
exception_classes = [StudentInputError,
for exception_class in exception_classes:
# Create the module
module = CapaFactory.create(attempts=1)
# Ensure that the user is NOT staff
module.system.user_is_staff = False
# Simulate answering a problem that raises the exception
with patch('capa.capa_problem.LoncapaProblem.grade_answers') as mock_grade:
mock_grade.side_effect = exception_class(u"ȧƈƈḗƞŧḗḓ ŧḗẋŧ ƒǿř ŧḗşŧīƞɠ")
get_request_dict = {CapaFactory.input_key(): '3.14'}
result = module.check_problem(get_request_dict)
# Expect an AJAX alert message in 'success'
expected_msg = u'Error: ȧƈƈḗƞŧḗḓ ŧḗẋŧ ƒǿř ŧḗşŧīƞɠ'
self.assertEqual(expected_msg, result['success'])
# Expect that the number of attempts is NOT incremented
self.assertEqual(module.attempts, 1)
def test_check_problem_error_with_staff_user(self):
# Try each exception that capa module should handle
......@@ -1021,6 +1086,33 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Expect that the module has created a new dummy problem with the error
self.assertNotEqual(original_problem, module.lcp)
def test_get_problem_html_error_w_debug(self):
Test the html response when an error occurs with DEBUG on
module = CapaFactory.create()
# Simulate throwing an exception when the capa problem
# is asked to render itself as HTML
error_msg = u"Superterrible error happened: ☠"
module.lcp.get_html = Mock(side_effect=Exception(error_msg))
# Stub out the get_test_system rendering function
module.system.render_template = Mock(return_value="<div>Test Template HTML</div>")
# Make sure DEBUG is on
module.system.DEBUG = True
# Try to render the module with DEBUG turned on
html = module.get_problem_html()
self.assertTrue(html is not None)
# Check the rendering context
render_args, _ = module.system.render_template.call_args
context = render_args[1]
self.assertTrue(error_msg in context['problem']['html'])
def test_random_seed_no_change(self):
# Run the test for each possible rerandomize value
......@@ -1126,3 +1218,28 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
for i in range(200):
module = CapaFactory.create(rerandomize=rerandomize)
assert 0 <= module.seed < 1000
def test_get_progress_error(self, mock_progress, mock_log):
Check that an exception given in `Progress` produces a `log.exception` call.
error_types = [TypeError, ValueError]
for error_type in error_types:
mock_progress.side_effect = error_type
module = CapaFactory.create()
mock_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Got bad progress')
class ComplexEncoderTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default(self):
Check that complex numbers can be encoded into JSON.
complex_num = 1 - 1j
expected_str = '1-1*j'
json_str = json.dumps(complex_num, cls=ComplexEncoder)
self.assertEqual(expected_str, json_str[1:-1]) # ignore quotes
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