Commit 49bad83c by kimth

Support for multiple rectangle hitboxes in imageresponse

parent 98c3d861
......@@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
Handle student response for image input: the input is a click on an image,
which produces an [x,y] coordinate pair. The click is correct if it falls
within a region specified. This region is nominally a rectangle.
within a region specified. This region is a union of rectangles.
Lon-CAPA requires that each <imageresponse> has a <foilgroup> inside it. That
doesn't make sense to me (Ike). Instead, let's have it such that <imageresponse>
......@@ -1727,6 +1727,7 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
snippets = [{'snippet': '''<imageresponse>
<imageinput src="image1.jpg" width="200" height="100" rectangle="(10,10)-(20,30)" />
<imageinput src="image2.jpg" width="210" height="130" rectangle="(12,12)-(40,60)" />
<imageinput src="image2.jpg" width="210" height="130" rectangle="(10,10)-(20,30);(12,12)-(40,60)" />
response_tag = 'imageresponse'
......@@ -1743,32 +1744,35 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
for aid in self.answer_ids: # loop through IDs of <imageinput> fields in our stanza
given = student_answers[aid] # this should be a string of the form '[x,y]'
if not given: # No answer to parse. Mark as incorrect and move on
correct_map.set(aid, 'incorrect')
if not given: # No answer to parse. Mark as incorrect and move on
# parse given answer
m = re.match('\[([0-9]+),([0-9]+)]', given.strip().replace(' ', ''))
if not m:
raise Exception('[capamodule.capa.responsetypes.imageinput] '
'error grading %s (input=%s)' % (aid, given))
(gx, gy) = [int(x) for x in m.groups()]
# Check whether given point lies in any of the solution rectangles
solution_rectangles = expectedset[aid].split(';')
for solution_rectangle in solution_rectangles:
# parse expected answer
# TODO: Compile regexp on file load
m = re.match('[\(\[]([0-9]+),([0-9]+)[\)\]]-[\(\[]([0-9]+),([0-9]+)[\)\]]',
expectedset[aid].strip().replace(' ', ''))
solution_rectangle.strip().replace(' ', ''))
if not m:
msg = 'Error in problem specification! cannot parse rectangle in %s' % (
etree.tostring(self.ielements[aid], pretty_print=True))
raise Exception('[capamodule.capa.responsetypes.imageinput] ' + msg)
(llx, lly, urx, ury) = [int(x) for x in m.groups()]
# parse given answer
m = re.match('\[([0-9]+),([0-9]+)]', given.strip().replace(' ', ''))
if not m:
raise Exception('[capamodule.capa.responsetypes.imageinput] '
'error grading %s (input=%s)' % (aid, given))
(gx, gy) = [int(x) for x in m.groups()]
# answer is correct if (x,y) is within the specified rectangle
if (llx <= gx <= urx) and (lly <= gy <= ury):
correct_map.set(aid, 'correct')
correct_map.set(aid, 'incorrect')
return correct_map
def get_answers(self):
......@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ Hello</p></text>
<text>Click on the image where the top skier will stop momentarily if the top skier starts from rest.</text>
<imageinput src="/static/Physics801/Figures/Skier-conservation of energy.jpg" width="560" height="388" rectangle="(242,202)-(296,276)"/>
<text>Click on the image where the lower skier will stop momentarily if the lower skier starts from rest.</text>
<imageinput src="/static/Physics801/Figures/Skier-conservation of energy.jpg" width="560" height="388" rectangle="(490,11)-(556,98);(242,202)-(296,276)"/>
<text>Click on either of the two positions as discussed previously.</text>
<imageinput src="/static/Physics801/Figures/Skier-conservation of energy.jpg" width="560" height="388" rectangle="(490,11)-(556,98);(242,202)-(296,276)"/>
<text>Click on either of the two positions as discussed previously.</text>
<imageinput src="/static/Physics801/Figures/Skier-conservation of energy.jpg" width="560" height="388" rectangle="(490,11)-(556,98);(242,202)-(296,276)"/>
<text>Click on either of the two positions as discussed previously.</text>
<hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
<text><p>Use conservation of energy.</p></text>
......@@ -53,12 +53,22 @@ class ImageResponseTest(unittest.TestCase):
imageresponse_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/test_files/imageresponse.xml"
test_lcp = lcp.LoncapaProblem(open(imageresponse_file).read(), '1', system=test_system)
correct_answers = {'1_2_1': '(490,11)-(556,98)',
'1_2_2': '(242,202)-(296,276)'}
'1_2_2': '(242,202)-(296,276)',
'1_2_3': '(490,11)-(556,98);(242,202)-(296,276)',
'1_2_4': '(490,11)-(556,98);(242,202)-(296,276)',
'1_2_5': '(490,11)-(556,98);(242,202)-(296,276)',
test_answers = {'1_2_1': '[500,20]',
'1_2_2': '[250,300]',
'1_2_3': '[500,20]',
'1_2_4': '[250,250]',
'1_2_5': '[10,10]',
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_2'), 'incorrect')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_3'), 'correct')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_4'), 'correct')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_5'), 'incorrect')
class SymbolicResponseTest(unittest.TestCase):
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