Commit 49a2369e by clytwynec Committed by Christine Lytwynec


parent d6ed01bb
......@@ -239,29 +239,29 @@ the supported development enviornment for the edX Platform.
To run all the bok choy acceptance tests:
rake test:bok_choy
paver test_bokchoy
Once the database has been set up and the static files collected, you can use the 'fast'
option to skip those tasks. This option can also be used with any of the test specs below:
rake test:bok_choy:fast
paver test_bokchoy --fasttest
To run single test, specify the name of the test file. For example:
rake test:bok_choy[]
paver test_bokchoy -t
To run single test faster by not repeating setup tasks:
rake test:bok_choy:fast[]
paver test_bokchoy -t --fasttest
To test only a certain feature, specify the file and the testcase class:
rake test:bok_choy:fast[]
paver test_bokchoy -t
To execute only a certain test case, specify the file name, class, and
test case method:
rake test:bok_choy:fast[]
paver test_bokchoy -t
During acceptance test execution, log files and also screenshots of failed tests
are captured in test_root/log.
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