@@ -86,10 +86,14 @@ We strongly recommend that you associate a timed transcript with your video. Tra
To create or obtain a transcript, you can work with a company that provides captioning services. EdX works with `3Play Media <http://www.3playmedia.com>`_. `YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/>`_ also provides captioning services.
Transcript Format
Your transcript must be an .srt file.
To play automatically with the video, your transcript must be an .srt file.
If you want to provide downloadable transcripts in a format such as .txt or .pdf in addition to your .srt transcript, see :ref:`Additional Transcripts`.
.. note:: Some past courses have used .sjson files for video transcripts. If transcripts in your course uses this format, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`. We don't recommend that you use .sjson files.
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ Step 4. Create a Video Component
You'll replace the default values with your own.
#. In the **Display Name** field, enter the name you want students to see when they hover the mouse
over the unit in the course accordion. This text also appears as a header for the video.
over the unit in the course ribbon. This text also appears as a header for the video.
#. In the **Video URL** field, enter the URL of the video. For example, the URL may resemble one of the following.
@@ -155,7 +159,7 @@ Step 4. Create a Video Component
#. Next to **Timed Transcript**, select an option.
- If edX already has a transcript for your video, Studio automatically finds the transcript and associates the transcript with the video. For example, edX may have a transcript for your video if you're using a video from an existing course.
- If edX already has a transcript for your video--for example, if you're using a video from an existing course--Studio automatically finds the transcript and associates the transcript with the video.
If you want to modify the transcript, click **Download to Edit**. You can then make your changes and upload the new file by clicking **Upload New Timed Transcript**.
@@ -163,9 +167,14 @@ Step 4. Create a Video Component
- If neither edX nor YouTube has a transcript for your video, and your transcript uses the .srt format, click **Upload New Timed Transcript** to upload the transcript file from your computer.
.. note:: If your transcript uses the .sjson format, do not use this setting. For more information, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`.
.. note::
* If your transcript uses the .sjson format, do not use this setting. For more information, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`.
#. Optionally, click **Advanced** to set more options for the video. For a description of each option, see the table below.
* If you want to provide a transcript in a format such as .txt or .pdf, do not use this setting to upload the transcript. For more information, see :ref:`Additional Transcripts`.
#. Optionally, click **Advanced** to set more options for the video. For a description of each option, see the list below.
#. Click **Save.**
@@ -174,31 +183,51 @@ Step 4. Create a Video Component
Advanced Options
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 80
:header-rows: 0
The following options appear on the **Advanced** tab in the Video component.
* **Display Name**: The name that you want your students to see. This is the same as the **Display Name** field on the **Basic** tab.
* **Download Transcript**: The URL for the transcript file for the video. This file is usually an .srt file, but can also be a .txt or .pdf file. (For more information aobut .txt and .pdf files, see :ref:`Additional Transcripts`.) The URL can be an external URL, such as **http://example.org/transcript.srt**, or the URL for a file that you've uploaded to your **Files & Uploads** page, such as **/static/example.srt**.
This setting is related to **Transcript Download Allowed**.
* If you set **Transcript Download Allowed** to **True**, and you specify a file in the **Download Transcript** field, the file you've specified will be available for students to download.
* If you set **Transcript Download Allowed** to **True**, but you leave the **Download Transcript** field blank, the .srt transcript will be available.
* **End Time**: The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to end.
* **HTML5 Transcript**: If you uploaded an .srt file on the **Basic** tab, the name of your .srt file appears in this field by default. You don't have to change this setting.
* - **Display Name**
- The name that you want your students to see. This is the same as the **Display Name** field on the **Basic** tab.
* - **Download Transcript**
- The transcript file for the video. This file is usually an .srt file, but can also be a .txt or .pdf file. This setting is related to **Transcript Download Allowed.** If you set **Transcript Download Allowed** to **True**, and you specify a file in the **Download Transcript** field, your students can download the file you've specified. If you set **Transcript Download Allowed** to **True** but you leave the **Download Transcript** field blank, students can download the transcript as a .txt file.
* - **End Time**
- The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to end.
* - **HTML5 Transcript**
- If you uploaded an .srt file on the **Basic** tab, the name of your .srt file appears in this field by default. You don't have to change this setting.
If your transcript uses an .sjson file, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`.
* - **Show Transcript**
- Specifies whether you want the transcript to show by default. Students can always turn transcripts on or off while they watch the video.
* - **Start Time**
- The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to begin.
* - **Transcript Download Allowed**
- Specifies whether you want to allow your students to download a copy of the transcript.
* - **Video Download Allowed**
- Specifies whether you want to allow your students to download a copy of the video.
* - **Video Sources**
- Additional locations where you've posted the video. This field must contain a URL that ends in .mpeg, .mp4, .ogg, or .webm.
* - **YouTube ID, YouTube ID for .75x speed, YouTube ID for 1.25x speed, YouTube ID for 1.5x speed**
- If you have uploaded separate videos to YouTube for different speeds of your video, enter the YouTube IDs for these videos in these fields.
* **Show Transcript**: Specifies whether you want the transcript to show by default. Students can always turn transcripts on or off while they watch the video.
* **Start Time**: The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to begin.
* **Transcript Download Allowed**: Specifies whether you want to allow your students to download a copy of the transcript.
* **Video Download Allowed**: Specifies whether you want to allow your students to download a copy of the video.
* **Video Sources**: Additional locations where you've posted the video. This field must contain a URL that ends in .mpeg, .mp4, .ogg, or .webm.
* **YouTube ID, YouTube ID for .75x speed, YouTube ID for 1.25x speed, YouTube ID for 1.5x speed**: If you have uploaded separate videos to YouTube for different speeds of your video, enter the YouTube IDs for these videos in these fields.
.. _Additional Transcripts:
Additional Transcripts
You can provide your students with a downloadable transcript in a format such as .txt or .pdf in addition to the .srt transcript that plays along with the video.
#. Upload the .txt or .pdf transcript to the **Files & Uploads** page or host it on an external website.
#. In the Video component, click the **Advanced** tab.
#. In the **Download Transcript** field, enter the URL for the transcript. For more information, see :ref:`Video Advanced Options`.