Commit 418d6fa9 by polesye

BLD-413: Add rounding of coordinates.

parent d5bff2e2
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ window.image_input_click = function(id,event){
iidiv = document.getElementById("imageinput_"+id);
pos_x = event.offsetX?(event.offsetX):event.pageX-iidiv.offsetLeft;
pos_y = event.offsetY?(event.offsetY):event.pageY-iidiv.offsetTop;
result = "[" + pos_x + "," + pos_y + "]";
result = "[" + Math.round(pos_x) + "," + Math.round(pos_y) + "]";
cx = (pos_x-15) +"px";
cy = (pos_y-15) +"px" ;
// alert(result);
cy = (pos_y-15) +"px";
document.getElementById("cross_"+id).style.left = cx;
document.getElementById("cross_"+id) = cy;
document.getElementById("cross_"+id).style.visibility = "visible" ;
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