Commit 3e99edd6 by lduarte1991

Annotation Tool: Flagging plugin should now allow instructors to remove flags from annotations

Annotation Tools: Added lots of comments, fixed spacing, fixed slice issue

Annotation Tools: i18n fixed for this tool

 - fixed Translator to Translators

Annotation Tools: Removed unnecessary class and worked with element object
parent ce727fc7
......@@ -6,52 +6,133 @@ var _ref,
Annotator.Plugin.Flagging = (function(_super) {
__extends(Flagging, _super);
//If you do not have options, delete next line and the parameters in the declaration function
Flagging.prototype.options = null;
//declaration function, remember to set up submit and/or update as necessary, if you don't have
//options, delete the options line below.
// declaration function, remember to set up submit and/or update as necessary, if you don't have
// options, delete the options line below.
function Flagging(element,options) {
this.updateViewer = __bind(this.updateViewer, this);
this.updateField = __bind(this.updateField, this);
this.submitField = __bind(this.submitField, this);
this.flagAnnotation = __bind(this.flagAnnotation, this);
this.unflagAnnotation = __bind(this.unflagAnnotation, this);
this.getTotalFlaggingTags = __bind(this.getTotalFlaggingTags, this);
this.options = options;
_ref = Flagging.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return _ref;
//example variables to be used to receive input in the annotator view
// variables to be used to receive input in the annotator view
Flagging.prototype.field = null;
Flagging.prototype.input = null;
Flagging.prototype.hasPressed = false;
Flagging.prototype.activeAnnotation = null;
Flagging.prototype.mixedTags = null;
//this function will initialize the plug in. Create your fields here in the editor and viewer.
// this function will initialize the plug-in
Flagging.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
//Check that annotator is working
// Check that annotator is working
if (!Annotator.supported()) {
// -- Editor
//creates a checkbox to remove all flags
var self = this;
this.field = this.annotator.editor.addField({
type: 'checkbox',
load: this.updateField,
// Translators: please note that this is not a literal flag, but rather a report
label: Annotator._t(gettext('Check the box to remove all flags.')),
submit: this.submitField,
//-- Viewer
// -- Viewer
var newview = this.annotator.viewer.addField({
load: this.updateViewer,
return this.input = $(this.field).find(':input');
* Gets the total number of tags associated with the flagging tool.
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation item from Annotator.
Flagging.prototype.getTotalFlaggingTags = function(annotation){
var tags = (typeof annotation.tags !== 'undefined') ? annotation.tags.slice() : [];
// Goes through and gets the number of tags that contained the keyword "flagged"
return $.grep(tags, function(tag, index){
return (tag.indexOf('flagged') !== -1);
* Creates a new field in the editor in order to delete the flagged tags.
* @param {HTMLElement} field The HTML element contained in the editor reserved for flagging.
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation item from Annotator.
Flagging.prototype.updateField = function(field, annotation) {
// figure out whether annotation is of image or not
var user_email = === "image" ?;
// get total number of flag tags as well as save a copy of the mixed tags
var totalFlags = this.getTotalFlaggingTags(annotation);
this.mixedTags = annotation.tags;
var self = this;
// only show this field if you are an instructor and there are flags to remove
if(Catch.options.instructor_email === user_email && totalFlags > 0){
// Translators: 'totalFlags' is the number of flags solely for that annotation
var message = ngettext("Check the box to remove %(totalFlags)s flag.", "Check the box to remove %(totalFlags)s flags.", totalFlags);
$(field).find('label')[0].innerHTML = interpolate(message, {totalFlags : totalFlags}, true);
this.activeAnnotation = annotation;
// add function to change the text when the user checks the box or removes the check
var count = self.getTotalFlaggingTags(self.activeAnnotation);
// Translators: 'count' is the number of flags solely for that annotation that will be removed
var message = ngettext("Check the box to remove %(count)s flag.", "Check the box to remove %(count)s flags.", count)
$(field).find('label')[0].innerHTML = interpolate(message, {count: count}, true);
} else {
$(field).find('label')[0].innerHTML = gettext("All flags have been removed. To undo, uncheck the box.");
} else {
//The following allows you to edit the annotation popup when the viewer has already
//hit submit and is just viewing the annotation.
* Makes last-minute changes to the annotation right before it is saved in the server.
* @param {HTMLElement} field The HTML element contained in the editor reserved for flagging.
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation item from Annotator.
Flagging.prototype.submitField = function(field, annotation) {
// if the user did not check the box go back and input all of the tags.
if (!$(field).find('input:checkbox:checked').val()){
annotation.tags = this.mixedTags;
* The following allows you to edit the annotation popup when the viewer has already
* hit submit and is just viewing the annotation.
* @param {HTMLElement} field The HTML element contained in the editor reserved for flagging.
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation item from Annotator.
Flagging.prototype.updateViewer = function(field, annotation) {
$(field).remove();//remove the empty div created by annotator
var self = this;
this.hasPressed = false;
//perform routine to check if user has pressed the button before
// perform routine to check if user has pressed the button before
var tags = typeof annotation.tags != 'undefined'?annotation.tags:[];
var user =;
......@@ -62,40 +143,93 @@ Annotator.Plugin.Flagging = (function(_super) {
// changes display based on check done above
var fieldControl = $(this.annotator.viewer.element.find('.annotator-controls')).parent();
if (this.hasPressed) {
fieldControl.prepend('<button title="You have already reported this annotation." class="flag-icon-used">');
var flagEl = fieldControl.find('.flag-icon-used'),
self = this;
// make sure to use id when searching for the item so that only one of them gets changed
var message = gettext("You have already reported this annotation.");
fieldControl.prepend('<button title="' + message + '" class="flag-icon-used" id="' + + '">');
var flagEl = fieldControl.find('.flag-icon-used#' +;
var self = this;
// sets function to unflag after next click{self.unflagAnnotation(annotation,user,flagEl,field)});
} else{
fieldControl.prepend('<button title="Report annotation as inappropriate or offensive." class="flag-icon">');
var flagEl = fieldControl.find('.flag-icon'),
self = this;
// likewise, make sure to use id when searching for the item so that only one is changed
var message = gettext("Report annotation as inappropriate or offensive.");
fieldControl.prepend('<button title="' + message + '" class="flag-icon" id="' + + '">');
var flagEl = fieldControl.find('.flag-icon#' +;
var self = this;
// sets function to flag after next click{self.flagAnnotation(annotation,user,flagEl,field)});
var user_email = === "image" ?;
var totalFlags = this.getTotalFlaggingTags(annotation);
// only show the number of times an annotation has been flagged if they are the instructors
if(Catch.options.instructor_email === user_email && totalFlags > 0){
// Translators: 'count' is the number of flags solely for that annotation
var message = ngettext("This annotation has %(count)s flag.","This annotation has %(count)s flags.", totalFlags);
$(field).append("<div class=\"flag-count\">" + interpolate(message, {count : totalFlags}, true) + "</div>");
} else {
$(field).remove(); // remove the empty div created by annotator
* This function changes the visual aspects of flagging an Annotation and sends changes
* to the database backend.
Flagging.prototype.flagAnnotation = function(annotation, userId, flagElement, field) {
// changes the class and title to show user's flagging action worked
flagElement.attr("title","You have already reported this annotation.");
flagElement.attr("title", gettext("You have already reported this annotation."));
// it adds the appropriate tag with the user name to make sure it is added
if (typeof annotation.tags == 'undefined') {
annotation.tags = ['flagged-'+userId];
} else{
// annotation gets updated and a warning is published that an annotation has been flagged
// now that it is flagged, it sets the click function to unflag{self.unflagAnnotation(annotation,userId,flagElement,field)});
* This function changes the visual aspects of unflagging an Annotation and sends changes
* to the database backend.
Flagging.prototype.unflagAnnotation = function(annotation, userId, flagElement, field) {
// changes the class and title to show user's unflagging action worked
flagElement.attr("class", "flag-icon");
flagElement.attr("title","Report annotation as inappropriate or offensive.");
flagElement.attr("title", gettext("Report annotation as inappropriate or offensive."));
// it removes the tag that signifies flagging
// annotation gets updated without the tag and a warning is published that flagging is changed
// now that it is unflagged, it sets the click function to flag{self.unflagAnnotation(annotation,userId,flagElement,field)});
return Flagging;
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