Commit 3ce85573 by Kyle Fiedler

Merged heads

parents 0e221693 a75ba51c
......@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@
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div.question-status {
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display: block;
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h3 {
font-weight: normal;
a {
color: #eee;
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ ul.question-list, div#question-list {
padding: 10px 0;
&:hover {
background: lighten(#F6EFD4, 8%);
background: #fbfbfb;
div {
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&:hover {
span, div {
color: #555;
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background: lighten(#F6EFD4, 5%);
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&.votes {
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li, a {
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li {
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margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-left: 15px;
padding: 3px 10px 5px 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
&:before {
border-color:transparent #eee transparent transparent;
......@@ -20,15 +23,15 @@ ul.tags {
border-width:12px 12px 12px 0;
span.delete-icon, div.delete-icon {
@include border-radius(0 4px 4px 0);
background: #555;
@include border-radius(0 4px 4px 0);
clear: none;
color: #eee;
cursor: pointer;
......@@ -53,11 +56,12 @@ ul.tags {
span.tag-number {
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font-size: 10px;
margin: 0 3px;
padding: 2px 5px;
color: #eee;
opacity: 0.5;
display: none;
// @include border-radius(3px);
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// font-size: 10px;
// margin: 0 3px;
// padding: 2px 5px;
// color: #eee;
// opacity: 0.5;
......@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
div.leanModal_box {
background: #fff;
border: none;
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right: 12px;
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top: 12px;
width: 14px;
height: 14px;
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h1 {
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margin-bottom: lh();
margin-top: 0;
padding-bottom: lh();
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
margin-bottom: lh();
text-align: left;
......@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ div.leanModal_box {
&:hover {
div.tip {
display: block;
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background: #333;
color: #fff;
width: 500px;
display: block;
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line-height: lh();
margin: 0 0 0 -10px;
padding: 10px;
position: absolute;
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font-size: 16px;
width: 500px;
......@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ div.leanModal_box {
div#enroll_error, div#login_error, div#pwd_error {
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padding: lh(.5);
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-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
&:empty {
padding: 0;
......@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ div.leanModal_box {
margin-bottom: lh(.5);
&.terms, &.remember {
float: none;
width: auto;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
clear: both;
float: none;
padding-top: lh();
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
width: auto;
&.honor-code {
......@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ div.leanModal_box {
margin: lh(.5) 0 lh() lh();
li {
list-style: disc outside none;
margin-bottom: lh(.5);
color: #666;
font-size: 14px;
float: none;
font-size: 14px;
list-style: disc outside none;
margin-bottom: lh(.5);
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