Commit 374dcb32 by Robert Raposa

Add Python linting

parent a6da7159
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ set -e
# Violations thresholds for failing the build
doCheckVars() {
if [ -n "$CIRCLECI" ] ; then
......@@ -9,123 +9,6 @@ import os
import re
import sys
_skip_dirs = (
def _is_skip_dir(skip_dirs, directory):
Determines whether a directory should be skipped or linted.
skip_dirs: The configured directories to be skipped.
directory: The current directory to be tested.
True if the directory should be skipped, and False otherwise.
for skip_dir in skip_dirs:
dir_contains_skip_dir = '/' + skip_dir + '/' in directory
if dir_contains_skip_dir or directory.startswith(skip_dir) or directory.endswith(skip_dir):
return True
return False
def _load_file(file_full_path):
Loads a file into a string.
file_full_path: The full path of the file to be loaded.
A string containing the files contents.
with open(file_full_path, 'r') as input_file:
file_contents =
return file_contents.decode(encoding='utf-8')
def _find_closing_char_index(start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index, num_open_chars=0, strings=None):
Finds the index of the closing char that matches the opening char.
For example, this could be used to find the end of a Mako expression,
where the open and close characters would be '{' and '}'.
start_delim: If provided (e.g. '${' for Mako expressions), the
closing character must be found before the next start_delim.
open_char: The opening character to be matched (e.g '{')
close_char: The closing character to be matched (e.g '}')
template: The template to be searched.
start_index: The start index of the last open char.
num_open_chars: The current number of open chars.
strings: A list of ParseStrings already parsed
A dict containing the following, or None if unparseable:
close_char_index: The index of the closing character
strings: a list of ParseStrings
strings = [] if strings is None else strings
close_char_index = template.find(close_char, start_index)
if close_char_index < 0:
# if we can't find an end_char, let's just quit
return None
open_char_index = template.find(open_char, start_index, close_char_index)
parse_string = ParseString(template, start_index, close_char_index)
valid_index_list = [close_char_index]
if 0 <= open_char_index:
if parse_string.start_index is not None:
min_valid_index = min(valid_index_list)
if parse_string.start_index == min_valid_index:
if parse_string.end_index is None:
return None
return _find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index=parse_string.end_index,
num_open_chars=num_open_chars, strings=strings
if open_char_index == min_valid_index:
if start_delim is not None:
# if we find another starting delim, consider this unparseable
start_delim_index = template.find(start_delim, start_index, close_char_index)
if 0 <= start_delim_index < open_char_index:
return None
return _find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index=open_char_index + 1,
num_open_chars=num_open_chars + 1, strings=strings
if num_open_chars == 0:
return {
'close_char_index': close_char_index,
'strings': strings,
return _find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index=close_char_index + 1,
num_open_chars=num_open_chars - 1, strings=strings
class StringLines(object):
......@@ -336,18 +219,10 @@ class Rules(Enum):
'A JavaScript string containing HTML should not have an embedded Mako expression.'
mako_deprecated_display_name = (
'Replace deprecated display_name_with_default_escaped with display_name_with_default.'
mako_html_requires_text = (
'You must begin with Text() if you use HTML() during interpolation.'
mako_close_before_format = (
'You must close any call to Text() or HTML() before calling format().'
mako_text_redundant = (
'Using Text() function without HTML() is unnecessary.'
......@@ -356,10 +231,6 @@ class Rules(Enum):
"Only use HTML() alone with properly escaped HTML(), and make sure it is really alone."
mako_wrap_html = (
"String containing HTML should be wrapped with call to HTML()."
mako_html_entities = (
"HTML entities should be plain text or wrapped with HTML()."
......@@ -400,6 +271,38 @@ class Rules(Enum):
'Use StringUtils.interpolate() or HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml() as appropriate.'
python_concat_html = (
'Use HTML() and Text() functions rather than concatenating strings with HTML.'
python_custom_escape = (
"Use markupsafe.escape() rather than custom escaping for '<'."
python_deprecated_display_name = (
'Replace deprecated display_name_with_default_escaped with display_name_with_default.'
python_requires_html_or_text = (
'You must start with Text() or HTML() if you use HTML() or Text() during interpolation.'
python_close_before_format = (
'You must close any call to Text() or HTML() before calling format().'
python_wrap_html = (
"String containing HTML should be wrapped with call to HTML()."
python_interpolate_html = (
"Use HTML(), Text(), and format() functions for interpolating strings with HTML."
python_parse_error = (
'Error parsing Python function or string.'
def __init__(self, rule_id, rule_summary):
self.rule_id = rule_id
......@@ -852,23 +755,234 @@ class ParseString(object):
if 0 <= backslash_index < quote_end_index:
next_start_index = backslash_index + 2
end_index = quote_end_index + len(quote)
quote_length = len(quote)
string = template[start_index:end_index]
return {
'end_index': end_index,
'quote_length': quote_length,
'string': string,
'string_inner': string[quote_length:-quote_length],
end_index = quote_end_index + len(quote)
quote_length = len(quote)
string = template[start_index:end_index]
return {
'end_index': end_index,
'quote_length': quote_length,
'string': string,
'string_inner': string[quote_length:-quote_length],
class BaseLinter(object):
BaseLinter provides some helper functions that are used by multiple linters.
def __init__(self):
Init method.
self._skip_dirs = (
def _is_skip_dir(self, skip_dirs, directory):
Determines whether a directory should be skipped or linted.
skip_dirs: The configured directories to be skipped.
directory: The current directory to be tested.
True if the directory should be skipped, and False otherwise.
for skip_dir in skip_dirs:
skip_dir_regex = re.compile("(.*/)*{}(/.*)*".format(skip_dir))
if skip_dir_regex.match(directory) is not None:
return True
return False
def _is_valid_directory(self, skip_dirs, directory):
Determines if the provided directory is a directory that could contain
a file that needs to be linted.
skip_dirs: The directories to be skipped.
directory: The directory to be linted.
True if this directory should be linted for violations and False
if self._is_skip_dir(skip_dirs, directory):
return False
return True
def _load_file(self, file_full_path):
Loads a file into a string.
file_full_path: The full path of the file to be loaded.
A string containing the files contents.
with open(file_full_path, 'r') as input_file:
file_contents =
return file_contents.decode(encoding='utf-8')
def _load_and_check_file_is_safe(self, file_full_path, lint_function, results):
Loads the Python file and checks if it is in violation.
file_full_path: The file to be loaded and linted.
lint_function: A function that will lint for violations. It must
take two arguments:
1) string contents of the file
2) results object
results: A FileResults to be used for this file
The file results containing any violations.
file_contents = self._load_file(file_full_path)
lint_function(file_contents, results)
return results
def _find_closing_char_index(
self, start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index, num_open_chars=0, strings=None
Finds the index of the closing char that matches the opening char.
For example, this could be used to find the end of a Mako expression,
where the open and close characters would be '{' and '}'.
start_delim: If provided (e.g. '${' for Mako expressions), the
closing character must be found before the next start_delim.
open_char: The opening character to be matched (e.g '{')
close_char: The closing character to be matched (e.g '}')
template: The template to be searched.
start_index: The start index of the last open char.
num_open_chars: The current number of open chars.
strings: A list of ParseStrings already parsed
A dict containing the following, or None if unparseable:
close_char_index: The index of the closing character
strings: a list of ParseStrings
strings = [] if strings is None else strings
close_char_index = template.find(close_char, start_index)
if close_char_index < 0:
# if we can't find a close char, let's just quit
return None
open_char_index = template.find(open_char, start_index, close_char_index)
parse_string = ParseString(template, start_index, close_char_index)
valid_index_list = [close_char_index]
if 0 <= open_char_index:
if parse_string.start_index is not None:
min_valid_index = min(valid_index_list)
if parse_string.start_index == min_valid_index:
if parse_string.end_index is None:
return None
return self._find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index=parse_string.end_index,
num_open_chars=num_open_chars, strings=strings
if open_char_index == min_valid_index:
if start_delim is not None:
# if we find another starting delim, consider this unparseable
start_delim_index = template.find(start_delim, start_index, close_char_index)
if 0 <= start_delim_index < open_char_index:
return None
return self._find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index=open_char_index + 1,
num_open_chars=num_open_chars + 1, strings=strings
if num_open_chars == 0:
return {
'close_char_index': close_char_index,
'strings': strings,
return self._find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, open_char, close_char, template, start_index=close_char_index + 1,
num_open_chars=num_open_chars - 1, strings=strings
def _check_concat_with_html(self, file_contents, rule, results):
Checks that strings with HTML are not concatenated
file_contents: The contents of the JavaScript file.
rule: The rule that was violated if this fails.
results: A file results objects to which violations will be added.
lines = StringLines(file_contents)
last_expression = None
# attempt to match a string that starts with '<' or ends with '>'
regex_string_with_html = r"""["'](?:\s*<.*|.*>\s*)["']"""
regex_concat_with_html = r"(\+\s*{}|{}\s*\+)".format(regex_string_with_html, regex_string_with_html)
for match in re.finditer(regex_concat_with_html, file_contents):
found_new_violation = False
if last_expression is not None:
last_line = lines.index_to_line_number(last_expression.start_index)
# check if violation should be expanded to more of the same line
if last_line == lines.index_to_line_number(match.start()):
last_expression = Expression(
last_expression.start_index, match.end(), template=file_contents
rule, last_expression
found_new_violation = True
found_new_violation = True
if found_new_violation:
last_expression = Expression(
match.start(), match.end(), template=file_contents
# add final expression
if last_expression is not None:
rule, last_expression
class UnderscoreTemplateLinter(object):
class UnderscoreTemplateLinter(BaseLinter):
The linter for Underscore.js template files.
_skip_underscore_dirs = _skip_dirs + ('test',)
def __init__(self):
Init method.
super(UnderscoreTemplateLinter, self).__init__()
self._skip_underscore_dirs = self._skip_dirs + ('test',)
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
......@@ -886,45 +1000,13 @@ class UnderscoreTemplateLinter(object):
full_path = os.path.normpath(directory + '/' + file_name)
results = FileResults(full_path)
if not self._is_valid_directory(directory):
if not self._is_valid_directory(self._skip_underscore_dirs, directory):
return results
if not file_name.lower().endswith('.underscore'):
return results
return self._load_and_check_underscore_file_is_safe(full_path, results)
def _is_valid_directory(self, directory):
Determines if the provided directory is a directory that could contain
Underscore.js template files that need to be linted.
directory: The directory to be linted.
True if this directory should be linted for Underscore.js template
violations and False otherwise.
if _is_skip_dir(self._skip_underscore_dirs, directory):
return False
return True
def _load_and_check_underscore_file_is_safe(self, file_full_path, results):
Loads the Underscore.js template file and checks if it is in violation.
file_full_path: The file to be loaded and linted
The file results containing any violations.
underscore_template = _load_file(file_full_path)
self.check_underscore_file_is_safe(underscore_template, results)
return results
return self._load_and_check_file_is_safe(full_path, self.check_underscore_file_is_safe, results)
def check_underscore_file_is_safe(self, underscore_template, results):
......@@ -1003,15 +1085,20 @@ class UnderscoreTemplateLinter(object):
return expressions
class JavaScriptLinter(object):
class JavaScriptLinter(BaseLinter):
The linter for JavaScript and CoffeeScript files.
_skip_javascript_dirs = _skip_dirs + ('i18n', 'static/coffee')
_skip_coffeescript_dirs = _skip_dirs
underScoreLinter = UnderscoreTemplateLinter()
def __init__(self):
Init method.
super(JavaScriptLinter, self).__init__()
self._skip_javascript_dirs = self._skip_dirs + ('i18n', 'static/coffee')
self._skip_coffeescript_dirs = self._skip_dirs
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
Process file to determine if it is a JavaScript file and
......@@ -1041,40 +1128,7 @@ class JavaScriptLinter(object):
if not self._is_valid_directory(skip_dirs, directory):
return results
return self._load_and_check_javascript_file_is_safe(file_full_path, results)
def _is_valid_directory(self, skip_dirs, directory):
Determines if the provided directory is a directory that could contain
a JavaScript file that needs to be linted.
skip_dirs: The directories to be skipped.
directory: The directory to be linted.
True if this directory should be linted for JavaScript violations
and False otherwise.
if _is_skip_dir(skip_dirs, directory):
return False
return True
def _load_and_check_javascript_file_is_safe(self, file_full_path, results):
Loads the JavaScript file and checks if it is in violation.
file_full_path: The file to be loaded and linted.
The file results containing any violations.
file_contents = _load_file(file_full_path)
self.check_javascript_file_is_safe(file_contents, results)
return results
return self._load_and_check_file_is_safe(file_full_path, self.check_javascript_file_is_safe, results)
def check_javascript_file_is_safe(self, file_contents, results):
......@@ -1109,7 +1163,7 @@ class JavaScriptLinter(object):
self._check_javascript_interpolate(file_contents, results)
self._check_javascript_escape(file_contents, results)
self._check_concat_with_html(file_contents, results)
self._check_concat_with_html(file_contents, Rules.javascript_concat_html, results)
self.underScoreLinter.check_underscore_file_is_safe(file_contents, results)
results.prepare_results(file_contents, line_comment_delim='//')
......@@ -1129,7 +1183,7 @@ class JavaScriptLinter(object):
start_index = function_start_match.start()
inner_start_index = function_start_match.end()
result = _find_closing_char_index(
result = self._find_closing_char_index(
None, "(", ")", file_contents, start_index=inner_start_index
if result is not None:
......@@ -1348,54 +1402,11 @@ class JavaScriptLinter(object):
return True
return False
def _check_concat_with_html(self, file_contents, results):
Checks that strings with HTML are not concatenated
file_contents: The contents of the JavaScript file.
results: A file results objects to which violations will be added.
lines = StringLines(file_contents)
last_expression = None
# attempt to match a string that starts with '<' or ends with '>'
regex_string_with_html = r"""["'](?:\s*<.*|.*>\s*)["']"""
regex_concat_with_html = r"(\+\s*{}|{}\s*\+)".format(regex_string_with_html, regex_string_with_html)
for match in re.finditer(regex_concat_with_html, file_contents):
found_new_violation = False
if last_expression is not None:
last_line = lines.index_to_line_number(last_expression.start_index)
# check if violation should be expanded to more of the same line
if last_line == lines.index_to_line_number(match.start()):
last_expression = Expression(
last_expression.start_index, match.end(), template=file_contents
Rules.javascript_concat_html, last_expression
found_new_violation = True
found_new_violation = True
if found_new_violation:
last_expression = Expression(
match.start(), match.end(), template=file_contents
# add final expression
if last_expression is not None:
Rules.javascript_concat_html, last_expression
class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
class MakoTemplateLinter(BaseLinter):
The linter for Mako template files.
_skip_mako_dirs = _skip_dirs
javaScriptLinter = JavaScriptLinter()
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
......@@ -1429,7 +1440,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
if not (file_name.lower().endswith('.html') or file_name.lower().endswith('.xml')):
return results
return self._load_and_check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_file_full_path, results)
return self._load_and_check_file_is_safe(mako_file_full_path, self._check_mako_file_is_safe, results)
def _is_valid_directory(self, directory):
......@@ -1443,7 +1454,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
True if this directory should be linted for Mako template violations
and False otherwise.
if _is_skip_dir(self._skip_mako_dirs, directory):
if self._is_skip_dir(self._skip_dirs, directory):
return False
# TODO: This is an imperfect guess concerning the Mako template
......@@ -1454,21 +1465,6 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
return False
def _load_and_check_mako_file_is_safe(self, mako_file_full_path, results):
Loads the Mako template file and checks if it is in violation.
mako_file_full_path: The file to be loaded and linted.
The file results containing any violations.
mako_template = _load_file(mako_file_full_path)
self._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
return results
def _check_mako_file_is_safe(self, mako_template, results):
Checks for violations in a Mako template.
......@@ -1641,7 +1637,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
if '.display_name_with_default_escaped' in expression.expression:
Rules.mako_deprecated_display_name, expression
Rules.python_deprecated_display_name, expression
def _check_html_and_text(self, expression, has_page_default, results):
......@@ -1662,7 +1658,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
template_inner_start_index += expression.expression.find(expression_inner)
if 'HTML(' in expression_inner:
if expression_inner.startswith('HTML('):
close_paren_index = _find_closing_char_index(
close_paren_index = self._find_closing_char_index(
None, "(", ")", expression_inner, start_index=len('HTML(')
# check that the close paren is at the end of the stripped expression.
......@@ -1683,14 +1679,14 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
# strings to be checked for HTML
unwrapped_html_strings = expression.strings
for match in re.finditer(r"(HTML\(|Text\()", expression_inner):
result = _find_closing_char_index(None, "(", ")", expression_inner, start_index=match.end())
result = self._find_closing_char_index(None, "(", ")", expression_inner, start_index=match.end())
if result is not None:
close_paren_index = result['close_char_index']
# the argument sent to HTML() or Text()
argument = expression_inner[match.end():close_paren_index]
if ".format(" in argument:
Rules.mako_close_before_format, expression
Rules.python_close_before_format, expression
if == "HTML(":
# remove expression strings wrapped in HTML()
......@@ -1704,7 +1700,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
for string in unwrapped_html_strings:
if '<' in string.string_inner:
Rules.mako_wrap_html, expression
Rules.python_wrap_html, expression
# check strings not wrapped in HTML() for HTML entities
......@@ -1930,7 +1926,7 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
if start_index < 0:
result = _find_closing_char_index(
result = self._find_closing_char_index(
start_delim, '{', '}', mako_template, start_index=start_index + len(start_delim)
if result is None:
......@@ -1955,6 +1951,296 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
return expressions
class PythonLinter(BaseLinter):
The linter for Python files.
The current implementation of the linter does naive Python parsing. It does
not use the parser. One known issue is that parsing errors found inside a
docstring need to be disabled, rather than being automatically skipped.
Skipping docstrings is an enhancement that could be added.
def __init__(self):
Init method.
super(PythonLinter, self).__init__()
self._skip_python_dirs = self._skip_dirs + ('tests', 'test/acceptance')
def process_file(self, directory, file_name):
Process file to determine if it is a Python file and
if it is safe.
directory (string): The directory of the file to be checked
file_name (string): A filename for a potential Python file
The file results containing any violations.
file_full_path = os.path.normpath(directory + '/' + file_name)
results = FileResults(file_full_path)
if not results.is_file:
return results
if file_name.lower().endswith('.py') is False:
return results
# skip this linter code (i.e.
if file_name == os.path.basename(__file__):
return results
if not self._is_valid_directory(self._skip_python_dirs, directory):
return results
return self._load_and_check_file_is_safe(file_full_path, self.check_python_file_is_safe, results)
def check_python_file_is_safe(self, file_contents, results):
Checks for violations in a Python file.
file_contents: The contents of the Python file.
results: A file results objects to which violations will be added.
self._check_concat_with_html(file_contents, Rules.python_concat_html, results)
self._check_deprecated_display_name(file_contents, results)
self._check_custom_escape(file_contents, results)
self._check_html(file_contents, results)
results.prepare_results(file_contents, line_comment_delim='#')
def _check_deprecated_display_name(self, file_contents, results):
Checks that the deprecated display_name_with_default_escaped is not
used. Adds violation to results if there is a problem.
file_contents: The contents of the Python file
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
for match in re.finditer(r'\.display_name_with_default_escaped', file_contents):
expression = Expression(match.start(), match.end())
Rules.python_deprecated_display_name, expression
def _check_custom_escape(self, file_contents, results):
Checks for custom escaping calls, rather than using a standard escaping
file_contents: The contents of the Python file
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
for match in re.finditer("(<.*&lt;|&lt;.*<)", file_contents):
expression = Expression(match.start(), match.end())
Rules.python_custom_escape, expression
def _check_html(self, file_contents, results):
Checks many rules related to HTML in a Python file.
file_contents: The contents of the Python file
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
# Text() Expressions keyed by its end index
text_calls_by_end_index = {}
# HTML() Expressions keyed by its end index
html_calls_by_end_index = {}
start_index = 0
while True:
# check HTML(), Text() and format() calls
result = self._check_html_text_format(
file_contents, start_index, text_calls_by_end_index, html_calls_by_end_index, results
next_start_index = result['next_start_index']
interpolate_end_index = result['interpolate_end_index']
# check for interpolation including HTML outside of function calls
file_contents, start_index, interpolate_end_index, results
# advance the search
start_index = next_start_index
# end if there is nothing left to search
if interpolate_end_index is None:
def _check_html_text_format(
self, file_contents, start_index, text_calls_by_end_index, html_calls_by_end_index, results
Checks for HTML(), Text() and format() calls, and various rules related
to these calls.
file_contents: The contents of the Python file
start_index: The index at which to begin searching for a function
text_calls_by_end_index: Text() Expressions keyed by its end index.
html_calls_by_end_index: HTML() Expressions keyed by its end index.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
A dict with the following keys:
'next_start_index': The start index of the next search for a
function call.
'interpolate_end_index': The end index of the next next search
for interpolation with html, or None if the end of file
should be used.
# used to find opening of .format(), Text() and HTML() calls
regex_function_open = re.compile(r"(\.format\(|(?<!\w)HTML\(|(?<!\w)Text\()")
interpolate_end_index = None
end_index = None
strings = None
html_calls = []
while True:
# first search for HTML(), Text(), or .format()
if end_index is None:
function_match =, start_index)
function_match =, start_index, end_index)
if function_match is not None:
if interpolate_end_index is None:
interpolate_end_index = function_match.start()
function_close_result = self._find_closing_char_index(
None, '(', ')', file_contents, start_index=function_match.end(),
if function_close_result is None:
Rules.python_parse_error, Expression(function_match.start())
expression = Expression(
function_match.start(), function_close_result['close_char_index'] + 1, file_contents,, end_delim=")"
# if this an outer most Text(), HTML(), or format() call
if end_index is None:
end_index = expression.end_index
interpolate_end_index = expression.start_index
strings = function_close_result['strings']
if == '.format(':
if 'HTML(' in expression.expression_inner or 'Text(' in expression.expression_inner:
is_wrapped_with_text = str(function_match.start()) in text_calls_by_end_index.keys()
is_wrapped_with_html = str(function_match.start()) in html_calls_by_end_index.keys()
if is_wrapped_with_text is False and is_wrapped_with_html is False:
Rules.python_requires_html_or_text, expression
else: # expression is 'HTML(' or 'Text('
# HTML() and Text() calls cannot contain any inner HTML(), Text(), or format() calls.
# Generally, format() would be the issue if there is one.
if is not None:
Rules.python_close_before_format, expression
if == 'Text(':
text_calls_by_end_index[str(expression.end_index)] = expression
else: # == 'HTML(':
html_calls_by_end_index[str(expression.end_index)] = expression
start_index = function_match.end()
# checks strings in the outer most call to ensure they are properly
# wrapped with HTML()
self._check_format_html_strings_wrapped(strings, html_calls, results)
# compute where to continue the search
if function_match is None and end_index is None:
next_start_index = start_index
elif end_index is None:
next_start_index = function_match.end()
next_start_index = end_index
return {
'next_start_index': next_start_index,
'interpolate_end_index': interpolate_end_index,
def _check_format_html_strings_wrapped(self, strings, html_calls, results):
Checks that any string inside a format call that seems to contain HTML
is wrapped with a call to HTML().
strings: A list of ParseStrings for each string inside the format()
html_calls: A list of Expressions representing all of the HTML()
calls inside the format() call.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
html_strings = []
html_wrapped_strings = []
if strings is not None:
# find all strings that contain HTML
for string in strings:
if '<' in string.string:
# check if HTML string is appropriately wrapped
for html_call in html_calls:
if html_call.start_index < string.start_index < string.end_index < html_call.end_index:
# loop through all unwrapped strings
for unsafe_string in set(html_strings) - set(html_wrapped_strings):
unsafe_string_expression = Expression(unsafe_string.start_index)
Rules.python_wrap_html, unsafe_string_expression
def _check_interpolate_with_html(self, file_contents, start_index, end_index, results):
Find interpolations with html that fall outside of any calls to HTML(),
Text(), and .format().
file_contents: The contents of the Python file
start_index: The index to start the search, or None if nothing to
end_index: The index to end the search, or None if the end of file
should be used.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
# used to find interpolation with HTML
pattern_interpolate_html_inner = r'(<.*%s|%s.*<|<.*{\w*}|{\w*}.*<)'
regex_interpolate_html = re.compile(r"""(".*{}.*"|'.*{}.*')""".format(
pattern_interpolate_html_inner, pattern_interpolate_html_inner
if end_index is None:
interpolate_string_iter = regex_interpolate_html.finditer(file_contents, start_index)
interpolate_string_iter = regex_interpolate_html.finditer(file_contents, start_index, end_index)
for match_html_string in interpolate_string_iter:
expression = Expression(match_html_string.start(), match_html_string.end())
Rules.python_interpolate_html, expression
def _process_file(full_path, template_linters, options, out):
For each linter, lints the provided file. This means finding and printing
......@@ -2032,15 +2318,23 @@ def main():
epilog = 'rules:\n'
for rule in Rules.__members__.values():
epilog += " {0[0]}: {0[1]}\n".format(rule.value)
epilog += "\n"
epilog += "additional help:\n"
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
epilog += "\n"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Checks that templates are safe.',
parser.add_argument('--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', help='only display the filenames that contain violations')
'--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', help='only display the filenames that contain violations'
parser.add_argument('--file', dest='file', nargs=1, default=None, help='a single file to lint')
parser.add_argument('--dir', dest='directory', nargs=1, default=['.'], help='the directory to lint (including sub-directories)')
'--dir', dest='directory', nargs=1, default=['.'], help='the directory to lint (including sub-directories)'
args = parser.parse_args()
......@@ -2048,7 +2342,7 @@ def main():
'is_quiet': args.quiet,
template_linters = [MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter()]
template_linters = [MakoTemplateLinter(), UnderscoreTemplateLinter(), JavaScriptLinter(), PythonLinter()]
if args.file is not None:
if os.path.isfile(args.file[0]) is False:
raise ValueError("File [{}] is not a valid file.".format(args.file[0]))
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import textwrap
from unittest import TestCase
from ..safe_template_linter import (
_process_os_walk, FileResults, JavaScriptLinter, MakoTemplateLinter, ParseString, StringLines,
UnderscoreTemplateLinter, Rules
_process_os_walk, FileResults, JavaScriptLinter, MakoTemplateLinter, ParseString,
StringLines, PythonLinter, UnderscoreTemplateLinter, Rules
......@@ -58,12 +58,23 @@ class TestLinter(TestCase):
Test Linter base class
def _validate_data_rule(self, data, results):
if data['rule'] is None:
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, data['rule'])
def _validate_data_rules(self, data, results):
Validates that the appropriate rule violations were triggered.
data: A dict containing the 'rule' (or rules) to be tests.
results: The results, containing violations to be validated.
rules = []
if isinstance(data['rule'], list):
rules = data['rule']
elif data['rule'] is not None:
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), len(rules))
for violation, rule in zip(results.violations, rules):
self.assertEqual(violation.rule, rule)
class TestSafeTemplateLinter(TestCase):
......@@ -198,7 +209,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
def test_check_mako_expression_display_name(self):
......@@ -216,7 +227,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_deprecated_display_name)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.python_deprecated_display_name)
......@@ -258,7 +269,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
'rule': Rules.mako_close_before_format
'rule': Rules.python_close_before_format
......@@ -268,7 +279,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
'rule': Rules.mako_close_before_format
'rule': Rules.python_close_before_format
......@@ -278,7 +289,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
'rule': Rules.mako_wrap_html
'rule': Rules.python_wrap_html
......@@ -300,11 +311,11 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
'expression': "${'<span></span>'}",
'rule': Rules.mako_wrap_html
'rule': Rules.python_wrap_html
'expression': "${'Embedded HTML <strong></strong>'}",
'rule': Rules.mako_wrap_html
'rule': Rules.python_wrap_html
'expression': "${ Text('text') }",
......@@ -345,7 +356,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
def test_check_mako_expression_default_disabled(self):
......@@ -444,7 +455,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'expression': '${x}', 'rule': Rules.mako_invalid_js_filter},
......@@ -467,7 +478,7 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestLinter):
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'media_type': 'text/javascript', 'expected_violations': 0},
......@@ -875,7 +886,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
results = FileResults('')
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': 'test.append( test.render().el )', 'rule': None},
......@@ -906,7 +917,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': 'test.prepend( test.render().el )', 'rule': None},
......@@ -934,7 +945,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': 'test.unwrap(HtmlUtils.ensureHtml(htmlSnippet).toString())', 'rule': None},
......@@ -966,7 +977,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': ' element.parentNode.appendTo(target);', 'rule': None},
......@@ -997,7 +1008,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': 'test.html()', 'rule': None},
......@@ -1020,7 +1031,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
results = FileResults('')
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': 'StringUtils.interpolate()', 'rule': None},
......@@ -1036,7 +1047,7 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
{'template': '_.escape(message)', 'rule': None},
......@@ -1051,4 +1062,234 @@ class TestJavaScriptLinter(TestLinter):
linter.check_javascript_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rule(data, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
class TestPythonLinter(TestLinter):
Test PythonLinter
{'template': 'm = "Plain text " + message + "plain text"', 'rule': None},
{'template': 'm = "檌檒濦 " + message + "plain text"', 'rule': None},
{'template': 'm = "<p>" + message + "</p>"', 'rule': Rules.python_concat_html},
{'template': ' # m = "<p>" + commentedOutMessage + "</p>"', 'rule': None},
{'template': 'm = " <p> " + message + " </p> "', 'rule': Rules.python_concat_html},
{'template': 'm = " <p> " + message + " broken string', 'rule': Rules.python_concat_html},
def test_concat_with_html(self, data):
Test check_python_file_is_safe with concatenating strings and HTML
linter = PythonLinter()
results = FileResults('')
linter.check_python_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
def test_check_python_expression_display_name(self):
Test _check_python_file_is_safe with display_name_with_default_escaped
linter = PythonLinter()
results = FileResults('')
python_file = textwrap.dedent("""
context = {
'display_name': self.display_name_with_default_escaped,
linter.check_python_file_is_safe(python_file, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.python_deprecated_display_name)
def test_check_custom_escaping(self):
Test _check_python_file_is_safe fails when custom escapins is used.
linter = PythonLinter()
results = FileResults('')
python_file = textwrap.dedent("""
msg = mmlans.replace('<', '&lt;')
linter.check_python_file_is_safe(python_file, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.python_custom_escape)
msg = "Mixed {span_start}text{span_end}".format(
'rule': Rules.python_requires_html_or_text
msg = Text("Mixed {span_start}text{span_end}").format(
'rule': None
msg = "Mixed {span_start}{text}{span_end}".format(
text=Text("This should still break."),
'rule': Rules.python_requires_html_or_text
msg = Text("Mixed {link_start}text{link_end}".format(
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>").format(url),
'rule': [Rules.python_close_before_format, Rules.python_requires_html_or_text]
msg = Text("Mixed {link_start}text{link_end}").format(
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>".format(url)),
'rule': Rules.python_close_before_format
msg = "Mixed {span_start}text{span_end}".format(
'rule': [Rules.python_wrap_html, Rules.python_wrap_html]
msg = Text(_("String with multiple lines "
"{link_start}unenroll{link_end} "
"and final line")).format(
'<a id="link__over_multiple_lines" '
'data-course-id="{course_id}" '
'rule': None
'python': "msg = '<span></span>'",
'rule': None
'python': "msg = HTML('<span></span>')",
'rule': None
'python': r"""msg = '<a href="{}"'.format(url)""",
'rule': Rules.python_interpolate_html
'python': r"""msg = '{}</p>'.format(message)""",
'rule': Rules.python_interpolate_html
'python': r"""msg = '<a href="%s"' % url""",
'rule': Rules.python_interpolate_html
'python': r"""msg = '%s</p>' % message""",
'rule': Rules.python_interpolate_html
'python': "msg = HTML('<span></span>'",
'rule': Rules.python_parse_error
def test_check_python_with_text_and_html(self, data):
Test _check_python_file_is_safe tests for proper use of Text() and
linter = PythonLinter()
results = FileResults('')
file_content = textwrap.dedent(data['python'])
linter.check_python_file_is_safe(file_content, results)
self._validate_data_rules(data, results)
def test_check_python_with_text_and_html_mixed(self):
Test _check_python_file_is_safe tests for proper use of Text() and
Html() for a Python file with a mix of rules.
linter = PythonLinter()
results = FileResults('')
file_content = textwrap.dedent("""
msg1 = '<a href="{}"'.format(url)
msg2 = Text("Mixed {link_start}text{link_end}").format(
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>".format(url)),
msg3 = HTML('<span></span>'
msg4 = "Mixed {span_start}text{span_end}".format(
msg5 = '{}</p>'.format(message)
msg6 = Text(_("String with multiple lines "
"{link_start}unenroll{link_end} "
"and final line")).format(
'<a id="link__over_multiple_lines" '
'data-course-id="{course_id}" '
msg7 = '<a href="%s"' % url
linter.check_python_file_is_safe(file_content, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 7)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.python_interpolate_html)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[1].rule, Rules.python_close_before_format)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[2].rule, Rules.python_parse_error)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[3].rule, Rules.python_wrap_html)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[4].rule, Rules.python_wrap_html)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[5].rule, Rules.python_interpolate_html)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[6].rule, Rules.python_interpolate_html)
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