Commit 36e00867 by Brian Jacobel

Clean up generated javascript for display.js

parent 20290d2b
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.1
/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
/* globals Logger, interpolate */
(function() {
var _this = this;
'use strict';
this.Sequence = (function() {
function Sequence(element) {
var _this = this;
var self = this;
this.removeBookmarkIconFromActiveNavItem = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.removeBookmarkIconFromActiveNavItem.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.removeBookmarkIconFromActiveNavItem.apply(self, [event]);
this.addBookmarkIconToActiveNavItem = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.addBookmarkIconToActiveNavItem.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.addBookmarkIconToActiveNavItem.apply(self, [event]);
this._change_sequential = function(direction, event) {
return Sequence.prototype._change_sequential.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype._change_sequential.apply(self, [direction, event]);
this.selectPrevious = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.selectPrevious.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.selectPrevious.apply(self, [event]);
this.selectNext = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.selectNext.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.selectNext.apply(self, [event]);
this.goto = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.goto.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.goto.apply(self, [event]);
this.toggleArrows = function() {
return Sequence.prototype.toggleArrows.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.toggleArrows.apply(self);
this.updateProgress = function() {
return Sequence.prototype.updateProgress.apply(_this, arguments);
this.addToUpdatedProblems = function(problem_id, new_content_state, new_state) {
return Sequence.prototype.addToUpdatedProblems.apply(_this, arguments);
this.addToUpdatedProblems = function(problemId, newContentState, newState) {
return Sequence.prototype.addToUpdatedProblems.apply(self, [problemId, newContentState, newState]);
this.hideTabTooltip = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.hideTabTooltip.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.hideTabTooltip.apply(self, [event]);
this.displayTabTooltip = function(event) {
return Sequence.prototype.displayTabTooltip.apply(_this, arguments);
return Sequence.prototype.displayTabTooltip.apply(self, [event]);
this.updatedProblems = {};
this.requestToken = $(element).data('request-token');
this.el = $(element).find('.sequence');
......@@ -51,10 +51,9 @@
this.ajaxUrl ='ajax-url');
this.nextUrl ='next-url');
this.prevUrl ='prev-url');
this.base_page_title = " | " + document.title;
this.base_page_title = ' | ' + document.title;
this.render(parseInt('position'), 10));
Sequence.prototype.$ = function(selector) {
......@@ -66,398 +65,290 @@
this.el.on('bookmark:add', this.addBookmarkIconToActiveNavItem);
this.el.on('bookmark:remove', this.removeBookmarkIconFromActiveNavItem);
this.$('#sequence-list .nav-item').on('focus mouseenter', this.displayTabTooltip);
return this.$('#sequence-list .nav-item').on('blur mouseleave', this.hideTabTooltip);
this.$('#sequence-list .nav-item').on('blur mouseleave', this.hideTabTooltip);
Sequence.prototype.displayTabTooltip = function(event) {
return $(event.currentTarget).find('.sequence-tooltip').removeClass('sr');
Sequence.prototype.hideTabTooltip = function(event) {
return $(event.currentTarget).find('.sequence-tooltip').addClass('sr');
Sequence.prototype.initProgress = function() {
"#problem_#{id}" -> progress
return this.progressTable = {};
Sequence.prototype.updatePageTitle = function() {
update the page title to include the current section
// update the page title to include the current section
var positionLink = this.link_for(this.position);
var position_link;
position_link = this.link_for(this.position);
if (position_link &&'page-title')) {
return document.title ='page-title') + this.base_page_title;
if (positionLink &&'page-title')) {
document.title ='page-title') + this.base_page_title;
Sequence.prototype.hookUpContentStateChangeEvent = function() {
var _this = this;
return $('.problems-wrapper').bind('contentChanged', function(event, problem_id, new_content_state, new_state) {
return _this.addToUpdatedProblems(problem_id, new_content_state, new_state);
var self = this;
return $('.problems-wrapper').bind('contentChanged', function(event, problemId, newContentState, newState) {
return self.addToUpdatedProblems(problemId, newContentState, newState);
Sequence.prototype.addToUpdatedProblems = function(problem_id, new_content_state, new_state) {
Used to keep updated problem's state temporarily.
Sequence.prototype.addToUpdatedProblems = function(problemId, newContentState, newState) {
* Used to keep updated problem's state temporarily.
* params:
* 'problem_id' is problem id.
* 'new_content_state' is the updated content of the problem.
* 'new_state' is the updated state of the problem.
* initialize for the current sequence if there isn't any updated problem
* for this position.
'problem_id' is problem id.
'new_content_state' is the updated content of the problem.
'new_state' is the updated state of the problem.
initialize for the current sequence if there isn't any updated problem
for this position.
if (!this.anyUpdatedProblems(this.position)) {
this.updatedProblems[this.position] = {};
Now, put problem content and score against problem id for current active sequence.
return this.updatedProblems[this.position][problem_id] = [new_content_state, new_state];
// Now, put problem content and score against problem id for current active sequence.
this.updatedProblems[this.position][problemId] = [newContentState, newState];
Sequence.prototype.anyUpdatedProblems = function(position) {
check for the updated problems for given sequence position.
'position' can be any sequence position.
* check for the updated problems for given sequence position.
* params:
* 'position' can be any sequence position.
return this.updatedProblems[position] !== void 0;
Sequence.prototype.hookUpProgressEvent = function() {
return $('.problems-wrapper').bind('progressChanged', this.updateProgress);
return typeof(this.updatedProblems[position]) !== 'undefined';
Sequence.prototype.mergeProgress = function(p1, p2) {
if either is "NA", return the other one
var w1, w2;
if (p1 === "NA") {
return p2;
if (p2 === "NA") {
return p1;
Both real progresses
if (p1 === "done" && p2 === "done") {
return "done";
not done, so if any progress on either, in_progress
w1 = p1 === "done" || p1 === "in_progress";
w2 = p2 === "done" || p2 === "in_progress";
if (w1 || w2) {
return "in_progress";
return "none";
Sequence.prototype.enableButton = function(buttonClass, buttonAction) {
Sequence.prototype.updateProgress = function() {
var new_progress;
new_progress = "NA";
_this = this;
$('.problems-wrapper').each(function(index) {
var progress;
progress = $(this).data('progress_status');
return new_progress = _this.mergeProgress(progress, new_progress);
return this.progressTable[this.position] = new_progress;
Sequence.prototype.disableButton = function(buttonClass) {
this.$(buttonClass).addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', true);
Sequence.prototype.enableButton = function(button_class, button_action) {
return this.$(button_class).removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled').click(button_action);
Sequence.prototype.setButtonLabel = function(buttonClass, buttonLabel) {
this.$(buttonClass + ' .sr').html(buttonLabel);
Sequence.prototype.disableButton = function(button_class) {
return this.$(button_class).addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', true);
Sequence.prototype.setButtonLabel = function(button_class, button_label) {
return this.$(button_class + ' .sr').html(button_label);
Sequence.prototype.updateButtonState = function(button_class, button_action, action_label_prefix, is_at_boundary, boundary_url) {
var button_label;
if (is_at_boundary && boundary_url === 'None') {
return this.disableButton(button_class);
Sequence.prototype.updateButtonState = function(
buttonClass, buttonAction, actionLabelPrefix, isAtBoundary, boundaryUrl
) {
var buttonLabel;
if (isAtBoundary && boundaryUrl === 'None') {
} else {
button_label = action_label_prefix + (is_at_boundary ? ' Subsection' : ' Unit');
this.setButtonLabel(button_class, button_label);
return this.enableButton(button_class, button_action);
buttonLabel = actionLabelPrefix + (isAtBoundary ? ' Subsection' : ' Unit');
this.setButtonLabel(buttonClass, buttonLabel);
this.enableButton(buttonClass, buttonAction);
Sequence.prototype.toggleArrows = function() {
var is_first_tab, is_last_tab, next_button_class, previous_button_class;
previous button
var isFirstTab, isLastTab, nextButtonClass, previousButtonClass;
is_first_tab = this.position === 1;
previous_button_class = '.sequence-nav-button.button-previous';
this.updateButtonState(previous_button_class, this.selectPrevious, 'Previous', is_first_tab, this.prevUrl);
next button
use inequality in case contents.length is 0 and position is 1.
// previous button
isFirstTab = this.position === 1;
previousButtonClass = '.sequence-nav-button.button-previous';
this.updateButtonState(previousButtonClass, this.selectPrevious, 'Previous', isFirstTab, this.prevUrl);
is_last_tab = this.position >= this.contents.length;
next_button_class = '.sequence-nav-button.button-next';
return this.updateButtonState(next_button_class, this.selectNext, 'Next', is_last_tab, this.nextUrl);
// next button
// use inequality in case contents.length is 0 and position is 1.
isLastTab = this.position >= this.contents.length;
nextButtonClass = '.sequence-nav-button.button-next';
this.updateButtonState(nextButtonClass, this.selectNext, 'Next', isLastTab, this.nextUrl);
Sequence.prototype.render = function(new_position) {
var bookmarked, current_tab, modx_full_url, sequence_links,
_this = this;
if (this.position !== new_position) {
if (this.position !== void 0) {
Sequence.prototype.render = function(newPosition) {
var bookmarked, currentTab, modxFullUrl, sequenceLinks,
self = this;
if (this.position !== newPosition) {
if (this.position) {
modx_full_url = "" + this.ajaxUrl + "/goto_position";
$.postWithPrefix(modx_full_url, {
position: new_position
modxFullUrl = '' + this.ajaxUrl + '/goto_position';
$.postWithPrefix(modxFullUrl, {
position: newPosition
On Sequence change, fire custom event "sequence:change" on element.
Added for aborting video bufferization, see ../video/10_main.js
current_tab = this.contents.eq(new_position - 1);
bookmarked = this.el.find('.active .bookmark-icon').hasClass('bookmarked') ? true : false;
this.content_container.html(current_tab.text()).attr("aria-labelledby", current_tab.attr("aria-labelledby")).data('bookmarked', bookmarked);
update the data-attributes with latest contents only for updated problems.
if (this.anyUpdatedProblems(new_position)) {
$.each(this.updatedProblems[new_position], function(problem_id, latest_data) {
var latest_content, latest_response;
latest_content = latest_data[0];
latest_response = latest_data[1];
return _this.content_container.find("[data-problem-id='" + problem_id + "']").data('content', latest_content).data('problem-score', latest_response.current_score).data('problem-total-possible', latest_response.total_possible).data('attempts-used', latest_response.attempts_used);
// On Sequence change, fire custom event 'sequence:change' on element.
// Added for aborting video bufferization, see ../video/10_main.js
currentTab = this.contents.eq(newPosition - 1);
bookmarked = this.el.find('.active .bookmark-icon').hasClass('bookmarked');
// update the data-attributes with latest contents only for updated problems.
.attr('aria-labelledby', currentTab.attr('aria-labelledby'))
.data('bookmarked', bookmarked);
if (this.anyUpdatedProblems(newPosition)) {
$.each(this.updatedProblems[newPosition], function(problemId, latestData) {
var latestContent, latestResponse;
latestContent = latestData[0];
latestResponse = latestData[1];
.find("[data-problem-id='" + problemId + "']")
.data('content', latestContent)
.data('problem-score', latestResponse.current_score)
.data('problem-total-possible', latestResponse.total_possible)
.data('attempts-used', latestResponse.attempts_used);
XBlock.initializeBlocks(this.content_container, this.requestToken);
For embedded circuit simulator exercises in 6.002x
// For embedded circuit simulator exercises in 6.002x
this.position = new_position;
this.position = newPosition;
sequence_links = this.content_container.find('a.seqnav');;
sequenceLinks = this.content_container.find('a.seqnav');;
return this.sr_container.focus();
Sequence.prototype.goto = function(event) {
var alert_template, alert_text, is_bottom_nav, new_position, widget_placement;
var alertTemplate, alertText, isBottomNav, newPosition, widgetPlacement;
Links from courseware <a class='seqnav' href='n'>...</a>, was .target
// Links from courseware <a class='seqnav' href='n'>...</a>, was .target_tab
if ($(event.currentTarget).hasClass('seqnav')) {
new_position = $(event.currentTarget).attr('href');
Tab links generated by backend template
newPosition = $(event.currentTarget).attr('href');
// Tab links generated by backend template
} else {
new_position = $(event.currentTarget).data('element');
newPosition = $(event.currentTarget).data('element');
if ((1 <= new_position) && (new_position <= this.num_contents)) {
is_bottom_nav = $('nav[class="sequence-bottom"]').length > 0;
if (is_bottom_nav) {
widget_placement = 'bottom';
if ((newPosition >= 1) && (newPosition <= this.num_contents)) {
isBottomNav = $('nav[class="sequence-bottom"]').length > 0;
if (isBottomNav) {
widgetPlacement = 'bottom';
} else {
widget_placement = 'top';
widgetPlacement = 'top';
Formerly known as seq_goto
Logger.log("edx.ui.lms.sequence.tab_selected", {
// Formerly known as seq_goto
Logger.log('edx.ui.lms.sequence.tab_selected', {
current_tab: this.position,
target_tab: new_position,
target_tab: newPosition,
tab_count: this.num_contents,
widget_placement: widget_placement
widget_placement: widgetPlacement
On Sequence change, destroy any existing polling thread
for queued submissions, see ../capa/display.js
// On Sequence change, destroy any existing polling thread
// for queued submissions, see ../capa/display.js
if (window.queuePollerID) {
delete window.queuePollerID;
return this.render(new_position);
} else {
alert_template = gettext("Sequence error! Cannot navigate to %(tab_name)s in the current SequenceModule. Please contact the course staff.");
alert_text = interpolate(alert_template, {
tab_name: new_position
alertTemplate = gettext('Sequence error! Cannot navigate to %(tab_name)s in the current SequenceModule. Please contact the course staff.'); // eslint-disable-line max-len
alertText = interpolate(alertTemplate, {
tab_name: newPosition
}, true);
return alert(alert_text);
alert(alertText); // eslint-disable-line no-alert
Sequence.prototype.selectNext = function(event) {
return this._change_sequential('next', event);
this._change_sequential('next', event);
Sequence.prototype.selectPrevious = function(event) {
return this._change_sequential('previous', event);
this._change_sequential('previous', event);
`direction` can be 'previous' or 'next'
// `direction` can be 'previous' or 'next'
Sequence.prototype._change_sequential = function(direction, event) {
silently abort if direction is invalid.
var analyticsEventName, isBottomNav, newPosition, offset, widgetPlacement;
var analytics_event_name, is_bottom_nav, new_position, offset, widget_placement;
// silently abort if direction is invalid.
if (direction !== 'previous' && direction !== 'next') {
analytics_event_name = "edx.ui.lms.sequence." + direction + "_selected";
is_bottom_nav = $('nav[class="sequence-bottom"]').length > 0;
if (is_bottom_nav) {
widget_placement = 'bottom';
analyticsEventName = 'edx.ui.lms.sequence.' + direction + '_selected';
isBottomNav = $('nav[class="sequence-bottom"]').length > 0;
if (isBottomNav) {
widgetPlacement = 'bottom';
} else {
widget_placement = 'top';
widgetPlacement = 'top';
Formerly known as seq_next and seq_prev
Logger.log(analytics_event_name, {
// Formerly known as seq_next and seq_prev
Logger.log(analyticsEventName, {
current_tab: this.position,
tab_count: this.num_contents,
widget_placement: widget_placement
widget_placement: widgetPlacement
if ((direction === 'next') && (this.position >= this.contents.length)) {
return window.location.href = this.nextUrl;
window.location.href = this.nextUrl;
} else if ((direction === 'previous') && (this.position === 1)) {
return window.location.href = this.prevUrl;
window.location.href = this.prevUrl;
} else {
If the bottom nav is used, scroll to the top of the page on change.
if (is_bottom_nav) {
// If the bottom nav is used, scroll to the top of the page on change.
if (isBottomNav) {
$.scrollTo(0, 150);
offset = {
next: 1,
previous: -1
new_position = this.position + offset[direction];
return this.render(new_position);
newPosition = this.position + offset[direction];
Sequence.prototype.link_for = function(position) {
return this.$("#sequence-list .nav-item[data-element=" + position + "]");
return this.$('#sequence-list .nav-item[data-element=' + position + ']');
Sequence.prototype.mark_visited = function(position) {
Don't overwrite class attribute to avoid changing Progress class
var element;
element = this.link_for(position);
return element.removeClass("inactive").removeClass("active").addClass("visited");
// Don't overwrite class attribute to avoid changing Progress class
var element = this.link_for(position);
Sequence.prototype.mark_active = function(position) {
Don't overwrite class attribute to avoid changing Progress class
var element;
element = this.link_for(position);
return element.removeClass("inactive").removeClass("visited").addClass("active");
// Don't overwrite class attribute to avoid changing Progress class
var element = this.link_for(position);
Sequence.prototype.addBookmarkIconToActiveNavItem = function(event) {
this.el.find(' .bookmark-icon').removeClass('is-hidden').addClass('bookmarked');
return this.el.find(' .bookmark-icon-sr').text(gettext('Bookmarked'));
this.el.find(' .bookmark-icon-sr').text(gettext('Bookmarked'));
Sequence.prototype.removeBookmarkIconFromActiveNavItem = function(event) {
this.el.find(' .bookmark-icon').removeClass('bookmarked').addClass('is-hidden');
return this.el.find(' .bookmark-icon-sr').text('');
this.el.find(' .bookmark-icon-sr').text('');
return Sequence;
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