<liclass="important-dates-item"><iclass="icon fa fa-info-circle"></i><pclass="important-dates-item-title">${_("Course Number")}</p><spanclass="important-dates-item-text course-number">${course.display_number_with_default | h}</span></li>
<liclass="important-dates-item"><spanclass="icon fa fa-info-circle"aria-hidden="true"></span><pclass="important-dates-item-title">${_("Course Number")}</p><spanclass="important-dates-item-text course-number">${course.display_number_with_default | h}</span></li>
% if not course.start_date_is_still_default:
<liclass="important-dates-item"><iclass="icon fa fa-calendar"></i><pclass="important-dates-item-title">${_("Classes Start")}</p><spanclass="important-dates-item-text start-date">${course.start_datetime_text()}</span></li>
<liclass="important-dates-item"><spanclass="icon fa fa-calendar"aria-hidden="true"></span><pclass="important-dates-item-title">${_("Classes Start")}</p><spanclass="important-dates-item-text start-date">${course.start_datetime_text()}</span></li>
% endif
## We plan to ditch end_date (which is not stored in course metadata),
## but for backwards compatibility, show about/end_date blob if it exists.
% if get_course_about_section(request, course, "end_date") or course.end:
<iclass="icon fa fa-calendar"></i>
<spanclass="icon fa fa-calendar"aria-hidden="true"></span>
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ from django.conf import settings
<iclass="icon fa fa-twitter"></i><spanclass="sr">${_("Tweet that you've enrolled in this course")}</span>
<spanclass="icon fa fa-twitter"aria-hidden="true"></span><spanclass="sr">${_("Tweet that you've enrolled in this course")}</span>
<iclass="icon fa fa-thumbs-up"></i><spanclass="sr">${_("Post a Facebook message to say you've enrolled in this course")}</span>
<spanclass="icon fa fa-thumbs-up"aria-hidden="true"></span><spanclass="sr">${_("Post a Facebook message to say you've enrolled in this course")}</span>
<iclass="icon fa fa-envelope"></i><spanclass="sr">${_("Email someone to say you've enrolled in this course")}</span>
<spanclass="icon fa fa-envelope"aria-hidden="true"></span><spanclass="sr">${_("Email someone to say you've enrolled in this course")}</span>
<i class="icon fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="icon fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<%- gettext('Add Cohort') %>
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<div class="cohort-management-supplemental">
<p class="">
<i class="icon fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="icon fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml(
gettext('To review student cohort assignments or see the results of uploading a CSV file, download course profile information or cohort results on {link_start} the Data Download page. {link_end}'),
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from openedx.core.lib.courses import course_image_url
## in case of multiple courses in single self purchase scenario,
## we will show the button View Dashboard
<%dashboard_url =reverse('dashboard')%>
<ahref="${dashboard_url}"class="blue pull-right">${_("View Dashboard")} <iclass="icon fa fa-caret-right"></i></a>
<ahref="${dashboard_url}"class="blue pull-right">${_("View Dashboard")} <spanclass="icon fa fa-caret-right"aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
${_(u"You have successfully been enrolled for {course_names}. "
u"The following receipt has been emailed to {receipient_emails}").format(
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ from openedx.core.lib.courses import course_image_url
<h2>${_('Invoice')} #${order.id}<span>${_('Date of purchase')}: ${order_purchase_date} </span><span
class="pull-right"><ahref=""onclick="window.print();"class="blue-link"><iclass="icon fa fa-print"></i> ${_('Print Receipt')}</a></span>
class="pull-right"><ahref=""onclick="window.print();"class="blue-link"><spanclass="icon fa fa-print"aria-hidden="true"></span> ${_('Print Receipt')}</a></span>
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ from openedx.core.lib.courses import course_image_url
<inputmaxlength="3"class="spin-counter"title="${_('Input quantity and press enter.')}"max="999"type="text"name="students"value="${item.qty}"id="field_${item.id}"data-unit-cost="${item.unit_cost}"data-qty="${item.qty}"data-item-id="${item.id}"aria-describedby="students-${item.id}">
<buttonclass="inc button"data-operation="inc">
<iclass="icon fa fa-caret-up"aria-hidden="true"><span>+</span></i>
<spanclass="icon fa fa-caret-up"aria-hidden="true"><span>+</span></span>
<buttonclass="dec button"data-operation="dec">
<iclass="icon fa fa-caret-down"></i>
<spanclass="icon fa fa-caret-down"aria-hidden="true"></span>
<h1 class="modal-header"><%- gettext("Share on Mozilla Backpack") %></h1>
<p class="explanation"><%- gettext("To share your certificate on Mozilla Backpack, you must first have a Backpack account. Complete the following steps to add your certificate to Backpack.") %>
<h3 class="title"><%- gettext( "Take Your Photo" ) %></h2>
<div class="instruction">
<p><%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "When your face is in position, use the camera button {icon} below to take your photo." ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<i class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr">icon</span>)</span>') } ) %></p>
<p><%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "When your face is in position, use the camera button {icon} below to take your photo." ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<span class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="sr">icon</span>)</span>') } ) %></p>
<div class="wrapper-task">
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "The photo of your face matches the photo on your ID." ) %></li>
<p class="copy-extra"><%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "To use the current photo, select the camera button {icon}. To take another photo, select the retake button {icon}." ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<i class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr">icon</span>)</span>') } ) %></p>
<p class="copy-extra"><%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "To use the current photo, select the camera button {icon}. To take another photo, select the retake button {icon}." ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<span class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="sr">icon</span>)</span>') } ) %></p>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Ensure that you can see your photo and read your name" ) %></li>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Make sure your ID is well-lit" ) %></li>
<li class="help-item">
<%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "Once in position, use the camera button {icon} to capture your ID" ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<i class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></i>)</span>') } ) %>
<%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "Once in position, use the camera button {icon} to capture your ID" ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<span class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></span>)</span>') } ) %>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo" ) %></li>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Make sure your face is well-lit" ) %></li>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Be sure your entire face is inside the frame" ) %></li>
<li class="help-item">
<%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "Once in position, use the camera button {icon} to capture your photo" ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<i class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></i>)</span>') } ) %>
<%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext( "Once in position, use the camera button {icon} to capture your photo" ), { icon: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="example">(<span class="icon fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></span>)</span>') } ) %>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Can we match the photo you took with the one on your ID?" ) %></li>
<li class="help-item"><%- gettext( "Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo" ) %></li>
<buttonclass="close-modal"><iclass="icon fa fa-remove"></i><spanclass="sr">{% trans 'Close' %}</span></button>
<buttonclass="close-modal"><spanclass="icon fa fa-remove"aria-hidden="true"></span><spanclass="sr">{% trans 'Close' %}</span></button>
<h2id="merge-title">{% trans "Merge Revision" %}<spanclass="sr">, {% trans "window open" %}</span></h2>
@@ -240,24 +240,24 @@
<h1>{% trans "Merge with current" %}</h1>
<pclass="lead"><iclass="icon fa fa-info-circle"></i> {% trans "When you merge a revision with the current, all data will be retained from both versions and merged at its approximate location from each revision." %} <strong>{% trans "After this, it's important to do a manual review." %}</strong></p>
<pclass="lead"><spanclass="icon fa fa-info-circle"aria-hidden="true"></span> {% trans "When you merge a revision with the current, all data will be retained from both versions and merged at its approximate location from each revision." %} <strong>{% trans "After this, it's important to do a manual review." %}</strong></p>