Commit 3570d088 by Matt Drayer

Merge pull request #9197 from edx/ziafazal/SOL-1077-fix

SOL-1077: certificate config edit/delete is only allowed if user is edX PM or for those certificate configs not active
parents df936837 e11c1d12
......@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ class CertificateManager(object):
"description": certificate_data['description'],
"org_logo_path": certificate_data.get('org_logo_path', ''),
"is_active": certificate_data.get('is_active', False),
"signatories": certificate_data['signatories']
......@@ -209,13 +210,17 @@ class CertificateManager(object):
return certificate
def get_certificates(course):
def get_certificates(course, only_active=False):
Retrieve the certificates list from the provided course
Retrieve the certificates list from the provided course,
if `only_active` is True it would skip inactive certificates.
# The top-level course field is 'certificates', which contains various properties,
# including the actual 'certificates' list that we're working with in this context
return course.certificates.get('certificates', [])
certificates = course.certificates.get('certificates', [])
if only_active:
certificates = [certificate for certificate in certificates if certificate['is_active']]
return certificates
def remove_certificate(request, store, course, certificate_id):
......@@ -436,6 +441,12 @@ def certificates_detail_handler(request, course_key_string, certificate_id):
store = modulestore()
if request.method in ('POST', 'PUT'):
if certificate_id:
active_certificates = CertificateManager.get_certificates(course, only_active=True)
if int(certificate_id) in [int(certificate["id"]) for certificate in active_certificates]:
# Only global staff (PMs) are able to edit active certificate configuration
if not GlobalStaff().has_user(request.user):
raise PermissionDenied()
new_certificate = CertificateManager.deserialize_certificate(course, request.body)
except CertificateValidationError as err:
......@@ -457,12 +468,15 @@ def certificates_detail_handler(request, course_key_string, certificate_id):
return JsonResponse(serialized_certificate, status=201)
elif request.method == "DELETE":
# Only global staff (PMs) are able to activate/deactivate certificate configuration
if not match_cert:
return JsonResponse(status=404)
active_certificates = CertificateManager.get_certificates(course, only_active=True)
if int(certificate_id) in [int(certificate["id"]) for certificate in active_certificates]:
# Only global staff (PMs) are able to delete active certificate configuration
if not GlobalStaff().has_user(request.user):
raise PermissionDenied()
if not match_cert:
return JsonResponse(status=404)
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class HelperMethods(object):
def _add_course_certificates(self, count=1, signatory_count=0):
def _add_course_certificates(self, count=1, signatory_count=0, is_active=False):
Create certificate for the course.
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class HelperMethods(object):
'org_logo_path': '/c4x/test/CSS101/asset/org_logo{}.png'.format(i),
'signatories': signatories,
'is_active': False
'is_active': is_active
} for i in xrange(0, count)
self._create_fake_images([certificate['org_logo_path'] for certificate in certificates])
......@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ class CertificatesListHandlerTestCase(EventTestMixin, CourseTestCase, Certificat
u'name': u'Test certificate',
u'description': u'Test description',
u'org_logo_path': '',
u'is_active': False,
u'signatories': []
response = self.client.ajax_post(
......@@ -388,6 +389,7 @@ class CertificatesDetailHandlerTestCase(EventTestMixin, CourseTestCase, Certific
u'description': u'Test description',
u'course_title': u'Course Title Override',
u'org_logo_path': '',
u'is_active': False,
u'signatories': []
......@@ -419,6 +421,7 @@ class CertificatesDetailHandlerTestCase(EventTestMixin, CourseTestCase, Certific
u'description': u'New test description',
u'course_title': u'Course Title Override',
u'org_logo_path': '',
u'is_active': False,
u'signatories': []
......@@ -493,9 +496,9 @@ class CertificatesDetailHandlerTestCase(EventTestMixin, CourseTestCase, Certific
def test_delete_certificate_without_global_staff_permissions(self):
Tests certificate deletion without global staff permission on course.
Tests deletion of an active certificate without global staff permission on course.
self._add_course_certificates(count=2, signatory_count=1)
self._add_course_certificates(count=2, signatory_count=1, is_active=True)
user = UserFactory()
for role in [CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole]:
......@@ -508,6 +511,34 @@ class CertificatesDetailHandlerTestCase(EventTestMixin, CourseTestCase, Certific
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
def test_update_active_certificate_without_global_staff_permissions(self):
Tests update of an active certificate without global staff permission on course.
self._add_course_certificates(count=2, signatory_count=1, is_active=True)
cert_data = {
u'id': 1,
u'name': u'New test certificate',
u'description': u'New test description',
u'course_title': u'Course Title Override',
u'org_logo_path': '',
u'is_active': False,
u'signatories': []
user = UserFactory()
for role in [CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole]:
self.client.login(username=user.username, password='test')
response = self.client.put(
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
def test_delete_non_existing_certificate(self):
Try to delete a non existing certificate. It should return status code 404 Not found.
......@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ function(_, Course, CertificatesCollection, CertificateModel, CertificateDetails
this.model = new CertificateModel({
name: 'Test Name',
description: 'Test Description',
course_title: 'Test Course Title Override'
course_title: 'Test Course Title Override',
is_active: true
}, this.newModelOptions);
this.collection = new CertificatesCollection([ this.model ], {
......@@ -139,11 +139,17 @@ function(_, Course, CertificatesCollection, CertificateModel, CertificateDetails
it('should not present a Edit action if user is not global staff and certificate is active', function () {
window.CMS.User = {isGlobalStaff: false};
expect(this.view.$('.action-edit .edit')).not.toExist();
it('should present a Delete action', function () {
expect(this.view.$('.action-delete .delete')).toExist();
it('should not present a Delete action if user is not global staff', function () {
it('should not present a Delete action if user is not global staff and certificate is active', function () {
window.CMS.User = {isGlobalStaff: false};
expect(this.view.$('.action-delete .delete')).not.toExist();
......@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ function(_, Course, CertificatesCollection, CertificateModel, CertificateDetails
describe('Signatory details', function(){
beforeEach(function() {
it('displays certificate signatories details', function(){
......@@ -169,6 +175,16 @@ function(_, Course, CertificatesCollection, CertificateModel, CertificateDetails
it('should present Edit action on signaotry', function () {
it('should not present Edit action on signaotry if user is not global staff and certificate is active', function () {
window.CMS.User = {isGlobalStaff: false};
it('supports in-line editing of signatory information', function() {
......@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ function(_, Course, CertificateModel, SignatoryModel, CertificatesCollection, Ce
this.newModelOptions = {add: true};
this.model = new CertificateModel({
name: 'Test Name',
description: 'Test Description'
description: 'Test Description',
is_active: true
}, this.newModelOptions);
......@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ function(_, Course, CertificateModel, SignatoryModel, CertificatesCollection, Ce
it('should not have delete button is user is not global staff', function() {
it('should not have delete button if user is not global staff and certificate is active', function() {
window.CMS.User = {isGlobalStaff: false};
......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ function($, _, Backbone, gettext,
description: this.model.escape('description'),
course_title: this.model.escape('course_title'),
org_logo_path: this.model.escape('org_logo_path'),
is_active: this.model.escape('is_active'),
isNew: this.model.isNew()
......@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
<ul class="actions certificate-actions">
<% if (CMS.User.isGlobalStaff || !is_active) { %>
<li class="action action-edit">
<button class="edit"><i class="icon fa fa-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></i> <%= gettext("Edit") %></button>
<% if (CMS.User.isGlobalStaff) { %>
<li class="action action-delete wrapper-delete-button" data-tooltip="<%= gettext('Delete') %>">
<button class="delete action-icon"><i class="icon fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></i><span><%= gettext("Delete") %></span></button>
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<div class="actions">
<button class="action action-primary" type="submit"><% if (isNew) { print(gettext("Create")) } else { print(gettext("Save")) } %></button>
<button class="action action-secondary action-cancel"><%= gettext("Cancel") %></button>
<% if (!isNew && CMS.User.isGlobalStaff) { %>
<% if (!isNew && (CMS.User.isGlobalStaff || !is_active)) { %>
<span class="wrapper-delete-button">
<a class="button action-delete delete" href="#"><%= gettext("Delete") %></a>
<div class="signatory-panel-default">
<% if (CMS.User.isGlobalStaff || !certificate.get('is_active')) { %>
<div class="actions certificate-actions signatory-panel-edit">
<span class="action action-edit-signatory">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="edit-signatory"><i class="icon fa fa-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></i> <%= gettext("Edit") %></a>
<% } %>
<div class="signatory-panel-header">Signatory <%= signatory_number %>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="signatory-panel-body">
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