Commit 2aa8e0c2 by Victor Shnayder

add error-handling TODOs to capa_problem

parent 4dd0a7d1
......@@ -288,20 +288,30 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
ifp = # open using ModuleSystem OSFS filestore
except Exception as err:
log.error('Error %s in problem xml include: %s' % (err, etree.tostring(inc, pretty_print=True)))
log.error('Cannot find file %s in %s' % (file, self.system.filestore))
if not self.system.get('DEBUG'): # if debugging, don't fail - just log error
log.error('Error %s in problem xml include: %s' % (
err, etree.tostring(inc, pretty_print=True)))
log.error('Cannot find file %s in %s' % (
file, self.system.filestore))
# if debugging, don't fail - just log error
# TODO (vshnayder): need real error handling, display to users
if not self.system.get('DEBUG'):
else: continue
incxml = etree.XML( # read in and convert to XML
except Exception as err:
log.error('Error %s in problem xml include: %s' % (err, etree.tostring(inc, pretty_print=True)))
log.error('Error %s in problem xml include: %s' % (
err, etree.tostring(inc, pretty_print=True)))
log.error('Cannot parse XML in %s' % (file))
if not self.system.get('DEBUG'): # if debugging, don't fail - just log error
# if debugging, don't fail - just log error
# TODO (vshnayder): same as above
if not self.system.get('DEBUG'):
else: continue
parent = inc.getparent() # insert new XML into tree in place of inlcude
# insert new XML into tree in place of inlcude
parent = inc.getparent()
parent.insert(parent.index(inc), incxml)
log.debug('Included %s into %s' % (file, self.problem_id))
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