Commit 2a1e102f by Brian Talbot

studio - resolving merge conflict with cms/templates/unit.html

parents f60a9d8d c7feee5b
var $body;
var $preview;
var $tooltip;
var $cheatsheet;
var $currentEditor;
var simpleEditor;
var xmlEditor;
var currentEditor;
var controlDown;
var commandDown;
(function() {
$body.on('click', '.editor-bar a', onEditorButton);
$body.on('click', '.cheatsheet-toggle', toggleCheatsheet);
$body.on('click', '.problem-settings-button', toggleProblemSettings);
$(document).bind('keyup', onKeyboard);
function initProblemEditors($editor, $prev) {
$currentEditor = $editor;
simpleEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($editor.find('.edit-box')[0], {
lineWrapping: true,
// TODO: I left out the extra keys for now.
extraKeys: {
'Ctrl-N': newUnit,
'Ctrl-H': makeHeader,
'Ctrl-V': makeVideo,
'Ctrl-M': makeMultipleChoice,
'Ctrl-C': makeCheckboxes,
'Ctrl-S': makeStringInput,
'Shift-Ctrl-3': makeNumberInput,
'Shift-Ctrl-S': makeSelect
mode: null,
onChange: onSimpleEditorUpdate
xmlEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($editor.find('.xml-box')[0], {
lineWrapping: true,
mode: 'xml',
lineNumbers: true
currentEditor = simpleEditor;
$(simpleEditor.getWrapperElement()).css('background', '#fff');
'background': '#fff'
// TODO: is this necessary??
$(simpleEditor.getWrapperElement()).bind('click', setFocus);
$preview = $prev.find('.problem');
function toggleProblemSettings(e) {
if($(this).hasClass('is-open')) {
$(this).find('.button-label').html('Hide Advanced Settings');
} else {
$(this).find('.button-label').html('Show Advanced Settings');
function toggleCheatsheet(e) {
if(!$currentEditor.find('.simple-editor-cheatsheet')[0]) {
$cheatsheet = $($('#simple-editor-cheatsheet').html());
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
function setFocus(e) {
function onSimpleEditorUpdate() {
function updateXML() {
var val = simpleEditor.getValue();
var xml = val;
// replace headers
xml = xml.replace(/(^.*?$)(?=\n\=\=+$)/gm, '<h1>$1</h1>');
xml = xml.replace(/\n^\=\=+$/gm, '');
// group multiple choice answers
xml = xml.replace(/(^\s*\(.?\).*?$\n*)+/gm, function(match, p) {
var groupString = '<multiplechoiceresponse>\n';
groupString += ' <choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">\n';
var options = match.split('\n');
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if(options[i].length > 0) {
var value = options[i].split(/^\s*\(.?\)\s*/)[1];
var correct = /^\s*\(x\)/i.test(options[i]);
groupString += ' <choice correct="' + correct + '">' + value + '</choice>\n';
groupString += ' </choicegroup>\n';
groupString += '</multiplechoiceresponse>\n\n';
return groupString;
// group check answers
xml = xml.replace(/(^\s*\[.?\].*?$\n*)+/gm, function(match, p) {
var groupString = '<multiplechoiceresponse>\n';
groupString += ' <choicegroup type="MultipleChoiceChecks">\n';
var options = match.split('\n');
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if(options[i].length > 0) {
var value = options[i].split(/^\s*\[.?\]\s*/)[1];
var correct = /^\s*\[x\]/i.test(options[i]);
groupString += ' <choice correct="' + correct + '">' + value + '</choice>\n';
groupString += ' </choicegroup>\n';
groupString += '</multiplechoiceresponse>\n\n';
return groupString;
// replace videos
xml = xml.replace(/\{\{video\s(.*?)\}\}/g, '<video youtube="1.0:$1" />\n\n');
// replace string and numerical
xml = xml.replace(/^\=\s*(.*?$)/gm, function(match, p) {
var string;
var params = /(.*?)\+\-\s*(.*?)/.exec(p);
if(parseFloat(p)) {
if(params) {
string = '<numericalresponse answer="' + params[1] + '">\n';
string += ' <responseparam type="tolerance" default="' + params[2] + '" />\n';
} else {
string = '<numericalresponse answer="' + p + '">\n';
string += ' <textline />\n';
string += '</numericalresponse>\n\n';
} else {
string = '<stringresponse answer="' + p + '" type="ci">\n <textline size="20"/>\n</stringresponse>\n\n';
return string;
// replace selects
xml = xml.replace(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/g, function(match, p) {
var selectString = '\n<optionresponse>\n';
selectString += ' <optioninput options="(';
var options = p.split(/\,\s*/g);
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
selectString += "'" + options[i].replace(/\((.*?)\)/g, '$1') + "'" + (i < options.length -1 ? ',' : '');
selectString += ')" correct="';
var correct = /\((.*?)\)/g.exec(p);
if (correct) selectString += correct[1];
selectString += '"></optioninput>\n';
selectString += '</optionresponse>\n\n';
return selectString;
// split scripts and wrap paragraphs
var splits = xml.split(/(\<\/?script.*?\>)/g);
var scriptFlag = false;
for(var i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
if(/\<script/.test(splits[i])) {
scriptFlag = true;
if(!scriptFlag) {
splits[i] = splits[i].replace(/(^(?!\s*\<|$).*$)/gm, '<p>$1</p>');
if(/\<\/script/.test(splits[i])) {
scriptFlag = false;
xml = splits.join('');
// rid white space
xml = xml.replace(/\n\n\n/g, '\n');
// console.log(xml);
function updatePreview() {
var val = simpleEditor.getValue();
var html = val;
// replace headers
html = html.replace(/(^.*)\n(?=\=\=+)/g, '<h1>$1</h1>');
html = html.replace(/\=\=+/g, '');
// group multiple choice answers
html = html.replace(/(\(.?\).*\n*)+/g, function(match, p) {
var groupString = '<form class="choicegroup">\n';
groupString += ' <div class="indicator_container"><span class="unanswered" id=""></span></div>';
groupString += ' <fieldset>\n';
var options = match.split('\n');
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if(options[i].length > 0) {
// groupString += ' <li>' + options[i] + '</li>\n';
groupString += ' <label>' + options[i] + '</label>\n';
groupString += ' </fieldset>\n';
groupString += '</form>\n';
return groupString;
// group check answers
html = html.replace(/(\[.?\].*\n*)+/g, function(match, p) {
var groupString = '<ul class="check-choice-group">\n';
var options = match.split('\n');
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if(options[i].length > 0) {
groupString += ' <li>' + options[i] + '</li>\n';
groupString += '</ul>\n';
return groupString;
html = html.replace(/(?:\n|^)\=\s*(.*)/g, function(match, p) {
var value = p.replace(/\+\-.*/g, '');
var string = '<input type="text" name="" id="" value="' + value + '" size="20">\n';
return string;
// wrap the paragraphs
html = html.replace(/(^(?!\<\/*ul|\s*\<li|\<h1|\s*\<label|\s*$).*$)/gm, '<p>$1</p>\n');
// replace videos
html = html.replace(/\{\{video\s(.*)\}\}/g, function(match, p) {
var id = p.replace(/.*1\.0\:/g, '').replace(/\,.*/g, '');
var string = '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="' + id + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
return string;
// replace checkboxes
html = html.replace(/\[\s*\]/g, '<input type="checkbox">');
html = html.replace(/\[x\]/gi, '<input type="checkbox" checked>');
// replace radios
html = html.replace(/\(\s*\)/g, '<input type="radio" name="multiple-choice-id">');
html = html.replace(/\(x\)/gi, '<input type="radio" checked name="multiple-choice-id">');
// replace selects
html = html.replace(/\[\[(.+)\]\]/g, function(match, p) {
var selectString = '<select>\n';
selectString += ' <option disabled selected></option>\n';
var options = p.split(/\,\s*/g);
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var isAnswer = /\(.*\)/.test(options[i]);
selectString += ' <option data-answer="' + (isAnswer ? 'true' : 'false') + '"">' + options[i].replace(/\((.*)\)/g, '$1') + '</option>\n';
selectString += '</select>\n';
return selectString;
html = html.replace(/\n\n/g, '');
// console.log(html);
function extractNumericalSolution(string) {
var solution = string.replace(/\s*\{.*/g, '');
return solution;
function extractNumericalSettings(string) {
var settings = string.match(/\{.*\}/g);
if(settings) {
settings = settings[0].replace(/\{|\}/g, '');
settings = settings.split(/\,\s*/g);
return settings;
function onEditorButton(e) {
switch($(this).attr('class')) {
case 'multiple-choice-button':
case 'string-button':
case 'number-button':
case 'checks-button':
case 'dropdown-button':
function newUnit() {
window.location = 'index.html';
function makeHeader() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
var revisedSelection = selection + '\n';
for(var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
revisedSelection += '=';
function makeVideo() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
simpleEditor.replaceSelection('{{video ' + selection + '}}');
function makeMultipleChoice() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
if(selection.length > 0) {
var cleanSelection = selection.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n');
var lines = cleanSelection.split('\n');
var revisedLines = '';
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
revisedLines += '(';
if(/x\s/i.test(lines[i])) {
revisedLines += 'x';
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/x\s/i, '');
} else {
revisedLines += ' ';
revisedLines += ') ' + lines[i] + '\n';
} else {
var template = '( ) incorrect\n';
template += '( ) incorrect\n';
template += '(x) correct\n';
function makeStringInput() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
if(selection.length > 0) {
var revisedSelection = '= ' + selection + '';
} else {
var template = '= answer\n';
function makeNumberInput() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
if(selection.length > 0) {
var revisedSelection = '= ' + selection + '';
} else {
var template = '= answer +- x%\n';
function makeCheckboxes() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
if(selection.length > 0) {
var cleanSelection = selection.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n');
var lines = cleanSelection.split('\n');
var revisedLines = '';
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
revisedLines += '[';
if(/x\s/i.test(lines[i])) {
revisedLines += 'x';
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/x\s/i, '');
} else {
revisedLines += ' ';
revisedLines += '] ' + lines[i] + '\n';
} else {
var template = '[x] correct\n';
template += '[ ] incorrect\n';
template += '[x] correct\n';
function makeSelect() {
var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
if(selection.length > 0) {
var revisedSelection = '[[' + selection + ']]';
} else {
var template = '[[incorrect, (correct), incorrect]]\n';
function onKeyboard(e) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
// n
case 78:
if(e.ctrlKey) {
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -26,3 +26,59 @@ ...@@ -26,3 +26,59 @@
<textarea class="xml-box" rows="8" cols="40">${data | h}</textarea> <textarea class="xml-box" rows="8" cols="40">${data | h}</textarea>
</div> </div>
</section> </section>
<script type="text/template" id="simple-editor-cheatsheet">
<article class="simple-editor-cheatsheet">
<div class="cheatsheet-wrapper">
<div class="row">
<h6>Multiple Choice</h6>
<div class="col sample">
<img src="/static/img/choice-example.png" />
<div class="col">
<pre><code>( ) red
( ) green
(x) blue</code></pre>
<div class="row">
<h6>Multiple Check</h6>
<div class="col sample">
<img src="/static/img/multi-example.png" />
<div class="col">
<pre><code>[x] earth
[ ] wind
[x] water</code></pre>
<div class="row">
<h6>String Response</h6>
<div class="col sample">
<img src="/static/img/string-example.png" />
<div class="col">
<pre><code>= dog</code></pre>
<div class="row">
<h6>Numerical Response</h6>
<div class="col sample">
<img src="/static/img/number-example.png" />
<div class="col">
<pre><code>= 3.14 +- 2%</code></pre>
<div class="row">
<h6>Option Response</h6>
<div class="col sample">
<img src="/static/img/select-example.png" />
<div class="col">
<pre><code>[[wrong, (right)]]</code></pre>
...@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor ...@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
constructor: (element) -> constructor: (element) ->
$body.on('click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @changeEditor) $body.on('click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @changeEditor)
$body.on('click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton); $body.on('click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton);
$body.on('click', '.cheatsheet-toggle', @toggleCheatsheet);
@xml_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($(".xml-box", element)[0], { @xml_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($(".xml-box", element)[0], {
mode: "xml" mode: "xml"
...@@ -51,6 +52,15 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor ...@@ -51,6 +52,15 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
@markdown_editor.replaceSelection(revisedSelection) @markdown_editor.replaceSelection(revisedSelection)
@markdown_editor.focus() @markdown_editor.focus()
toggleCheatsheet: (e) =>
# TODO: don't base off of current_editor
if !$(@current_editor.getWrapperElement()).find('.simple-editor-cheatsheet')[0]
@cheatsheet = $($('#simple-editor-cheatsheet').html())
setTimeout (=> @cheatsheet.toggleClass('shown')), 10
setCurrentEditor: (editor) -> setCurrentEditor: (editor) ->
$(@current_editor.getWrapperElement()).hide() $(@current_editor.getWrapperElement()).hide()
...@@ -60,7 +70,8 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor ...@@ -60,7 +70,8 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
save: -> save: ->
$'click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @changeEditor) $'click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @changeEditor)
$'click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton); $'click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton)
$'click', '.cheatsheet-toggle', @toggleCheatsheet)
# TODO when logic is in place to remove the markdown if xml is edited, ensure this doesn't overwrite that # TODO when logic is in place to remove the markdown if xml is edited, ensure this doesn't overwrite that
if @current_editor == @markdown_editor if @current_editor == @markdown_editor
{ {
...@@ -119,6 +130,21 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor ...@@ -119,6 +130,21 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
else else
return template return template
# We may wish to add insertHeader and insertVideo. Here is Tom's code.
# function makeHeader() {
# var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
# var revisedSelection = selection + '\n';
# for(var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
#revisedSelection += '=';
# }
# simpleEditor.replaceSelection(revisedSelection);
#function makeVideo() {
#var selection = simpleEditor.getSelection();
#simpleEditor.replaceSelection('{{video ' + selection + '}}');
@markdownToXml: (markdown)-> @markdownToXml: (markdown)->
toXml = `function(markdown) { toXml = `function(markdown) {
var xml = markdown; var xml = markdown;
Markdown is supported
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