Commit 2861cbbf by Sarina Canelake

Revert "Merge pull request #8724 from Colin-Fredericks/ColinF-partial-credit"

This reverts commit cea274dc, reversing
changes made to 02cf9cac.
parent a345edfa
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class CorrectMap(object):
in a capa problem. The response evaluation result for each answer_id includes
(correctness, npoints, msg, hint, hintmode).
- correctness : 'correct', 'incorrect', or 'partially-correct'
- correctness : either 'correct' or 'incorrect'
- npoints : None, or integer specifying number of points awarded for this answer_id
- msg : string (may have HTML) giving extra message response
(displayed below textline or textbox)
......@@ -101,23 +101,10 @@ class CorrectMap(object):
self.set(k, **correct_map[k])
def is_correct(self, answer_id):
Takes an answer_id
Returns true if the problem is correct OR partially correct.
if answer_id in self.cmap:
return self.cmap[answer_id]['correctness'] in ['correct', 'partially-correct']
return None
def is_partially_correct(self, answer_id):
Takes an answer_id
Returns true if the problem is partially correct.
if answer_id in self.cmap:
return self.cmap[answer_id]['correctness'] == 'partially-correct'
return None
def is_queued(self, answer_id):
return answer_id in self.cmap and self.cmap[answer_id]['queuestate'] is not None
......@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class Status(object):
names = {
'correct': _('correct'),
'incorrect': _('incorrect'),
'partially-correct': _('partially correct'),
'incomplete': _('incomplete'),
'unanswered': _('unanswered'),
'unsubmitted': _('unanswered'),
......@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ class Status(object):
# Translators: these are tooltips that indicate the state of an assessment question
'correct': _('This is correct.'),
'incorrect': _('This is incorrect.'),
'partially-correct': _('This is partially correct.'),
'unanswered': _('This is unanswered.'),
'unsubmitted': _('This is unanswered.'),
'queued': _('This is being processed.'),
......@@ -898,7 +896,7 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
Right now, we only want this button to show up when a problem has not been
if self.status in ['correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct']:
if self.status in ['correct', 'incorrect']:
return False
return True
......@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ class LoncapaResponse(object):
tags = None
hint_tag = None
has_partial_credit = False
credit_type = []
max_inputfields = None
allowed_inputfields = []
......@@ -215,18 +213,6 @@ class LoncapaResponse(object):
'id')] = contextualize_text(answer, self.context)
# Does this problem have partial credit?
# If so, what kind? Get it as a list of strings.
partial_credit = xml.xpath('.')[0].get('partial_credit', default=False)
if str(partial_credit).lower().strip() == 'false':
self.has_partial_credit = False
self.credit_type = []
self.has_partial_credit = True
self.credit_type = partial_credit.split(',')
self.credit_type = [word.strip().lower() for word in self.credit_type]
if hasattr(self, 'setup_response'):
......@@ -275,6 +261,7 @@ class LoncapaResponse(object):
new_cmap = self.get_score(student_answers)
student_answers), new_cmap, old_cmap)
# log.debug('new_cmap = %s' % new_cmap)
return new_cmap
def make_hint_div(self, hint_node, correct, student_answer, question_tag,
......@@ -826,23 +813,11 @@ class ChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
def setup_response(self):
correct_xml = self.xml.xpath(
self.correct_choices = set([
choice.get('name') for choice in correct_xml
incorrect_xml = self.xml.xpath(
correct_xml = self.xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//choice[@correct="true"]',
self.incorrect_choices = set([
choice.get('name') for choice in incorrect_xml
self.correct_choices = set([choice.get(
'name') for choice in correct_xml])
def assign_choice_names(self):
......@@ -856,154 +831,26 @@ class ChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
if not choice.get('id'):
choice.set("id", chr(ord("A") + index))
def grade_via_every_decision_counts(self, **kwargs):
Calculates partial credit on the Every Decision Counts scheme.
For each correctly selected or correctly blank choice, score 1 point.
Divide by total number of choices.
all_choices, the full set of checkboxes
student_answer, what the student actually chose
student_non_answers, what the student didn't choose
Returns a CorrectMap.
all_choices = kwargs['all_choices']
student_answer = kwargs['student_answer']
student_non_answers = kwargs['student_non_answers']
edc_max_grade = len(all_choices)
edc_current_grade = 0
good_answers = sum([1 for answer in student_answer if answer in self.correct_choices])
good_non_answers = sum([1 for blank in student_non_answers if blank in self.incorrect_choices])
edc_current_grade = good_answers + good_non_answers
return_grade = round(self.get_max_score() * float(edc_current_grade) / float(edc_max_grade), 2)
if edc_current_grade == edc_max_grade:
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='correct')
elif edc_current_grade > 0:
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='partially-correct', npoints=return_grade)
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='incorrect', npoints=0)
def grade_via_halves(self, **kwargs):
Calculates partial credit on the Halves scheme.
If no errors, full credit.
If one error, half credit as long as there are 3+ choices
If two errors, 1/4 credit as long as there are 5+ choices
(If not enough choices, no credit.)
all_choices, the full set of checkboxes
student_answer, what the student actually chose
student_non_answers, what the student didn't choose
Returns a CorrectMap
def get_score(self, student_answers):
all_choices = kwargs['all_choices']
student_answer = kwargs['student_answer']
student_non_answers = kwargs['student_non_answers']
halves_error_count = 0
incorrect_answers = sum([1 for answer in student_answer if answer in self.incorrect_choices])
missed_answers = sum([1 for blank in student_non_answers if blank in self.correct_choices])
halves_error_count = incorrect_answers + missed_answers
if halves_error_count == 0:
return_grade = self.get_max_score()
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='correct', npoints=return_grade)
elif halves_error_count == 1 and len(all_choices) > 2:
return_grade = round(self.get_max_score() / 2.0, 2)
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='partially-correct', npoints=return_grade)
elif halves_error_count == 2 and len(all_choices) > 4:
return_grade = round(self.get_max_score() / 4.0, 2)
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='partially-correct', npoints=return_grade)
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
student_answer = student_answers.get(self.answer_id, [])
def grade_without_partial_credit(self, **kwargs):
Standard grading for checkbox problems.
100% credit if all choices are correct; 0% otherwise
Arguments: student_answer, which is the items the student actually chose
if not isinstance(student_answer, list):
student_answer = [student_answer]
student_answer = kwargs['student_answer']
no_empty_answer = student_answer != []
student_answer = set(student_answer)
required_selected = len(self.correct_choices - student_answer) == 0
no_extra_selected = len(student_answer - self.correct_choices) == 0
correct = required_selected & no_extra_selected
correct = required_selected & no_extra_selected & no_empty_answer
if correct:
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'correct')
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
def get_score(self, student_answers):
# Setting up answer sets:
# all_choices: the full set of checkboxes
# student_answer: what the student actually chose (note no "s")
# student_non_answers: what they didn't choose
# self.correct_choices: boxes that should be checked
# self.incorrect_choices: boxes that should NOT be checked
all_choices = self.correct_choices.union(self.incorrect_choices)
student_answer = student_answers.get(self.answer_id, [])
if not isinstance(student_answer, list):
student_answer = [student_answer]
# When a student leaves all the boxes unmarked, edX throws an error.
# This line checks for blank answers so that we can throw "false".
# This is not ideal. "None apply" should be a valid choice.
# Sadly, this is not the place where we can fix that problem.
empty_answer = student_answer == []
if empty_answer:
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
student_answer = set(student_answer)
student_non_answers = all_choices - student_answer
# No partial credit? Get grade right now.
if not self.has_partial_credit:
return self.grade_without_partial_credit(student_answer=student_answer)
# This below checks to see whether we're using an alternate grading scheme.
# Set partial_credit="false" (or remove it) to require an exact answer for any credit.
# Set partial_credit="EDC" to count each choice for equal points (Every Decision Counts).
# Set partial_credit="halves" to take half credit off for each error.
# Translators: 'partial_credit' and the items in the 'graders' object
# are attribute names or values and should not be translated.
graders = {
'edc': self.grade_via_every_decision_counts,
'halves': self.grade_via_halves,
'false': self.grade_without_partial_credit
# Only one type of credit at a time.
if len(self.credit_type) > 1:
raise LoncapaProblemError('Only one type of partial credit is allowed for Checkbox problems.')
# Make sure we're using an approved style.
if self.credit_type[0] not in graders:
raise LoncapaProblemError('partial_credit attribute should be one of: ' + ','.join(graders))
# Run the appropriate grader.
return graders[self.credit_type[0]](
def get_answers(self):
return {self.answer_id: list(self.correct_choices)}
......@@ -1149,14 +996,6 @@ class MultipleChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
multi_device_support = True
def setup_response(self):
Collects information from the XML for later use.
correct_choices is a list of the correct choices.
partial_choices is a list of the partially-correct choices.
partial_values is a list of the scores that go with those
choices, defaulting to 0.5 if no value is specified.
# call secondary setup for MultipleChoice questions, to set name
# attributes
......@@ -1171,19 +1010,8 @@ class MultipleChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
contextualize_text(choice.get('name'), self.context)
for choice in cxml
if contextualize_text(choice.get('correct'), self.context).upper() == "TRUE"
if self.has_partial_credit:
self.partial_choices = [
contextualize_text(choice.get('name'), self.context)
for choice in cxml
if contextualize_text(choice.get('correct'), self.context).lower() == 'partial'
self.partial_values = [
float(choice.get('point_value', default='0.5')) # Default partial credit: 50%
for choice in cxml
if contextualize_text(choice.get('correct'), self.context).lower() == 'partial'
def get_extended_hints(self, student_answer_dict, new_cmap):
......@@ -1254,80 +1082,16 @@ class MultipleChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
self.do_shuffle(self.xml, problem)
self.do_answer_pool(self.xml, problem)
def grade_via_points(self, **kwargs):
Calculates partial credit based on the Points scheme.
Answer choices marked "partial" are given partial credit.
Default is 50%; other amounts may be set in point_value attributes.
Arguments: student_answers
Returns: a CorrectMap
student_answers = kwargs['student_answers']
if (self.answer_id in student_answers
and student_answers[self.answer_id] in self.correct_choices):
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='correct')
elif (
self.answer_id in student_answers
and student_answers[self.answer_id] in self.partial_choices
choice_index = self.partial_choices.index(student_answers[self.answer_id])
credit_amount = self.partial_values[choice_index]
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='partially-correct', npoints=credit_amount)
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
def grade_without_partial_credit(self, **kwargs):
def get_score(self, student_answers):
Standard grading for multiple-choice problems.
100% credit if choices are correct; 0% otherwise
Arguments: student_answers
Returns: a CorrectMap
grade student response.
student_answers = kwargs['student_answers']
if (self.answer_id in student_answers
and student_answers[self.answer_id] in self.correct_choices):
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, correctness='correct')
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'correct')
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
def get_score(self, student_answers):
grade student response.
# No partial credit? Grade it right away.
if not self.has_partial_credit:
return self.grade_without_partial_credit(student_answers=student_answers)
# This below checks to see whether we're using an alternate grading scheme.
# Set partial_credit="false" (or remove it) to require an exact answer for any credit.
# Set partial_credit="points" to set specific point values for specific choices.
# Translators: 'partial_credit' and the items in the 'graders' object
# are attribute names or values and should not be translated.
graders = {
'points': self.grade_via_points,
'false': self.grade_without_partial_credit
# Only one type of credit at a time.
if len(self.credit_type) > 1:
raise LoncapaProblemError('Only one type of partial credit is allowed for Multiple Choice problems.')
# Make sure we're using an approved style.
if self.credit_type[0] not in graders:
raise LoncapaProblemError('partial_credit attribute should be one of: ' + ','.join(graders))
# Run the appropriate grader.
return graders[self.credit_type[0]](
def get_answers(self):
return {self.answer_id: self.correct_choices}
......@@ -1587,163 +1351,23 @@ class OptionResponse(LoncapaResponse):
def setup_response(self):
self.answer_fields = self.inputfields
def grade_via_points(self, problem_map, student_answers):
Grades dropdown problems with "points"-style partial credit.
Full credit for any fully correct answer.
Partial credit for any partially correct answer.
Amount is set by point_values attribute, defaults to 50%.
Returns a CorrectMap.
answer_map = problem_map['correct']
cmap = CorrectMap()
for aid in answer_map:
# Set correct/incorrect first, check for partial credit later.
for word in answer_map[aid]:
if aid in student_answers and student_answers[aid] == word:
cmap.set(aid, 'correct')
cmap.set(aid, 'incorrect')
# For partial credit:
partial_map = problem_map['partial']
points_map = problem_map['point_values']
if not cmap.is_correct(aid) and partial_map[aid] is not None:
for index, word in enumerate(partial_map[aid]):
# Set the correctness and point value
# for each answer id independently.
if aid in student_answers and student_answers[aid] == word:
cmap.set(aid, 'partially-correct')
cmap.set_property(aid, 'npoints', points_map[aid][index])
cmap.set(aid, 'incorrect')
answer_variable = self.get_student_answer_variable_name(student_answers, aid)
if answer_variable:
cmap.set_property(aid, 'answervariable', answer_variable)
return cmap
def grade_without_partial_credit(self, problem_map, student_answers):
Grades dropdown problems without partial credit.
Full credit for any correct answer, no credit otherwise.
Returns a CorrectMap.
answer_map = problem_map['correct']
def get_score(self, student_answers):
cmap = CorrectMap()
for aid in answer_map:
for word in answer_map[aid]:
if aid in student_answers and student_answers[aid] == word:
cmap.set(aid, 'correct')
cmap.set(aid, 'incorrect')
amap = self.get_answers()
for aid in amap:
if aid in student_answers and student_answers[aid] == amap[aid]:
cmap.set(aid, 'correct')
cmap.set(aid, 'incorrect')
answer_variable = self.get_student_answer_variable_name(student_answers, aid)
if answer_variable:
cmap.set_property(aid, 'answervariable', answer_variable)
return cmap
def get_score(self, student_answers):
problem_map = self.get_problem_attributes()
# If no partial credit, grade it right now.
if not self.has_partial_credit:
return self.grade_without_partial_credit(problem_map, student_answers)
# This below checks to see whether we're using an alternate grading scheme.
# Set partial_credit="false" (or remove it) to require an exact answer for any credit.
# Set partial_credit="points" to allow credit for listed alternative answers.
# Translators: 'partial_credit' and the items in the 'graders' object
# are attribute names or values and should not be translated.
graders = {
'points': self.grade_via_points,
'false': self.grade_without_partial_credit
# Only one type of credit at a time.
if len(self.credit_type) > 1:
raise LoncapaProblemError('Only one type of partial credit is allowed for Dropdown problems.')
# Make sure we're using an approved style.
if self.credit_type[0] not in graders:
raise LoncapaProblemError('partial_credit attribute should be one of: ' + ','.join(graders))
# Run the appropriate grader.
return graders[self.credit_type[0]](
def get_problem_attributes(self):
This returns a dict built of of three smaller dictionaries.
Keys are:
A dictionary with problem ids as keys.
Entries are lists of the correct answers for that id.
A dictionary with problem ids as keys.
Entries are lists of the partially-correct answers for that id.
Matches the "partial" one, but gives point values instead.
Defaults to 50% credit.
default_credit = 0.5
problem_map = dict()
for target in ['correct', 'partial', 'point_values']:
small_map = dict([
(af.get('id'), contextualize_text(
af.get(target, default=None),
for af in self.answer_fields
for answer_id in small_map:
if small_map[answer_id] is not None:
# Split on commas and strip whitespace
# to allow for multiple options.
small_map[answer_id] = small_map[answer_id].split(',')
for index, word in enumerate(small_map[answer_id]):
# Pick out whether we're getting numbers or strings.
if target in ['point_values']:
small_map[answer_id][index] = float(word.strip())
small_map[answer_id][index] = str(word.strip())
# If we find nothing and we're looking for points, return the default.
elif target == 'point_values':
if problem_map['partial'][answer_id] is not None:
num_partial = len(problem_map['partial'][answer_id])
small_map[answer_id] = [default_credit] * num_partial
small_map[answer_id] = []
# Add a copy of the in-loop map to the big map.
problem_map[target] = dict(small_map)
return problem_map
def get_answers(self):
Returns a dictionary with problem ids as keys.
Each entry is a list of the correct answers for that id.
return self.get_problem_attributes()['correct']
amap = dict([(af.get('id'), contextualize_text(af.get(
'correct'), self.context)) for af in self.answer_fields])
return amap
def get_student_answer_variable_name(self, student_answers, aid):
......@@ -1867,14 +1491,6 @@ class NumericalResponse(LoncapaResponse):
if self.answer_id not in student_answers:
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
# Make sure we're using an approved partial credit style.
# Currently implemented: 'close' and 'list'
if self.has_partial_credit:
graders = ['list', 'close']
for style in self.credit_type:
if style not in graders:
raise LoncapaProblemError('partial_credit attribute should be one of: ' + ','.join(graders))
student_answer = student_answers[self.answer_id]
_ = self.capa_system.i18n.ugettext
......@@ -1909,30 +1525,6 @@ class NumericalResponse(LoncapaResponse):
except Exception:
raise general_exception
# End `evaluator` block -- we figured out the student's answer!
tree = self.xml
# What multiple of the tolerance is worth partial credit?
has_partial_range = tree.xpath('responseparam[@partial_range]')
if has_partial_range:
partial_range = float(has_partial_range[0].get('partial_range', default='2'))
partial_range = 2
# Take in alternative answers that are worth partial credit.
has_partial_answers = tree.xpath('responseparam[@partial_answers]')
if has_partial_answers:
partial_answers = has_partial_answers[0].get('partial_answers').split(',')
for index, word in enumerate(partial_answers):
partial_answers[index] = word.strip()
partial_answers[index] = self.get_staff_ans(partial_answers[index])
partial_answers = False
partial_score = 0.5
is_correct = 'incorrect'
if self.range_tolerance:
if isinstance(student_float, complex):
raise StudentInputError(_(u"You may not use complex numbers in range tolerance problems"))
......@@ -1954,71 +1546,19 @@ class NumericalResponse(LoncapaResponse):
is_correct = 'correct' if inclusion else 'incorrect'
correct = inclusion
if boundaries[0] < student_float < boundaries[1]:
is_correct = 'correct'
if self.has_partial_credit is False:
elif 'close' in self.credit_type:
# Partial credit: 50% if the student is outside the specified boundaries,
# but within an extended set of boundaries.
extended_boundaries = []
boundary_range = boundaries[1] - boundaries[0]
extended_boundaries.append(boundaries[0] - partial_range * boundary_range)
extended_boundaries.append(boundaries[1] + partial_range * boundary_range)
if extended_boundaries[0] < student_float < extended_boundaries[1]:
is_correct = 'partially-correct'
correct = boundaries[0] < student_float < boundaries[1]
correct_float = self.get_staff_ans(self.correct_answer)
# Partial credit is available in three cases:
# If the student answer is within expanded tolerance of the actual answer,
# the student gets 50% credit. (Currently set as the default.)
# Set via partial_credit="close" in the numericalresponse tag.
# If the student answer is within regular tolerance of an alternative answer,
# the student gets 50% credit. (Same default.)
# Set via partial_credit="list"
# If the student answer is within expanded tolerance of an alternative answer,
# the student gets 25%. (We take the 50% and square it, at the moment.)
# Set via partial_credit="list,close" or "close, list" or the like.
if str(self.tolerance).endswith('%'):
expanded_tolerance = str(partial_range * float(str(self.tolerance)[:-1])) + '%'
expanded_tolerance = partial_range * float(self.tolerance)
if compare_with_tolerance(student_float, correct_float, self.tolerance):
is_correct = 'correct'
elif self.has_partial_credit is False:
elif 'list' in self.credit_type:
for value in partial_answers:
if compare_with_tolerance(student_float, value, self.tolerance):
is_correct = 'partially-correct'
elif 'close' in self.credit_type:
if compare_with_tolerance(student_float, correct_float, expanded_tolerance):
is_correct = 'partially-correct'
elif compare_with_tolerance(student_float, value, expanded_tolerance):
is_correct = 'partially-correct'
partial_score = partial_score * partial_score
elif 'close' in self.credit_type:
if compare_with_tolerance(student_float, correct_float, expanded_tolerance):
is_correct = 'partially-correct'
if is_correct == 'partially-correct':
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, is_correct, npoints=partial_score)
correct = compare_with_tolerance(
student_float, correct_float, self.tolerance
if correct:
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'correct')
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, is_correct)
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
def compare_answer(self, ans1, ans2):
......@@ -2327,9 +1867,6 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
code = None
expect = None
# Standard amount for partial credit if not otherwise specified:
default_pc = 0.5
def setup_response(self):
xml = self.xml
......@@ -2506,12 +2043,7 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
if grade_decimals:
npoints = max_points * grade_decimals[k]
if correct[k] == 'correct':
npoints = max_points
elif correct[k] == 'partially-correct':
npoints = max_points * self.default_pc
npoints = 0
npoints = max_points if correct[k] == 'correct' else 0
correct_map.set(idset[k], correct[k], msg=messages[k],
return correct_map
......@@ -2552,30 +2084,13 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
if isinstance(ret, dict):
# One kind of dictionary the check function can return has the
# form {'ok': BOOLEAN or STRING, 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal' (optional): FLOAT (between 0.0 and 1.0)}
# form {'ok': BOOLEAN, 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal' (optional): FLOAT (between 0.0 and 1.0)}
# 'ok' will control the checkmark, while grade_decimal, if present, will scale
# the score the student receives on the response.
# If there are multiple inputs, they all get marked
# to the same correct/incorrect value
if 'ok' in ret:
# Returning any falsy value or the "false" string for "ok" gives incorrect.
# Returning any string that includes "partial" for "ok" gives partial credit.
# Returning any other truthy value for "ok" gives correct
ok_val = str(ret['ok']).lower().strip() if bool(ret['ok']) else 'false'
if ok_val == 'false':
correct = 'incorrect'
elif 'partial' in ok_val:
correct = 'partially-correct'
correct = 'correct'
correct = [correct] * len(idset) # All inputs share the same mark.
# old version, no partial credit:
# correct = ['correct' if ret['ok'] else 'incorrect'] * len(idset)
correct = ['correct' if ret['ok'] else 'incorrect'] * len(idset)
msg = ret.get('msg', None)
msg = self.clean_message_html(msg)
......@@ -2587,14 +2102,9 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
self.context['messages'][0] = msg
if 'grade_decimal' in ret:
decimal = float(ret['grade_decimal'])
decimal = ret['grade_decimal']
if correct[0] == 'correct':
decimal = 1.0
elif correct[0] == 'partially-correct':
decimal = self.default_pc
decimal = 0.0
decimal = 1.0 if ret['ok'] else 0.0
grade_decimals = [decimal] * len(idset)
self.context['grade_decimals'] = grade_decimals
......@@ -2602,11 +2112,7 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
# the form:
# { 'overall_message': STRING,
# 'input_list': [
# {
# 'ok': BOOLEAN or STRING,
# 'msg': STRING,
# 'grade_decimal' (optional): FLOAT (between 0.0 and 1.0)
# },
# { 'ok': BOOLEAN, 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal' (optional): FLOAT (between 0.0 and 1.0)},
# ...
# ]
# }
......@@ -2623,35 +2129,16 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
correct = []
messages = []
grade_decimals = []
# Returning any falsy value or the "false" string for "ok" gives incorrect.
# Returning any string that includes "partial" for "ok" gives partial credit.
# Returning any other truthy value for "ok" gives correct
for input_dict in input_list:
if str(input_dict['ok']).lower().strip() == "false" or not input_dict['ok']:
elif 'partial' in str(input_dict['ok']).lower().strip():
# old version, no partial credit
# correct.append('correct'
# if input_dict['ok'] else 'incorrect')
if input_dict['ok'] else 'incorrect')
msg = (self.clean_message_html(input_dict['msg'])
if 'msg' in input_dict else None)
if 'grade_decimal' in input_dict:
decimal = input_dict['grade_decimal']
if str(input_dict['ok']).lower().strip() == 'true':
decimal = 1.0
elif 'partial' in str(input_dict['ok']).lower().strip():
decimal = self.default_pc
decimal = 0.0
decimal = 1.0 if input_dict['ok'] else 0.0
self.context['messages'] = messages
......@@ -2668,21 +2155,7 @@ class CustomResponse(LoncapaResponse):
# Returning any falsy value or the "false" string for "ok" gives incorrect.
# Returning any string that includes "partial" for "ok" gives partial credit.
# Returning any other truthy value for "ok" gives correct
if str(ret).lower().strip() == "false" or not bool(ret):
correct = 'incorrect'
elif 'partial' in str(ret).lower().strip():
correct = 'partially-correct'
correct = 'correct'
correct = [correct] * len(idset)
# old version, no partial credit:
# correct = ['correct' if ret else 'incorrect'] * len(idset)
correct = ['correct' if ret else 'incorrect'] * len(idset)
self.context['correct'] = correct
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<div id="input_${id}_preview" class="equation"></div>
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
if status == 'correct':
correctness = 'correct'
elif status == 'partially-correct':
correctness = 'partially-correct'
elif status == 'incorrect':
correctness = 'incorrect'
......@@ -33,7 +31,7 @@
/> ${choice_description}
% if input_type == 'radio' and ( (isinstance(value, basestring) and (choice_id == value)) or (not isinstance(value, basestring) and choice_id in value) ):
% if status in ('correct', 'partially-correct', 'incorrect') and not show_correctness=='never':
% if status in ('correct', 'incorrect') and not show_correctness=='never':
<span class="sr status">${choice_description|h} - ${status.display_name}</span>
% endif
% endif
......@@ -62,4 +60,4 @@
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
correctness = 'correct'
elif status == 'incorrect':
correctness = 'incorrect'
elif status == 'partially-correct':
correctness = 'partially-correct'
correctness = None
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/sylvester.js"></div>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/crystallography.js"></div>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="status ${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/capa/protex/protex.nocache.js?raw"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${applet_loader}"/>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${STATIC_URL}js/capa/drag_and_drop.js"></div>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/capa/genex/genex.nocache.js?raw"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${applet_loader}"/>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
<section id="editamoleculeinput_${id}" class="editamoleculeinput">
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${applet_loader}"/>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div class="error_message" style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; background-color:#FA6666; height:60px;width:400px; display: none"></div>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${jschannel_loader}"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${jsinput_loader}"/>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<div class="error_message" style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; background-color:#FA6666; height:60px;width:400px; display: none"></div>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${preprocessor['script_src']}"/>
% endif
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete'):
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete'):
<div class="${status.classname} ${doinline}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
% if hidden:
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
% endif
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete'):
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete'):
% endif
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/vsepr/vsepr.js"></div>
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ class ResponseXMLFactory(object):
*num_inputs*: The number of input elements
to create [DEFAULT: 1]
*credit_type*: String of comma-separated words specifying the
partial credit grading scheme.
Returns a string representation of the XML tree.
......@@ -61,7 +58,6 @@ class ResponseXMLFactory(object):
script = kwargs.get('script', None)
num_responses = kwargs.get('num_responses', 1)
num_inputs = kwargs.get('num_inputs', 1)
credit_type = kwargs.get('credit_type', None)
# The root is <problem>
root = etree.Element("problem")
......@@ -79,11 +75,6 @@ class ResponseXMLFactory(object):
# Add the response(s)
for __ in range(int(num_responses)):
response_element = self.create_response_element(**kwargs)
# Set partial credit
if credit_type is not None:
response_element.set('partial_credit', str(credit_type))
# Add input elements
......@@ -141,10 +132,6 @@ class ResponseXMLFactory(object):
*choice_names": List of strings identifying the choices.
If specified, you must ensure that
len(choice_names) == len(choices)
*points*: List of strings giving partial credit values (0-1)
for each choice. Interpreted as floats in problem.
If specified, ensure len(points) == len(choices)
# Names of group elements
group_element_names = {
......@@ -157,23 +144,15 @@ class ResponseXMLFactory(object):
choices = kwargs.get('choices', [True])
choice_type = kwargs.get('choice_type', 'multiple')
choice_names = kwargs.get('choice_names', [None] * len(choices))
points = kwargs.get('points', [None] * len(choices))
# Create the <choicegroup>, <checkboxgroup>, or <radiogroup> element
assert choice_type in group_element_names
group_element = etree.Element(group_element_names[choice_type])
# Create the <choice> elements
for (correct_val, name, pointval) in zip(choices, choice_names, points):
for (correct_val, name) in zip(choices, choice_names):
choice_element = etree.SubElement(group_element, "choice")
if correct_val is True:
correctness = 'true'
elif correct_val is False:
correctness = 'false'
elif 'partial' in correct_val:
correctness = 'partial'
choice_element.set('correct', correctness)
choice_element.set("correct", "true" if correct_val else "false")
# Add a name identifying the choice, if one exists
# For simplicity, we use the same string as both the
......@@ -182,10 +161,6 @@ class ResponseXMLFactory(object):
choice_element.text = str(name)
choice_element.set("name", str(name))
# Add point values for partially-correct choices.
if pointval:
choice_element.set("point_value", str(pointval))
return group_element
......@@ -201,22 +176,10 @@ class NumericalResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
*tolerance*: The tolerance within which a response
is considered correct. Can be a decimal (e.g. "0.01")
or percentage (e.g. "2%")
*credit_type*: String of comma-separated words specifying the
partial credit grading scheme.
*partial_range*: The multiplier for the tolerance that will
still provide partial credit in the "close" grading style
*partial_answers*: A string of comma-separated alternate
answers that will receive partial credit in the "list" style
answer = kwargs.get('answer', None)
tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', None)
credit_type = kwargs.get('credit_type', None)
partial_range = kwargs.get('partial_range', None)
partial_answers = kwargs.get('partial_answers', None)
response_element = etree.Element('numericalresponse')
......@@ -230,13 +193,6 @@ class NumericalResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
responseparam_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, 'responseparam')
responseparam_element.set('type', 'tolerance')
responseparam_element.set('default', str(tolerance))
if partial_range is not None and 'close' in credit_type:
responseparam_element.set('partial_range', str(partial_range))
if partial_answers is not None and 'list' in credit_type:
# The line below throws a false positive pylint violation, so it's excepted.
responseparam_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, 'responseparam') # pylint: disable=E1101
responseparam_element.set('partial_answers', partial_answers)
return response_element
......@@ -673,25 +629,15 @@ class OptionResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
*options*: a list of possible options the user can choose from [REQUIRED]
You must specify at least 2 options.
*correct_option*: a string with comma-separated correct choices [REQUIRED]
*partial_option*: a string with comma-separated partially-correct choices
*point_values*: a string with comma-separated values (0-1) that give the
partial credit values in the "points" grading scheme.
Must have one per partial option.
*credit_type*: String of comma-separated words specifying the
partial credit grading scheme.
*correct_option*: the correct choice from the list of options [REQUIRED]
options_list = kwargs.get('options', None)
correct_option = kwargs.get('correct_option', None)
partial_option = kwargs.get('partial_option', None)
point_values = kwargs.get('point_values', None)
credit_type = kwargs.get('credit_type', None)
assert options_list and correct_option
assert len(options_list) > 1
for option in correct_option.split(','):
assert option.strip() in options_list
assert correct_option in options_list
# Create the <optioninput> element
optioninput_element = etree.Element("optioninput")
......@@ -705,15 +651,6 @@ class OptionResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
# Set the "correct" attribute
optioninput_element.set('correct', str(correct_option))
# If we have 'points'-style partial credit...
if 'points' in str(credit_type):
# Set the "partial" attribute
optioninput_element.set('partial', str(partial_option))
# Set the "point_values" attribute, if it's specified.
if point_values is not None:
optioninput_element.set('point_values', str(point_values))
return optioninput_element
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class CorrectMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.cmap = CorrectMap()
def test_set_input_properties(self):
# Set the correctmap properties for three inputs
# Set the correctmap properties for two inputs
......@@ -41,34 +41,15 @@ class CorrectMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Assert that each input has the expected properties
# Intentionally testing an item that's not in cmap.
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_correctness('2_2_1'), 'incorrect')
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_correctness('3_2_1'), 'partially-correct')
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 5)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('2_2_1'), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('3_2_1'), 3)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_msg('1_2_1'), 'Test message')
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_msg('2_2_1'), None)
......@@ -102,8 +83,6 @@ class CorrectMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
# 3) incorrect, 5 points
# 4) incorrect, None points
# 5) correct, 0 points
# 4) partially correct, 2.5 points
# 5) partially correct, None points
......@@ -134,30 +113,15 @@ class CorrectMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Assert that we get the expected points
# If points assigned --> npoints
# If no points assigned and correct --> 1 point
# If no points assigned and partially correct --> 1 point
# If no points assigned and incorrect --> 0 points
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 5.3)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('2_2_1'), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('3_2_1'), 5)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('4_2_1'), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('5_2_1'), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('6_2_1'), 2.5)
self.assertEqual(self.cmap.get_npoints('7_2_1'), 1)
def test_set_overall_message(self):
......@@ -82,23 +82,6 @@ class ResponseTest(unittest.TestCase):
result = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': input_str}).get_correctness('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(result, 'incorrect')
def assert_multiple_partial(self, problem, correct_answers, incorrect_answers, partial_answers):
Runs multiple asserts for varying correct, incorrect,
and partially correct answers, all passed as lists.
for input_str in correct_answers:
result = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': input_str}).get_correctness('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(result, 'correct')
for input_str in incorrect_answers:
result = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': input_str}).get_correctness('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(result, 'incorrect')
for input_str in partial_answers:
result = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': input_str}).get_correctness('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(result, 'partially-correct')
def _get_random_number_code(self):
"""Returns code to be used to generate a random result."""
return "str(random.randint(0, 1e9))"
......@@ -120,14 +103,6 @@ class MultiChoiceResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_1', 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_2', 'incorrect')
def test_partial_multiple_choice_grade(self):
problem = self.build_problem(choices=[False, True, 'partial'], credit_type='points')
# Ensure that we get the expected grades
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_0', 'incorrect')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_1', 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_2', 'partially-correct')
def test_named_multiple_choice_grade(self):
problem = self.build_problem(choices=[False, True, False],
choice_names=["foil_1", "foil_2", "foil_3"])
......@@ -137,38 +112,6 @@ class MultiChoiceResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_foil_2', 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_foil_3', 'incorrect')
def test_multiple_choice_valid_grading_schemes(self):
# Multiple Choice problems only allow one partial credit scheme.
# Change this test if that changes.
problem = self.build_problem(choices=[False, True, 'partial'], credit_type='points,points')
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'choice_1'}
# 'bongo' is not a valid grading scheme.
problem = self.build_problem(choices=[False, True, 'partial'], credit_type='bongo')
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'choice_1'}
def test_partial_points_multiple_choice_grade(self):
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=['partial', 'partial', 'partial'],
points=['1', '0.6', '0']
# Ensure that we get the expected number of points
# Using assertAlmostEqual to avoid floating point issues
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'choice_0'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 1)
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'choice_1'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.6)
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'choice_2'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0)
class TrueFalseResponseTest(ResponseTest):
xml_factory_class = TrueFalseResponseXMLFactory
......@@ -409,77 +352,6 @@ class OptionResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# Options not in the list should be marked incorrect
self.assert_grade(problem, "invalid_option", "incorrect")
def test_grade_multiple_correct(self):
problem = self.build_problem(
options=["first", "second", "third"],
# Assert that we get the expected grades
self.assert_grade(problem, "first", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "correct")
self.assert_grade(problem, "third", "correct")
def test_grade_partial_credit(self):
# Testing the "points" style.
problem = self.build_problem(
options=["first", "second", "third"],
# Assert that we get the expected grades
self.assert_grade(problem, "first", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "correct")
self.assert_grade(problem, "third", "partially-correct")
def test_grade_partial_credit_with_points(self):
# Testing the "points" style with specified point values.
problem = self.build_problem(
options=["first", "second", "third"],
# Assert that we get the expected grades and scores
self.assert_grade(problem, "first", "incorrect")
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'first'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0)
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "correct")
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'second'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 1)
self.assert_grade(problem, "third", "partially-correct")
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'third'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.3)
def test_grade_partial_credit_valid_scheme(self):
# Only one type of partial credit currently allowed.
problem = self.build_problem(
options=["first", "second", "third"],
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'second'}
# 'bongo' is not a valid grading scheme.
problem = self.build_problem(
options=["first", "second", "third"],
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'second'}
def test_quote_option(self):
# Test that option response properly escapes quotes inside options strings
problem = self.build_problem(options=["hasnot", "hasn't", "has'nt"],
......@@ -511,29 +383,6 @@ class OptionResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_property('1_2_1', 'answervariable'), '$a')
def test_variable_options_partial_credit(self):
Test that if variable are given in option response then correct map must contain answervariable value.
This is the partial-credit version.
script = textwrap.dedent("""\
a = 1000
b = a*2
c = a*3
problem = self.build_problem(
options=['$a', '$b', '$c'],
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '2000'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'partially-correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_property('1_2_1', 'answervariable'), '$b')
class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
......@@ -1262,112 +1111,6 @@ class ChoiceResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# No choice 3 exists --> mark incorrect
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_3', 'incorrect')
def test_checkbox_group_valid_grading_schemes(self):
# Checkbox-type problems only allow one partial credit scheme.
# Change this test if that changes.
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True],
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'choice_1'}
# 'bongo' is not a valid grading scheme.
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True],
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'choice_1'}
def test_checkbox_group_partial_credit_grade(self):
# First: Every Decision Counts grading style
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True],
# Check that we get the expected results
# (correct if and only if BOTH correct choices chosen)
# (partially correct if at least one choice is right)
# (incorrect if totally wrong)
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1'], 'incorrect')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_0', 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_2', 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'partially-correct')
# Second: Halves grading style
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True],
# Check that we get the expected results
# (correct if and only if BOTH correct choices chosen)
# (partially correct on one error)
# (incorrect for more errors, at least with this # of choices.)
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1'], 'incorrect')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_2', 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'incorrect')
# Third: Halves grading style with more options
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True, False],
# Check that we get the expected results
# (2 errors allowed with 5+ choices)
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_4'], 'incorrect')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, 'choice_2', 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3'], 'partially-correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, ['choice_0', 'choice_1', 'choice_2', 'choice_3', 'choice_4'], 'incorrect')
def test_checkbox_group_partial_points_grade(self):
# Ensure that we get the expected number of points
# Using assertAlmostEqual to avoid floating point issues
# First: Every Decision Counts grading style
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True],
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'choice_2'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.75)
# Second: Halves grading style
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True],
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'choice_2'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.5)
# Third: Halves grading style with more options
problem = self.build_problem(
choices=[False, False, True, True, False],
correct_map = problem.grade_answers({'1_2_1': 'choice_2,choice4'})
self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.25)
def test_grade_with_no_checkbox_selected(self):
Test that answer marked as incorrect if no checkbox selected.
......@@ -1428,7 +1171,7 @@ class NumericalResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# For simple things its not worth the effort.
def test_grade_range_tolerance(self):
problem_setup = [
# [given_answer, [list of correct responses], [list of incorrect responses]]
# [given_asnwer, [list of correct responses], [list of incorrect responses]]
['[5, 7)', ['5', '6', '6.999'], ['4.999', '7']],
['[1.6e-5, 1.9e24)', ['0.000016', '1.6*10^-5', '1.59e24'], ['1.59e-5', '1.9e24', '1.9*10^24']],
['[0, 1.6e-5]', ['1.6*10^-5'], ["2"]],
......@@ -1438,41 +1181,6 @@ class NumericalResponseTest(ResponseTest):
problem = self.build_problem(answer=given_answer)
self.assert_multiple_grade(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses)
def test_grade_range_tolerance_partial_credit(self):
problem_setup = [
# [given_answer,
# [list of correct responses],
# [list of incorrect responses],
# [list of partially correct responses]]
'[5, 7)',
['5', '6', '6.999'],
['0', '100'],
['4', '8']
'[1.6e-5, 1.9e24)',
['0.000016', '1.6*10^-5', '1.59e24'],
['-1e26', '1.9e26', '1.9*10^26'],
['0', '2e24']
'[0, 1.6e-5]',
['1.9e-5', '-1e-6']
'(1.6e-5, 10]',
['-20', '30'],
['-1', '12']
for given_answer, correct_responses, incorrect_responses, partial_responses in problem_setup:
problem = self.build_problem(answer=given_answer, credit_type='close')
self.assert_multiple_partial(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses, partial_responses)
def test_grade_range_tolerance_exceptions(self):
# no complex number in range tolerance staff answer
problem = self.build_problem(answer='[1j, 5]')
......@@ -1510,61 +1218,6 @@ class NumericalResponseTest(ResponseTest):
incorrect_responses = ["", "3.9", "4.1", "0"]
self.assert_multiple_grade(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses)
def test_grade_partial(self):
# First: "list"-style grading scheme.
problem = self.build_problem(
correct_responses = ["4", "4.0"]
incorrect_responses = ["1", "3", "4.1", "0", "-2"]
partial_responses = ["2", "2.0", "-4", "-4.0", "8", "8.0"]
self.assert_multiple_partial(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses, partial_responses)
# Second: "close"-style grading scheme. Default range is twice tolerance.
problem = self.build_problem(
correct_responses = ["4", "4.1", "3.9"]
incorrect_responses = ["1", "3", "4.5", "0", "-2"]
partial_responses = ["4.3", "3.7"]
self.assert_multiple_partial(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses, partial_responses)
# Third: "close"-style grading scheme with partial_range set.
problem = self.build_problem(
correct_responses = ["4", "4.1"]
incorrect_responses = ["1", "3", "0", "-2"]
partial_responses = ["4.5", "3.5"]
self.assert_multiple_partial(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses, partial_responses)
# Fourth: both "list"- and "close"-style grading schemes at once.
problem = self.build_problem(
correct_responses = ["4", "4.0"]
incorrect_responses = ["1", "3", "0", "-2"]
partial_responses = ["2", "2.1", "1.5", "8", "7.5", "8.1", "-4", "-4.15", "-3.5", "4.5", "3.5"]
self.assert_multiple_partial(problem, correct_responses, incorrect_responses, partial_responses)
def test_numerical_valid_grading_schemes(self):
# 'bongo' is not a valid grading scheme.
problem = self.build_problem(answer=4, tolerance=0.1, credit_type='bongo')
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '4'}
with self.assertRaises(LoncapaProblemError):
def test_grade_decimal_tolerance(self):
problem = self.build_problem(answer=4, tolerance=0.1)
correct_responses = ["4.0", "4.00", "4.09", "3.91"]
......@@ -1791,18 +1444,11 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# or an ordered list of answers (if there are multiple inputs)
# The function should return a dict of the form
# { 'ok': BOOL or STRING, 'msg': STRING } (no 'grade_decimal' key to test that it's optional)
# { 'ok': BOOL, 'msg': STRING } (no 'grade_decimal' key to test that it's optional)
script = textwrap.dedent("""
def check_func(expect, answer_given):
partial_credit = '21'
if answer_given == expect:
retval = True
elif answer_given == partial_credit:
retval = 'partial'
retval = False
return {'ok': retval, 'msg': 'Message text'}
return {'ok': answer_given == expect, 'msg': 'Message text'}
problem = self.build_problem(script=script, cfn="check_func", expect="42")
......@@ -1819,18 +1465,6 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assertEqual(msg, "Message text")
self.assertEqual(npoints, 1)
# Partially Credit answer
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '21'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1')
msg = correct_map.get_msg('1_2_1')
npoints = correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'partially-correct')
self.assertEqual(msg, "Message text")
self.assertTrue(0 <= npoints <= 1)
# Incorrect answer
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '0'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
......@@ -1852,24 +1486,14 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# or an ordered list of answers (if there are multiple inputs)
# The function should return a dict of the form
# { 'ok': BOOL or STRING, 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal': FLOAT }
# { 'ok': BOOL, 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal': FLOAT }
script = textwrap.dedent("""
def check_func(expect, answer_given):
partial_credit = '21'
if answer_given == expect:
retval = True
score = 0.9
elif answer_given == partial_credit:
retval = 'partial'
score = 0.5
retval = False
score = 0.1
return {
'ok': retval,
'ok': answer_given == expect,
'msg': 'Message text',
'grade_decimal': score,
'grade_decimal': 0.9 if answer_given == expect else 0.1,
......@@ -1887,28 +1511,16 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.1)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'incorrect')
# Partially Correct answer
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '21'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.5)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'partially-correct')
def test_function_code_multiple_input_no_msg(self):
# Check functions also have the option of returning
# a single boolean or string value
# a single boolean value
# If true, mark all the inputs correct
# If one is true but not the other, mark all partially correct
# If false, mark all the inputs incorrect
script = textwrap.dedent("""
def check_func(expect, answer_given):
if answer_given[0] == expect and answer_given[1] == expect:
retval = True
elif answer_given[0] == expect or answer_given[1] == expect:
retval = 'partial'
retval = False
return retval
return (answer_given[0] == expect and
answer_given[1] == expect)
problem = self.build_problem(script=script, cfn="check_func",
......@@ -1924,23 +1536,11 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2')
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'correct')
# One answer incorrect -- expect both inputs marked partially correct
# One answer incorrect -- expect both inputs marked incorrect
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '0', '1_2_2': '42'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'partially-correct')
self.assertTrue(0 <= correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1') <= 1)
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2')
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'partially-correct')
self.assertTrue(0 <= correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_2') <= 1)
# Both answers incorrect -- expect both inputs marked incorrect
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '0', '1_2_2': '0'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'incorrect')
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2')
......@@ -1952,8 +1552,7 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# the check function can return a dict of the form:
# {'overall_message': STRING,
# 'input_list': [{'ok': BOOL or STRING, 'msg': STRING}, ...] }
# (no grade_decimal to test it's optional)
# 'input_list': [{'ok': BOOL, 'msg': STRING}, ...] } (no grade_decimal to test it's optional)
# 'overall_message' is displayed at the end of the response
......@@ -1964,20 +1563,18 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
check1 = (int(answer_given[0]) == 1)
check2 = (int(answer_given[1]) == 2)
check3 = (int(answer_given[2]) == 3)
check4 = 'partial' if answer_given[3] == 'four' else False
return {'overall_message': 'Overall message',
'input_list': [
{'ok': check1, 'msg': 'Feedback 1'},
{'ok': check2, 'msg': 'Feedback 2'},
{'ok': check3, 'msg': 'Feedback 3'},
{'ok': check4, 'msg': 'Feedback 4'} ] }
{'ok': check3, 'msg': 'Feedback 3'} ] }
problem = self.build_problem(script=script,
cfn="check_func", num_inputs=4)
cfn="check_func", num_inputs=3)
# Grade the inputs (one input incorrect)
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '-999', '1_2_2': '2', '1_2_3': '3', '1_2_4': 'four'}
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '-999', '1_2_2': '2', '1_2_3': '3'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
# Expect that we receive the overall message (for the whole response)
......@@ -1987,19 +1584,16 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'incorrect')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2'), 'correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_3'), 'correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_4'), 'partially-correct')
# Expect that the inputs were given correct npoints
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_2'), 1)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_3'), 1)
self.assertTrue(0 <= correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_4') <= 1)
# Expect that we received messages for each individual input
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_msg('1_2_1'), 'Feedback 1')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_msg('1_2_2'), 'Feedback 2')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_msg('1_2_3'), 'Feedback 3')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_msg('1_2_4'), 'Feedback 4')
def test_function_code_multiple_inputs_decimal_score(self):
......@@ -2007,8 +1601,7 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
# the check function can return a dict of the form:
# {'overall_message': STRING,
# 'input_list': [{'ok': BOOL or STRING,
# 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal': FLOAT}, ...] }
# 'input_list': [{'ok': BOOL, 'msg': STRING, 'grade_decimal': FLOAT}, ...] }
# #
# 'input_list' contains dictionaries representing the correctness
# and message for each input.
......@@ -2017,51 +1610,39 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
check1 = (int(answer_given[0]) == 1)
check2 = (int(answer_given[1]) == 2)
check3 = (int(answer_given[2]) == 3)
check4 = 'partial' if answer_given[3] == 'four' else False
score1 = 0.9 if check1 else 0.1
score2 = 0.9 if check2 else 0.1
score3 = 0.9 if check3 else 0.1
score4 = 0.7 if check4 == 'partial' else 0.1
return {
'input_list': [
{'ok': check1, 'grade_decimal': score1, 'msg': 'Feedback 1'},
{'ok': check2, 'grade_decimal': score2, 'msg': 'Feedback 2'},
{'ok': check3, 'grade_decimal': score3, 'msg': 'Feedback 3'},
{'ok': check4, 'grade_decimal': score4, 'msg': 'Feedback 4'},
problem = self.build_problem(script=script, cfn="check_func", num_inputs=4)
problem = self.build_problem(script=script, cfn="check_func", num_inputs=3)
# Grade the inputs (one input incorrect)
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '-999', '1_2_2': '2', '1_2_3': '3', '1_2_4': 'four'}
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '-999', '1_2_2': '2', '1_2_3': '3'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
# Expect that the inputs were graded individually
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'incorrect')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2'), 'correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_3'), 'correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_4'), 'partially-correct')
# Expect that the inputs were given correct npoints
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_1'), 0.1)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_2'), 0.9)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_3'), 0.9)
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_npoints('1_2_4'), 0.7)
def test_function_code_with_extra_args(self):
script = textwrap.dedent("""\
def check_func(expect, answer_given, options, dynamath):
assert options == "xyzzy", "Options was %r" % options
partial_credit = '21'
if answer_given == expect:
retval = True
elif answer_given == partial_credit:
retval = 'partial'
retval = False
return {'ok': retval, 'msg': 'Message text'}
return {'ok': answer_given == expect, 'msg': 'Message text'}
problem = self.build_problem(script=script, cfn="check_func", expect="42", options="xyzzy", cfn_extra_args="options dynamath")
......@@ -2076,16 +1657,6 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'correct')
self.assertEqual(msg, "Message text")
# Partially Correct answer
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '21'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
correctness = correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1')
msg = correct_map.get_msg('1_2_1')
self.assertEqual(correctness, 'partially-correct')
self.assertEqual(msg, "Message text")
# Incorrect answer
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '0'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
......@@ -2112,12 +1683,8 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
check1 = (int(answer_given[0]) == 1)
check2 = (int(answer_given[1]) == 2)
check3 = (int(answer_given[2]) == 3)
if (int(answer_given[0]) == -1) and check2 and check3:
return {'ok': 'partial',
'msg': 'Message text'}
return {'ok': (check1 and check2 and check3),
'msg': 'Message text'}
return {'ok': (check1 and check2 and check3),
'msg': 'Message text'}
problem = self.build_problem(script=script,
......@@ -2132,15 +1699,6 @@ class CustomResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2'), 'incorrect')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_3'), 'incorrect')
# Grade the inputs (one input partially correct)
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '-1', '1_2_2': '2', '1_2_3': '3'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
# Everything marked partially correct
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'partially-correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_2'), 'partially-correct')
self.assertEqual(correct_map.get_correctness('1_2_3'), 'partially-correct')
# Grade the inputs (everything correct)
input_dict = {'1_2_1': '1', '1_2_2': '2', '1_2_3': '3'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
$annotation-yellow: rgba(255,255,10,0.3);
$color-copy-tip: rgb(100,100,100);
$correct: $green-d1;
$partiallycorrect: $green-d1;
$incorrect: $red;
// +Extends - Capa
......@@ -76,11 +75,6 @@ h2 {
color: $correct;
.feedback-hint-partially-correct {
margin-top: ($baseline/2);
color: $partiallycorrect;
.feedback-hint-incorrect {
margin-top: ($baseline/2);
color: $incorrect;
......@@ -180,16 +174,6 @@ div.problem {
&.choicegroup_partially-correct {
@include status-icon($partiallycorrect, "\f00c");
border: 2px solid $partiallycorrect;
// keep green for correct answers on hover.
&:hover {
border-color: $partiallycorrect;
&.choicegroup_incorrect {
@include status-icon($incorrect, "\f00d");
border: 2px solid $incorrect;
......@@ -243,11 +227,6 @@ div.problem {
@include status-icon($correct, "\f00c");
// CASE: partially correct answer
&.partially-correct {
@include status-icon($partiallycorrect, "\f00c");
// CASE: incorrect answer
&.incorrect {
@include status-icon($incorrect, "\f00d");
......@@ -359,19 +338,6 @@ div.problem {
&.partially-correct, &.ui-icon-check {
p.status {
display: inline-block;
width: 25px;
height: 20px;
background: url('../images/partially-correct-icon.png') center center no-repeat;
input {
border-color: $partiallycorrect;
&.processing {
p.status {
display: inline-block;
......@@ -747,7 +713,7 @@ div.problem {
height: 46px;
> .incorrect, .partially-correct, .correct, .unanswered {
> .incorrect, .correct, .unanswered {
.status {
display: inline-block;
......@@ -768,18 +734,6 @@ div.problem {
// CASE: partially correct answer
> .partially-correct {
input {
border: 2px solid $partiallycorrect;
.status {
@include status-icon($partiallycorrect, "\f00c");
// CASE: correct answer
> .correct {
......@@ -821,7 +775,7 @@ div.problem {
.indicator-container {
display: inline-block;
.status.correct:after, .status.partially-correct:after, .status.incorrect:after, .status.unanswered:after {
.status.correct:after, .status.incorrect:after, .status.unanswered:after {
@include margin-left(0);
......@@ -987,20 +941,6 @@ div.problem {
.detailed-targeted-feedback-partially-correct {
> p:first-child {
@extend %t-strong;
color: $partiallycorrect;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
font-size: 0.9em;
p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
.detailed-targeted-feedback-correct {
> p:first-child {
@extend %t-strong;
......@@ -1195,14 +1135,6 @@ div.problem {
.result-partially-correct {
background: url('../images/partially-correct-icon.png') left 20px no-repeat;
.result-actual-output {
color: #090;
.result-incorrect {
background: url('../images/incorrect-icon.png') left 20px no-repeat;
......@@ -1408,14 +1340,6 @@ div.problem {
label.choicetextgroup_partially-correct, section.choicetextgroup_partially-correct {
@extend label.choicegroup_partially-correct;
input[type="text"] {
border-color: $partiallycorrect;
label.choicetextgroup_incorrect, section.choicetextgroup_incorrect {
@extend label.choicegroup_incorrect;
......@@ -64,12 +64,6 @@ class ProblemPage(PageObject):
self.q(css='div.problem div.capa_inputtype.textline input').fill(text)
def fill_answer_numerical(self, text):
Fill in the answer to a numerical problem.
self.q(css='div.problem section.inputtype input').fill(text)
def click_check(self):
Click the Check button!
......@@ -90,24 +84,6 @@ class ProblemPage(PageObject):
return self.q(css="div.problem div.capa_inputtype.textline div.correct span.status").is_present()
def simpleprob_is_correct(self):
Is there a "correct" status showing? Works with simple problem types.
return self.q(css="div.problem section.inputtype div.correct span.status").is_present()
def simpleprob_is_partially_correct(self):
Is there a "partially correct" status showing? Works with simple problem types.
return self.q(css="div.problem section.inputtype div.partially-correct span.status").is_present()
def simpleprob_is_incorrect(self):
Is there an "incorrect" status showing? Works with simple problem types.
return self.q(css="div.problem section.inputtype div.incorrect span.status").is_present()
def click_clarification(self, index=0):
Click on an inline icon that can be included in problem text using an HTML <clarification> element:
......@@ -213,35 +213,3 @@ class ProblemWithMathjax(ProblemsTest):
self.assertIn("Hint (2 of 2): mathjax should work2", problem_page.hint_text)
self.assertTrue(problem_page.mathjax_rendered_in_hint, "MathJax did not rendered in problem hint")
class ProblemPartialCredit(ProblemsTest):
Makes sure that the partial credit is appearing properly.
def get_problem(self):
Create a problem with partial credit.
xml = dedent("""
<p>The answer is 1. Partial credit for -1.</p>
<numericalresponse answer="1" partial_credit="list">
<formulaequationinput label="How many miles away from Earth is the sun? Use scientific notation to answer." />
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="0.01" />
<responseparam partial_answers="-1" />
return XBlockFixtureDesc('problem', 'PARTIAL CREDIT TEST PROBLEM', data=xml)
def test_partial_credit(self):
Test that we can see the partial credit value and feedback.
problem_page = ProblemPage(self.browser)
self.assertEqual(problem_page.problem_name, 'PARTIAL CREDIT TEST PROBLEM')
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