<p>${_('If you are new to Studio and having trouble getting started, there are a few things that may be of help:')}</p>
<h3class="title title-3">${_('New to edX Studio?')}</h3>
<p>${_('Click Help in the upper-right corner to get more more information about the Studio page you are viewing. You can also use the links at the bottom of the page to access our continously updated documentation and other Studio resources.')}</p>
<ahref="http://files.edx.org/Getting_Started_with_Studio.pdf"title="This is a PDF Document">${_('Get started by reading Studio\'s Documentation')}</a>
<ahref="${help_doc_urls['doc_url']}"target="_blank">${_("Getting Started with edX Studio")}</a>
<ahref="http://help.edge.edx.org/discussion/new"class="show-tender"title="Use our feedback tool, Tender, to request help">${_('Request help with Studio')}</a>
<ahref="http://help.edge.edx.org/discussion/new"class="show-tender"title="Use our feedback tool, Tender, to request help">${_('Request help with edX Studio')}</a>
<ahref="#sock"class="cta cta-show-sock"><iclass="icon-question-sign"></i><spanclass="copy">${_("Looking for Help with Studio?")}</span></a>
<ahref="#sock"class="cta cta-show-sock"><iclass="icon-question-sign"></i><spanclass="copy">${_("Looking for help with Studio?")}</span></a>
<divclass="wrapper-inner wrapper">
<h2class="title sr">${_("edX Studio Help")}</h2>
<h2class="title sr">${_("edX Studio Documentation")}</h2>
<h3class="title">${_("Studio Support")}</h3>
<h3class="title">${_("edX Studio Documentation")}</h3>
<p>${_("Need help with Studio? Creating a course is complex, so we're here to help. Take advantage of our documentation, help center, as well as our edX101 introduction course for course authors.")}</p>
<p>${_("You can click Help in the upper right corner of any page to get more information about the page you're on. You can also use the links below to download the Building and Running an edX Course PDF file, to go to the edX Author Support site, or to enroll in edX101.")}</p>
<ahref="http://files.edx.org/Getting_Started_with_Studio.pdf"class="action action-primary"title="${_("ThisisaPDFDocument")}">${_("Download Studio Documentation")}</a>
<spanclass="tip">${_("How to use Studio to build your course")}</span>
<ahref="${help_doc_urls['pdf_url']}"target="_blank"rel="external"class="action action-primary">${_("Building and Running an edX Course PDF")}</a>
<ahref="http://help.edge.edx.org/"rel="external"class="action action-primary">${_("Studio Help Center")}</a>
<spanclass="tip">${_("Studio Help Center")}</span>
<ahref="http://help.edge.edx.org/"rel="external"class="action action-primary">${_("edX Studio Author Support")}</a>
<spanclass="tip">${_("edX Studio Author Support")}</span>
<ahref="https://edge.edx.org/courses/edX/edX101/How_to_Create_an_edX_Course/about"rel="external"class="action action-primary">${_("Enroll in edX101")}</a>
<spanclass="tip">${_("How to use Studio to build your course")}</span>
<spanclass="tip">${_("How to use edX Studio to build your course")}</span>
<h3class="title">${_("Contact us about Studio")}</h3>
<h3class="title">${_("Request help with edX Studio")}</h3>
<p>${_("Have problems, questions, or suggestions about Studio? We're also here to listen to any feedback you want to share.")}</p>
<p>${_("Have problems, questions, or suggestions about edX Studio?")}</p>